Page 40 of Her Italian Soldier
She heard him suck in his breath. “If you’re telling me you don’t want me, you’d be lying.”
“I want you very much,” she confessed with total candor. “But I’m sure your doctor told you it’s too soon after your surgery.”
“If he did—” Lucca’s words came out like a growl “—I was probably too drugged to hear him.”
“Then all the more reason to consult a doctor here. If this plate can be removed, then you don’t want to injure what has been repaired to this point. It’s not worth the risk. We can thank Fortunato for showing up before any harm was done the other morning.”
She pulled into the drive and shut off the motor. Before he touched her, she sprang from the front seat, eager to see what he wanted christened.
Lucca moved ahead of her and opened the French doors to the terrace. “It’s out here.”
She followed him and looked to the left. “A swing!” It was long and roomy, just his size, with padded arms and extra cushions. The floral pattern matched the colors of the farmhouse’s exterior. “Ho
w perfect for you!”
“For us,” he corrected. “If you’ll sit at this end, I can put my head in your lap and stretch my legs.”
He had her royally caught, but it was where she wanted to be. As soon as she’d seated herself, he sat next to her, then lay down, extending his hard-muscled length where he could prop his feet on the cushion.
Lucca caught her hands and kissed the palms. “Since this is our favorite place in the house, I decided I wanted us to be comfortable. Our family used to have another one, but it got old and died.”
The reality of Lucca made this her favorite place on earth. She looked down into his eyes and got lost in them.
“Come closer, Annabelle.”
She needed no urging, but the awkward position made it difficult. “I have a better idea,” she whispered against his lips. “Sit up for a moment.” When he did, she slid off the swing. “Lie down so I can kiss you the way I want.” She would indulge herself for a little while longer without hurting his leg.
Annabelle got on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their mouths fused at the same moment in an erotic explosion of need. No experience in life could have prepared her for this kind of ardor. The giving and taking transported her. His exploration of her features and mouth sent her into another realm of pleasure too exquisite to describe. She gasped softly because her emotions were brimming over.
He plunged his hands in her hair. “I could eat you alive, Annabelle.”
She buried her face in his neck. “I thought that was what I was doing to you. It’s a good thing I’ll be going back to California soon. Otherwise you won’t be safe from me,” she joked, but was hoping with all her heart he might tell her he wanted her to stay with him permanently.
Instead he said, “Back to what?” He sounded upset. His free hand still cupped the back of her head.
“My job with Mel, at least for the foreseeable future. I’ll have to ease him into the idea that I’m returning to nursing.”
Still no hint from Lucca that he wanted her to be in his future.
She pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “Lie there and relax. This swing is perfect for you to lounge on. While you do that, I need to get ready for bed.”
He frowned. “It’s not that late.”
Lucca needed company. She needed more than that. “It is for me. Tomorrow I have to be in Capri early. On my return I’ll pick up some groceries and fix us dinner. How does that sound?”
By the expression on his arresting face, he needed appeasing. “You’ll cook me something American?”
She kissed his jaw. “The kind of food my family loves.”
That seemed to cheer him up to an extent. “When do you think you’ll be back?”
“I’m not sure. Capri is only twenty miles from here, but with the traffic, it could be several hours.” She kissed his lips. “I promise to hurry.”
“If I’m not here, just let yourself in with your key.”
Naturally he had his own life to lead. Now that he didn’t need to worry about being seen, he could call on his family to get him around, or take a taxi. “Do you need anything before I go to my room?”
“Only you.” He gave her one last ravenous kiss until she could hardly breathe.