Page 19 of Living the Charade
Tino rocked back on his heels and regarded her. ‘I’m not surprised.’
She flashed him an annoyed look. ‘And why is that? Because I’m not your usual type?’
Since when was a ballbreaker any man’s usual type?
‘Because you act like a startled mouse every time I touch you.’
‘I do not,’ she blustered. ‘But if I do it’s because I don’t want you touching me.’
‘I’m your boyfriend. I’m supposed to touch you.’
‘Not at a business function.’ She frowned.
He felt completely exasperated with her. ‘Anywhere.’ His voice had dropped an octave because he realised just how much he had enjoyed touching her all night. How much he wanted to touch her now.
‘That’s not me,’ she said on a rush.
Her tongue snaked out to moisten her heart-shaped mouth; that succulent bottom lip was now glistening invitingly.
Valentino thrust his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and locked his eyes with hers. ‘If you want people to believe we’re a couple you’re going to have to let me take the lead, because you clearly know diddly squat about relationships.’
She looked at him as if he’d just told her the world was about to end. ‘Now who’s making assumptions? For your information, if we were in a real relationship something else you would know is that I’m not the demonstrative type.’
She had thrust her chin out in that annoyingly superior way again, and Valentino couldn’t resist loading her up. ‘Well, that’s too bad, Miller, because if we were a real couple you’d know that I am.’
Which wasn’t strictly true. Yes, he liked to touch, but he didn’t usually feel the need to grab hold of his dates and stamp his possession all over them in public—or in private come to that. The only reason he had with Miller was because she had avoided eye contact with him most of the evening, and with all the interest in their relationship he’d had to do something to make it appear genuine.
In fact she should be thanking him for taking his role so seriously instead of busting his balls over it.
‘Listen, lady—’
‘No, you listen.’ She stabbed a finger at him as his mother used to do when he was naughty. ‘I am in charge here, and your inability to read my signals is putting this whole farce in jeopardy.’
Tino thrust a hand through his hair and glanced over his shoulder as the lilting murmur of chattering guests wafted on the slight breeze. ‘Is that so?’ he said softly.
‘Yes.’ She folded her arms. ‘Trust me—I know what I’m doing.’
‘Good, because right now anyone watching you spit at me like an angry cat will think we’re having a humdinger of an argument.’
‘That’s fine with me.’ She gave him a cool smile that he knew was meant to put him in his place. ‘It will make our relationship seem more authentic than anything else that’s gone on tonight.’
Valentino saw red at her self-righteous challenge.
He stepped farther into her personal space and gripped her elbows, gratified when her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.
‘What are you doing?’ she demanded in a furious whisper.
Yeah, what are you doing, Ventura?
Tino stared down at her, watching the pulse-point in her neck pick up speed. His body hummed with sexual need and he wondered what it was about her he found just so damned tempting.
She was more librarian than seductress, and yet she couldn’t have had more effect on his body if she’d been standing in front of him naked. It was a thought that was a little disconcerting and one he instantly pushed aside.
He wasn’t that attracted to her. But he was that annoyed with her, and while he might not have ever felt the need to put a woman in her place before he did now. And he’d enjoy it.
‘Why, Miller, I’m just doing what you asked. I’m going to make this farce of a relationship look more authentic.’
Before she could unload on him he took full advantage of her open mouth and planted his own firmly over the top of hers in a kiss that was more about punishment than pleasure.
Or at least it was meant to be. Until she stupidly tried to wriggle away from him and he had to clamp one hand at the back of her head and the other over her butt to hold her still.
She fell into him, her soft breasts nuzzling against his chest, her nipples already diamond-hard. They both stilled; heat and uncertainty a driving force between them. Her silky hair grazed the back of his knuckles and his fingers flexed. Her eyes slid closed, her soft whimper of surrender sending a powerful surge of lust through his whole body.