Page 16 of Absolutely Mine
“Find it. That could help.”
We rode with the lawyer in his BMW the ten minutes to the courthouse.
Standing alone as Eddie conferred with his lawyer on last-minute details, I rubbed my clammy hands on my skirt as we waited to be called. I couldn’t imagine Eddie going to jail for this. If he did, it would be my fault.
Not long after, we were ushered inside. I was actually seated behind the defense table because I was merely there as a witness.
Eddie had chosen the no jury route. I had no idea why, but he had to have his reasons. The judge turned out to be a hard ass and I could see Eddie pale once the proceedings began.
I thought I might puke when I was called. But so far, Eddie’s lawyer had been on the money with how the case would play out. After giving my testimony, I was cross-examined by the prosecution. They pushed that I might have wanted to stay married to Eddie. Luckily, I’d been able to produce the document that had remained buried in my email account. It was time stamped and matched with the records the hotel kept about the requested notary service. Still, it didn’t prove that I’d taken it to the courthouse.
In the end, the lawyer had come through. They had a record of the clerk who would have been on duty that day around the time I said I’d gone. As it turned out, she’d been fired not long after that day for mishandling of files and not logging in information.
I breathed a sigh of relief and grinned at Eddie when he turned and gave me that sexy smile of his.
A couple of hours after we’d been called in, the judge was ready to render a verdict.
“Though I think both of you played a role in not figuring out that you were still married, I’m leaning on the side of youth and ignorance, which isn’t an excuse. I’m going to be lenient, as you did take the steps to get the annulment in good faith. However, Mr. McCabe, if you don’t file a proper annulment for one of these marriages before the close of business tomorrow, I will rule you guilty.” He used the gavel. “This case will resume two days from now.”
Eddie stood and hugged his lawyer before waking into the aisle and hugging me. Even though it technically wasn’t over, he’d basically won. He only had to file our annulment by tomorrow to be cleared from the charges.
“I need a drink. How about you?”
I thought the last thing we should do was drink considering what happened the last time, but I nodded.
He stepped away and handed his lawyer a document. The guy nodded.
I thought I heard him say that he would file it right away, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure.
He dropped us off at the hotel and Eddie took my hand. I followed him to a bar and sat.
“What do you want?” Eddie asked.
For some reason my mind drifted to Sex in the City. The show had been over for years, and I watched for the first time as reruns. Yet I channeled my inner Carrie with a sprinkle of Samantha and said, “Cosmopolitan.”
He gave me a look for which I shrugged. When the bartender arrived, he ordered a scotch for himself. Once our drinks arrived, he lifted his glass in a toast.
“To you,” he began.
“No, to you, Mr. Big—” Quickly, I tried again. “Mr. McCabe.”
His lips twitched, not getting my reference to Sex in the City. Though he probably was thinking about his sex. Which after some more experience under my belt, I could definitely call him Mr. Big for that.
I drained my drink out of sheer embarrassment, feeling my cheeks warm.
“Another?” he asked.
I bobbed my head, trying to get images of Eddie’s cock out of my head. I may have slurped down two more before Eddie suggested we try our hand at the craps table.
“You’re my lucky charm,” he said, holding my hands that cradled the dice.
His piercing eyes burned into my soul, and for a second I thought he might kiss me. Instead, he turned me to the table and instructed me to roll the dice. And I did.
The table erupted when a five and two faced up. I didn’t much understand the game, but when chips were sent our way, I’d guessed we’d won.
Part of me was trying to figure out why Eddie had yet to call his wife and give her the good news. The other part enjoyed his hands on me as he stood behind me as I was once again requested to roll the dice.
We didn’t end our night there, moving between tables and games. Our luck had run hot, and we were told that our room would be on the house. I was too drunk to realize they hadn’t said rooms.