Page 25 of No One But You
“Fancy dinner at mum’s?”
“Oh, darling, is he going to be okay?” Susan asked as she stirred the butter into mashed potatoes.
“It’s impossible to say right now…” Jamie started explaining.
I wasn’t expecting to spend my Saturday afternoon at Jamie’s parents’ house. I was going to go home and probably spend the rest of the day dreaming about The Kiss, as I’d come to refer to it in my head. Just thinking about it made me lightheaded. Not to mention the way he’d held my hand as he drove us here. His thumb drawing circles on mine just as he was doing right now on my shoulder.
“Quincy? Earth to Quincy!” I startled as Willow tugged on a few strands of my hair.
“Yes, sorry…” I turned on the wooden stool to face her.
Her eyes zoned in on her brother’s arm as he wrapped it around my chest, pulling me closer to him. I rested my hand on his forearm, under my chin, as I reached for my wineglass on the breakfast bar. I took a slow glug of the dry Chablis his mum had just topped up our glasses with.
She tilted her head to the side, looking at me askance, as one of her brows hitched. A smile lighting up her face as Jamie dropped a kiss on the top of my head after ending his explanation of what had happened with little Jack.
I took another sip of my wine and took out my phone as Willow speedily tapped the screen of hers.
Willow: I know you’ve not been hiding shit from me!!! SPILL!!! NOW!!!
I looked up at her to find her eyeballing me.
Me: I wouldn’t dream of hiding anything from you. There’s nothing to spill.
I pressed send as I looked back up at her and shrugged. She read the message, her brows scrunching like something didn’t make sense and then she was typing furiously again.
Willow: Why the fuck is my brother hogging you and being all kissy kissy? And don’t tell me he always does it because it’s different today. Also, that fucking cat got the cream smile you have like you’re about to melt into a puddle of mush tells me that there is A LOT to tell me. LIAR! SPILL!
Me: There’s nothing to tell.
Willow: Don’t make me make a big deal out of it.
Dorian: A big deal out of what?
Me: WTF Willow!
Willow: She’s withholding information.
Dorian: About?
Dorian: Why are we using shouty caps?
Willow: Because Quincy isn’t being forthcoming. Exhibit A…
A photo of Jamie and I sitting at the light oak kitchen island followed her message. His arm around me and a content smile on my lips as I typed out a message. His chin resting on the top of my head as he listened to Susan. I saved the photo and bit my lip trying to calm all the excitement that was fizzing through me from my core to my extremities.
Dorian: Awwww…
Dorian: SPILL.
Me: Seriously? He’s your brother!