Page 52 of Living the Charade
But that still wasn’t the scariest thought churning through her right now. No, the scariest thought had been the sense of connection she had felt when Valentino had joined their bodies together. It had been as if a missing part of herself had slotted into place. A ridiculous notion, and one that made her think that the sooner she got her life back to normal the better.
Valentino shifted beside her and Miller tuned into the laboured sounds of his breathing, the only noise in the otherwise silent room.
‘You’re thinking again.’ His low voice rumbled from deep inside his chest.
‘It’s what I do best.’
‘I think we’ve just discovered another occupation you could channel your energies into.’
Miller smiled weakly, and then gasped as he rolled on top of her and lightly pinned her to the bed. He fisted a hand in her hair and tilted her face up to his. She swallowed. He was so primal, so male. His hold was both possessive and dominant, and it shouldn’t have thrilled her as much as it did.
‘What are you thinking about?’ he persisted.
‘Isn’t that my line?’
‘I think it’s pretty clear what I’m thinking about. What I want to know is if you’re regretting what just happened between us.’
No, she wasn’t regretting it. She was trying to figure it out. ‘No. I probably should, but I don’t.’
‘I’m glad.’
He laid his palm across her forehead and Miller swallowed past the lump in her throat. ‘I’m fine. I told you that.’
‘I’m allowed to check.’ Leaning down, he ran his tongue over her lips, stroking into her mouth as she automatically opened for him.
Miller gasped as pleasure arrowed straight to her pelvis, turning her liquid. She moaned when his knees urged hers wider and he settled himself between her thighs.
‘I want you again,’ he murmured roughly.
‘Really?’ Miller felt him hard between her legs and her trepidation at being here with him evaporated as she sensed just how wrong she had been about this chemistry being one-sided. He wanted her. Badly. And the knowledge gave her a giddy sense of sensual power that amazed her.
TINO woke up early, as usual, and smelt the scent of sex at the same time as he registered that Miller was no longer in his bed.
Confounded, he cracked an eye open and was even more puzzled to find the room empty and silent except for a couple of magpies warbling outside his window.
He was used to a woman clinging after a night of sex. Not that he remembered ever having a night quite like that. He’d been insatiable, and a grin split his face as he recalled how she had matched him the whole way.
He stretched his hands above his head and flexed stiff muscles. Last night had been incredible—and against every one of his rules.
Sort of.
It wasn’t that he’d forbidden himself to have sex this close to race day, it was getting involved emotionally that was the no-go zone. He might have thought about Miller more than he would have liked over the past couple of days, but he knew now that he’d had her in his bed his interest would start to wane. It always did.
Which was why it was good that she would be leaving this morning. He had an enormously busy week, made even more so because he’d had to cancel yesterday’s round of meetings to care for Miller.
Rolling out of bed, he pulled his jeans on and went in search of her to find out what time she wanted him to get the jet ready.
He found her outside, watching the sun rising over the ocean that stretched beyond his backyard. She was completely enveloped in his black robe—so appropriate, he mused—her hair mussed and wavy, the sun’s rays highlighting the gold in amongst the brown.
She turned when she heard the sliding door open and fingered her hair self-consciously. She looked adorable. And uncomfortable.
He immediately sought to put her at ease and ignored the whisper of apprehension that floated across his mind. He didn’t doubt for a minute his ability to control this situation between them.
‘What are you thinking?’
‘I didn’t know men wanted to know what women were thinking so much.’
He studied her, feeling as if he was facing down one of Dante’s highly strung thoroughbreds. ‘I don’t want to know what women are thinking, I want to know what you’re thinking.’
‘I’m thinking that you have a beautiful home. For some reason I took you as a city type.’