Page 27 of No One But You
“I do not have flappy lips!” She whined as she put the boxes in the fridge.
“UNCLE JAMIE!!!” Daniel came barrelling into the kitchen straight to Jamie who caught him as he threw himself at us. “AUNTIE QUINCY!”
Jesus, he’s inherited Phillip’s loud mouth.
“Where are Pippa and Molly?” He asked as Jamie sat him up on the countertop. “Jake got me the new Mario Kart game and I know they’ll—”
He stopped abruptly, squinting at me and Jamie. His golden-brown eyes following Jamie’s arm around me.
“Why are you cuddling my auntie?” He asked looking seriously perplexed.
“Why not?” Jamie replied as he ruffled his sandy brown hair. “She’s really quite cuddly.”
Oh God, Jamie. Cuddly? Cringe!
I winced slightly, knowing that his words served only to bait his sisters’ and mother’s curiosity even more. Not that I was uncomfortable with them seeing us like this, to be honest, I just don’t think there was anything that could’ve made me feel awkward in front of them. For all intents and purposes we were family.
I watched as Daniel continued staring at us. His expressions so much like his mother’s whilst his features were unbelievably like his father’s. His eyes were the same colour, his slightly olive complexion and the way his nose upturned at the tip. It was like looking at an eight-year-old Phillip.
“Is she your girlfriend?” He asked as he twisted on the counter to face Susan. “Nanny, can I have a drink, please?”
“Can I have my hug first?” She asked.
My racing heart slowed as he threw himself at her arms. His legs wrapping around her waist. She smothered him in kisses before pinning Jamie and I with a look that said something like see, I’m not the only one! My heart picked up its rhythm again as all my blood felt like it was racing up to my cheeks.
Shit, whilst I may not have felt embarrassed or awkward, I was definitely feeling coy with the way she was looking at us.
“Does dad ever really watch the football or does he just sleep through it?” Dorian walked into the kitchen with two gift bags one with a massive, bright pink P and the other with a bright yellow M. “For the girls.” She put the bags down by the kitchen dresser before walking over to Susan and giving her a greeting hug and kiss.
“You alright?” She asked her before addressing Daniel, “Baby, please don’t drink all of that before we have dinner.”
“Fine.” He and Susan replied at the same time, Daniel’s reply more of a whine.
“I’m going to sit with grandad and show him my game.” He skipped out of the room, his question long forgotten.
Thanks buddy.
I took a long sip of my wine as Susan, Dorian and Willow stood on the other side of the counter, in front of us. Three pairs of bright hazel eyes zeroing in.
“So?” His mother asked, “Are you two courting?”
“Courting?” Willow turned to her like she’d said something stupid.
“Dating. Going out. Whatever you kids call it now-a-days.”
I busied my hands by strangling my wine glass. The comfortable air around us seeming to heat up and thicken enough to make it difficult to breathe in.
“Christ, the lot of you are so nosey.” Jamie replied as he squeezed the top of my thigh, “Mind your own businesses and leave us to our own.”
“Well, at least it’s not a no.” Dorian shrugged as she wandered to the glasses cupboard and grabbed a wineglass.
“Good.” Susan smiled as she poured Dorian some wine and topped up the rest of our glasses.
“About fucking time, if you ask me.”
“Willow!” Susan berated.
“We didn’t ask you. Any of you.” Jamie held out his empty lemonade glass to his mum.