Page 114 of The Spymasters (Men at War 7)
Kappler nodded his understanding.
Okay, Walter, now you can get the hell out of my office.
They were quiet a long moment, then Höss said, “Very well. If there is nothing else you require of me for now.”
“I’ll let you know, Walter. Thank you.”
Höss went to the door, stopped, and looked over his shoulder.
“Herr Kappler?”
Wolfgang Kappler looked up from the stack of papers, his green eyes staring intently. “Yes?”
“It is good to have you back. It’s been very . . . very unnerving around here lately.”
I don’t believe a damn word you said, except maybe the unnerving part.
“Thank you.”
Höss nodded and left, pulling the door closed after him.
* * *
Kappler quickly went to the stack of papers that Höss had brought. He had flipped through them and found the Special Program order when, a moment later, the door opened and Frau Bruna Baur appeared.
“A moment of your time, Herr Kappler?”
He waved her in, and she closed the door.
“I am not clear what I am to do,” she began.
“About what?”
“I just received a call from someone who said they were calling on behalf of Herr Wernher von Braun.”
“They wished to speak to Herr Höss or whoever was now in charge.”
Interesting that they understood the bean counter was serving temporarily until we could replace Schwartz.
“Ordinarily, I would have had Herr Höss take the call. But seeing how you are here now, I thought . . .”
Kappler nodded. “You thought correctly. Any idea what they wanted?”
“No idea. When I asked if there was a message, the reply was simply that the call to Herr von Braun’s office should be returned as soon as possible.”
What could that be about?
Maybe Schwartz is changing his scheduled visit here? Or did he get himself in some hot water?
“Very well. See if you can get them back on the phone. Also, any word from Krupp?”
“Yes, sir. As I said earlier, I called Herr Krupp’s office and left your message. When the call was returned just now, by his assistant, she said that Herr Krupp appreciated your condolences for what happened to his people in the Ruhr bombings, that he offered the same to you for your losses, and that he would be pleased to meet with you the next time you are in Berlin.”
“Very good.”
“It is quite difficult to imagine what has happened in the Ruhr,” she then said.