Page 42 of Embracing His Syn (Nothing Special 2)
Furi smiled at him; an actual full on, wide smile, and it took Syn’s breath away. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Syn whispered.
“Come here.” Furi pulled him to the small couch. He draped his coat over the back and Syn did the same.
He sat down and tried not to squirm as Furi stared at him, took all of him in, from head-to-toe. His midnight eyes ghosted over Syn’s two Glocks. His badge clipped on his jeans. Syn also had a large phone clipped to his belt along with a two-way radio. He had his suppressor and handcuffs on his left side. He also had his .22 strapped to his ankle. It could seem like a lot to a person at first, but hopefully Furi would get used to it.
Furi tucked a few loose strands of hair behind his ear, and brought his dark gaze back to Syn's “So you’re not just a Detective, you’re a Sergeant. Maybe I should call you Sarge.”
“Maybe you should call me Syn. I actually prefer it. Or if you want, you can call me Corbin.”
“That’s your first name?”
“Yes, but only my team calls me Sarge or Syn.” Syn moved a little closer in the tight space and reached behind Furi to pull the band from his hair, letting it fall freely. “Just call me by my name, please.”
Furi’s eyes shuttered, his head dropping back into Syn's palm as he ran his fingers through the thick strands of Furi's hair. Their thighs rubbed together and Syn immediately wanted more contact. But Syn didn’t know if he was ready for what Furi did next. Furi rose up and straddled Syn’s lap, settling down on top of him.
“Oh fuck,” Syn hissed. Furi stared down at him through long, dark lashes.
Furi’s cock ground into Syn’s pelvis, making him groan at how close he was already. Goddamnit. Syn let his head fall back against the back of the couch as Furi licked and kissed his way down his chin and back up to his mouth. Syn placed his hands on Furi’s hips and let his hands follow Furi’s gyrations. Syn didn’t think he’d ever felt anything that wonderful. “Oh shit, Furious. Don’t make me come in my fucking jeans.”
“Mmmm, Syn,” Furi moaned against the shell of his ear.
Finally. Oh god. Syn grabbed two fist-fulls of hair and ravaged Furi’s mouth. Syn licked and bit every place he could reach. He’d never thought hearing his name spoken would cause an erotic rush deep within him.
“Damn. You’re so fucking sexy,” Syn growled. He was losing control fast. He wanted to throw Furi down and rut against him until he couldn’t see straight. Syn’s head was clouded with pleasure as he begin to thrust up, seeking more contact. He rubbed his hands over muscular thighs before working his way back to Furi’s tight ass. So fucking tight. He massaged those supple mounds over and over again, squeezing his eyes shut at the image of burying himself into Furi’s heat. “Fuck, Furious, I’m getting too close,” Syn moaned, squeezing Furi’s ass hard enough to hurt. This is what ecstasy felt like. He’d never experienced it before, never knew what being high felt like, but what he was feeling had to be as close as it got.
Syn was wrong.
Furi slithered down his body, landing on his knees between Syn’s thighs. Skilled hands begin to unfasten his belt, while piercing lust-filled eyes stared up at him. Furi had Syn exactly where he wanted him. Under his complete control. Syn would’ve said or done anything Furi wanted, as long as he kept looking at him like that and moaning his name.
Furi got Syn’s pants undone and tapped his hips for him to lift up so Furi could pull his pants down along with all that damn hardware. Furi pulled Syn’s boxers down with his pants and let them pool in a heap at his boots. Furi panted hot breaths over his straining cock, not touching, not licking, just breathing on it. “Jesus,” Syn gasped, closing his eyes at the intensity of it all. The way he was feeling right now, there was no denying Syn's true nature.
“Look at me,” Furi ordered in a deep rumble. “Watch every second of this.”
Syn fought to hold up his head, his lids weighed down by his arousal. He watched Furi stick out his thick, pink tongue and run the flat of it up the long vein on the underside of Syn’s cock. He ground his teeth together to keep from yelling loud enough to wake Furi’s landlord upstairs. Syn clenched his fist at his sides, not knowing what the hell to do with his hands. If he buried them in Furi’s hair right now, he just might make the man bald when he came.
Furi swirled his warm tongue around the head of his dick and speared the slit with the tip of his tongue.