Page 25 of Living the Charade
‘You just did.’
Oh! Miller swivelled and slammed the bathroom door in his laughing face. He was so arrogant and so full of himself.
Impossible. The most impossible and most gorgeous man she had ever come across.
She leant back against the door and sighed. No wonder he had women lining up outside his hotel rooms to get a glimpse of him. The man was sex on legs and he knew it.
Miller made a frustrated noise through her teeth and her breasts tingled with remembered pleasure as she pulled on her shorts, sports bra and top. A strenuous run would help her forget this morning before her meeting with Dexter and TJ.
Taking a fortifying breath, she decided to ignore Valentino—but that plan instantly unravelled when she opened the bathroom door and noticed him sitting on the side of the bed, tying his shoelaces and dressed as she was.
‘Please tell me you’re not going for a run?’
Valentino looked up. ‘Is there a law against it?’
His eyes immediately dropped to her bare legs and Miller felt slightly uncoordinated as she continued across the room to the closet.
She wanted to say yes, but he would no doubt think she was being uptight again—and anyway it was petty. The man was doing her a favour by being here—albeit a reluctant one—and who was she to tell him he couldn’t go for a run? She might dislike the tumultuous feelings he incited in her just from looking at him, but she was going to have to get used to it if she was going to survive the next twenty-four hours with any degree of dignity. She had already decided she wasn’t going to be his weekend plaything, so how hard could it be?
‘Of course not,’ she said, knowing full well he was a hundred times fitter than she was and would never suggest they run together.
‘You run often?’ he asked.
Miller glanced his way, noting his conciliatory tone. ‘A couple of times a week. You?’ she added, deciding to accept his olive branch.
‘Every morning except Sunday.’
She didn’t want to ask what he did on Sunday mornings. She was afraid her hormones would want her to do more than just visualise it.
He tilted his head, that devilish smile playing around his lips. ‘I get time off for good behaviour.’
The incongruity of that statement brought an instant grin to her face. ‘Yeah, right. I’m sure you were the type of teenager who crawled out of your bedroom window when your parents were asleep and partied all night.’
‘They were called study nights at our house.’ His deadpan expression made her laugh.
When she realised that he was laughing too she quickly sobered. Because she didn’t want to enjoy his company, and by the wary darkening of his eyes he didn’t much want to enjoy hers either.
But still the light-hearted connection persisted and made her nervous. A sudden impulse to place his hand back on her breast and kiss him senseless blindsided her.
‘It’s a beautiful morning. Why don’t we stretch on the beach first?’ he suggested.
Shocked by the unfamiliar emotions driving her thoughts and desperate to break the tension that throbbed between them, Miller cleared her throat and hoped that single gesture hadn’t transmitted to him just how affected she was by his presence.
‘I don’t think we should run together.’
Valentino eyed her dubiously. ‘How will it look if you run off in one direction and I go in the other?’
Telling, probably.
Miller smoothed her eyebrows in a soothing gesture that failed dismally.
She looked down at his long muscular legs dusted with dark hair.
‘Come on, Miller, what are you afraid of?’
Him, for one. Her own feelings, for two. Did he need three? ‘I’ll slow you down,’ she mumbled.
‘I’ll forgive you,’ he replied softly.
Miller sighed. One of her strengths was knowing when she was beaten, but still she was hardly gracious when she said. ‘Okay, but don’t talk to me. I hate people who run and talk at the same time.’
THE morning was beautiful. Peaceful. The air was crisp, but already warmed by the sun beating down from a royal-blue sky, and the fresh scent of saltwater was tart on the silky breeze. Seagulls flew in graceful circles, while others just squatted on the white-gold sand, unaffected by the gentle, almost lackadaisical nature of the waves sweeping towards them.
The beach arced around in a gentle curve towards a rocky outcrop, and as it was in an unpopulated area it was completely deserted at this time of the morning.