Page 55 of Her Italian Soldier
With those words spoken as the new slogan, the filming came to an end. After a year or more of planning, the night Guilio had dreamed about was over. Much as Annabelle had been willing to do this favor for him, she was glad she wouldn’t have to do it again. But thank heaven he’d approached her that day in California. Otherwise she would never have met the love of her life.
After the film crew cleared up their equipment and left, Lucca walked over and put his arm around her. “You were a vision up there,” he whispered against the side of her neck.
“Thank you, darling.”
“You were superb, Annabelle.” Guilio had never looked happier. “To show my appreciation, I’m giving Lucca the car and you the diamonds for your wedding presents. Marcella wants you to keep the dress you’re wearing as a memento of this night.”
“I’ll never be able to thank you enough for having faith in me. But most of all—” her voice caught “—I thank you for bringing your wonderful son into the world.”
Lucca’s eyes gleamed as she kissed his father and Maria on either cheek. Later she would thank the designer. “Basilio? No one could have been easier to work with. Thank you for your patience.”
“It was a pleasure, my dear. The whole staff, Giovanni especially, sing your praises.”
“Thank you.”
Lucca was right behind her to embrace his father and stepmother. Then he stunned her when she heard him say, “Would you two mind making sure our bags go back on the plane with you? I’ve got plans for my bride and me.”
Before she knew what was happening, he’d ushered her back to the car and helped her in the passenger side. “Enzo?” he called from behind the wheel to one of the staff. “Would you be good enough to open the bay door for us? I’ve a need to show off my unique driving skills to my gorgeous wife.”
Everyone laughed before he backed them out of the showroom onto the outside lot. He shot Annabelle a mysterious smile before revving the smooth quiet engine. Suddenly they wound around to the main arterial and were whizzing through the streets of Milan.
Annabelle’s heart steamed into her chest. Her gaze fixed on Lucca, who drove with an expertise befitting a fighter pilot. “Where are we going?”
“You mean all the way to Ravello? In this car?”
His smile melted her bones. “That’s what it’s for.”
“I know, but we didn’t bring anything with us. I’m still dressed like the Amalfi Girl!” Her silvery-gold hair radiated out in the warm August night air.
“Since she’ll never be seen in public after tonight, I like the idea of driving around with every man’s fantasy. Don’t look now but you’ve already stopped traffic.”
She blushed. “Lucca …”
“It’s true. The guy in the other lane was staring at you so hard, he just rammed into the back of a truck.”
“You made that up.”
“If you don’t believe me, turn around.” His hand reached out and clasped her thigh. He liked to do that a lot. Every time he did it, the contact made her gasp in pleasure.
“I think you’d better keep both hands on the wheel, darling.”
“Don’t ruin things now and tell me you’re going to be a backseat driver.”
Her eyes filled as she looked at him. “I’m so happy, I’m in pain.”
“So am I, but it’s t
he best kind.”
“There’s a charming palazzo not far from the city. We’ll stop there for the night where I plan to ravish you and hopefully get you pregnant.”
Her heart thudded. “Promise?”
A half hour later they pulled into the grounds and parked the car in a private garage that led to their own luxurious apartment. She hurried inside, sick with excitement. They’d been married several weeks, but every day with him was like the first day. Making love with him had become necessary to her existence.