Page 64 of Wood: A True Lover's Story
Trent broke away from Wood’s hold. “Don’t you fuckin’ tell me what my damn job—”
“Trent, don’t.” Wood hooked his elbow and stopped him from charging down the hall and getting in that smug asshole’s face. “He’s right. I said Brody is my sponsor, not my savior. I made the decision to do what I did the other night, Trent. Okay?”
Trent continued to glare, and Brody narrowed his eyes, then cocked his head to the side curiously. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Trent. Wood’s told me a lot about you.”
Wood pecked him on his forehead, then turned him around. “You’re gonna be late. We’ll talk later tonight, okay? But I really need to finish talking with Brody.”
Trent nodded and did what he was told. He didn’t like that Wood’s sponsor was a mature, elegant-looking man that seemed as if he could be just the kinda guy Wood would fall for. But it was him that Wood had rushed to and wrapped his arms around, so he wasn’t feeling insecure.
Wood waited until Trent’s bedroom door was closed before he turned around and met Brody’s displeased scowl. Instead of explaining himself, Wood returned to the kitchen and grabbed Trent’s lunch pail off the top of the refrigerator. He’d watched his roommate make his lunch enough times now to know what he preferred. He kept his back to Brody and concentrated on putting the correct amount of ham and turkey slices on Trent’s sandwich.
“Wood,” Brody finally said.
“If you have to say it, then you already know better.”
“Brody. Trent’s a good guy. He was there for me.”
“You can’t depend on him to keep you sober,” Brody gritted out.
“I know that,” Wood combatted. “I’m not trying to use him.”
“Not intentionally.”
“Damnit, Brody.”
Brody lowered his voice to that soothing sponsor tone. “I’ve said it a million times, Wood. Starting a relationship is not advised while going through the steps of the program. It complicates things. In AA you’re supposed to be focusing on self-reflection and spiritual awakening. How are you going to do that and concentrate on another’s well-being?”
“I don’t know. I’ll figure it out,” Wood grumbled. He pulled the notepad out of the drawer and scribbled a quick note, folded it, and dropped it in the lunch pail before he snapped it closed. “But all I know is that since Trent’s put his hands on me, I haven’t even thought about the fucked-up situation I made for myself.”
“Do you even still need me for guidance and advice?” Brody asked with his thin fingers clasped in front of him.
Wood scrubbed his hand over his beard and dropped down in the seat across from his sponsor. “Of course I do. But…”
“But you’re horny,” Brody chuckled, then drank some more of his apple juice.
Wood glanced down the hall before he answered. “Heck yeah, man. There’s gotta be some exceptions, Brody, for men who’ve just spent over a decade in prison.”
“I understand, Wood.”
Wood shook his head, and Brody laughed harder. “No you don’t, buddy.”
Trent slammed his bedroom door behind him and joined them in the kitchen. He went to grab his lunchbox off the refrigerator and noticed it was already on the counter. Wood held in his smile when Trent popped it open and saw his lunch… and a note… were already ready for him. Trent cut his eyes at him, and Wood saw a promise of a thank-you for later.
“I gotta get going,” Trent said to him, then turned toward Brody. “It was nice to meet you. Have a good day.”
Wood’s dick was getting hard at the maturity Trent was trying to display, though it looked as if he wanted nothing more than to throw Brody out the door by his neck.
“Very nice to meet you too, Trent, and likewise. I’m sure you’ll be seeing me again.” Brody smirked.
Wood almost tossed his water in Brody’s face, but his cautioning expression was just as well-received.
“I’m sure,” Trent bit out between his clenched teeth.
Wood got up and followed Trent to the door. He really hadn’t expected him to go into work today, but he couldn’t keep Trent closed-up in the trailer and to himself like he wanted. He waited for Trent to zip his heavy coat over his wool sweater before he crowded closer. “What time is your lunch break?”
Trent smiled for the first time. “Noon. Why?”
“I’ll call you.”
“Okay,” Trent replied huskily, his eyes dropping to Wood’s lips.
Wood dipped his head slowly, and Trent didn’t move until Wood’s mouth touched his. It was soft and chaste, but quite powerful. Wood lowered his eyes to Trent’s slack lips and whispered, “Have a good day.”
Brody cleared his throat, and he and Trent both ignored it as they stood there waiting for the other to move first. “Yeah. Also, um.” Trent glanced over Wood’s shoulder before he continued. “I wanted to ask if you have plans for tomorrow night.”