Page 97 of Hello, Sunshine
Thomas wiped his hand on a dishtowel. “I’m normally a pretty great cook,” he said. “Rain will tell you. But moving around is a little less than ideal at the moment.”
He hobbled to the fridge and took out a beer.
“Do you want anything?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I’m good, thanks,” I said.
He tossed over a bottle of water anyway—a small indicator that Rain had told him I was pregnant. She had probably told him as a way of explaining why she couldn’t seem to kick me off her couch.
He motioned toward the kitchen table. “Normally I wouldn’t have any problem standing around awkwardly, but would you mind if we sit awkwardly instead?”
I smiled. “No, that’s fine.”
He headed to the table, pulling out the seat closest to him. I walked over and took the seat across from him.
“It’s a little weird to meet you,” he said.
I wasn’t sure how to read that. But then he smiled—a bright and warm smile, which lit up his whole face and made him look more welcoming than I’m sure he felt.
“I mean, I hear such different things,” he said.
For a second, I thought he meant he was hearing different things from Rain herself. And I took solace in thinking she was at least conflicted about me. That she was at least talking enough about me to suggest she was conflicted. But then I realized he was talking about the things he was hearing from Rain. And from Ethan.
“You’ve made quite an impression on Ethan,” he said. “He says you’ve become pretty good friends.”
I smiled. “He’s a really great guy.”
“Is that what he is?”
I could see his protectiveness. These were two people he cared deeply about.
“Look, Thomas, I understand that you probably don’t want me here . . .”
He shook his head. “I didn’t say that.”
“Well, I’ve been trying to make other arrangements.”
He motioned toward the front door. “Like sleeping next door?”
“I wouldn’t say I was doing a great job.”
He took another swig of beer. “Well. Who is?”
Then he elevated his leg, pulling it up on the chair next to him, rubbing his knee.
“It hurts a lot?” I said.
“Ah, I’ll be all right.” He shrugged. “I’m just a little bummed. I had this whole thing planned for Rain and my anniversary next weekend and it’s going to be tough.”
“What were you planning to do?”
“I was going to take her out to the North Fork, spend the weekend going on a long ride. That’s probably out.”
“You guys could go anyway.”
He considered. “We could. I got my friend Gena to commit to watching Sammy and everything.”
The elusive Gena. “If she bails for any reason, I’ll do it.”