Page 65 of The Hostage (Presidential Agent 2)
"Alex," the driver said, "I'm sorry."
"We're all sorry, Paul," Darby said.
Darby walked to the taxicab, looked inside for a long moment, and then walked back to where Munz, the driver, and Castillo were standing.
"Alex," Munz said, "I think she should be taken to the hospital. They can't determine what they gave her here."
"They told me," Darby said. "But I think the ambassador would want to see her here. He's on the way."
"Of course," Munz said.
Darby looked at the driver.
"It looks to me like an assassination," the driver said.
"You agree with that, Charley?" Darby asked.
"Could be. I don't know."
Another embassy BMW pulled up, and then a second. A tall, lithe, well-tailored man got out of the backseat, and another man got out of the front passenger seat.
That has to be the ambassador, Castillo decided. And the other guy his bodyguard.
"Well, here comes the ambassador," the driver confirmed.
Ken Lowery, the embassy security officer, and three other men got out of the second BMW. One of the men was a burly Scandinavian type with a nearly shaven head. Castillo decided he was one of the embassy's Marine guards.
Ambassador Silvio and Lowery walked past the outer line of Argentine police. No one tried to stop them.
They must recognize them.
All the others stopped at the line of policemen.
Silvio walked up to them.
"Good morning," he said. "Bring me up to speed."
"Jack is in the taxi, Mr. Ambassador," Darby said. "He has been shot twice in the head."
Silvio looked at Castillo but didn't say anything to him. "Excellency," Munz said, "permit me to be the first to express my most profound regrets."
"Thank you, Colonel," Silvio said in Spanish. "Does anyone know what's happened?"
Before anyone could form a reply, Silvio went on, "Mrs. Masterson?"
"She's in the German Hospital ambulance, Your Excellency," Munz said. "She has apparently been drugged. By the villains."
Silvio's eyebrows rose, but he didn't speak. He started for the ambulance. Munz, Darby, and Lowery walked after him. After a moment-what the hell, I'm supposed to find out what's going on-Castillo walked after them.
As they reached the ambulance, Silvio turned to Castillo.
"You're Mr. Castillo?" he asked.
"Yes, sir."
Silvio knocked at the rear door of the ambulance, and then pulled it open and climbed in. There in the van were two men and a woman, all wearing thin blue hospital coats, all of which carried nameplates with their names, followed by "M.D."