Page 66 of No One But You
I scowled at him, milking his remorse. “You acted like a pig-headed wanker and I should leave, if only to teach you a lesson.”
He came toward me slowly, cautiously like he was unsure of whether it was okay to touch me.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He tucked my hair behind my ear before he dropped a soft and gentle kiss on the top of my head.
The sound of the tap going on again bringing me back to the important issue at hand. “When Jenna was pregnant with Molly, did she have any problems with her blood pressure?”
“What?” He looked at me like I was barmy. “Where did that come from?”
I lifted the back of my hand right in his face so he could see the numbers I’d written clearly. “That was her blood pressure about ten minutes ago, give or take. Her ankles are puffy and she’s been vomiting and is still nauseous…”
“She’s pregnant. She was nauseous almost the whole way through with Molly.” He replied nonchalantly. “Why is she in there? There’s a perfectly go—”
“She’s had migraines and she’s been in there trying to pee in a glass for ages.” Did I have to spell it out for him? “Come on, Jamie, think!”
He looked me over perplexed. His eyes focusing on mine as he went over the information in his head. I saw it all clicking before his face dropped.
“She’s only just twenty-four weeks, Quincy.” His voice lowered to the baritone that came naturally when he went into the zone.
“Exactly. The timing, the symptoms…it all fits.”
“You can’t be wrong about that.”
“Do you think I’m wrong?”
He stood still for a moment like he was going through the information over and over in his head. “No.”
“We need to get her to the hospital and get her vitals done properly as well as a urinalysis. If I’m right, which I’m almost certain I am, there’s no way she’s making it to forty weeks. Not if she’s started this early.”
He let out a long sigh as he rubbed his hands down his face. “I’ll go get Richard.”
I walked into the kitchen where Dorian was sat at the breakfast bar peeling potatoes with mum and Gwen. I suspected that both her and Gwen had already had a heart to heart about Phillip. Every year they’d plan out their Boxing Day visit. It was sad, but it was another way of keeping his memory alive. They never took Daniel; I suppose he was too young to take to the cemetery. I grabbed a large bottle of water from the pantry, knowing that Jenna only liked it at room temperature.
“Everything alright?” Dorian asked as I got a glass out of the cupboard. “You look flustered.”
“Yeah, fine.”
“Why are Richard and Jenna here?” She rounded the worktop as both Gwen and mum looked up at us like they wanted to ask the same thing.
I filled the pint glass with the almost tepid water. “Quincy invited them in.”
“She did what?” Gwen blurted
from across the breakfast bar.
“Well, that’s awkward.” Dorian added. “Typical Quincy, really…”
I screwed the lid back on the bottle taking a moment to think before I joined in with their conversation. “Listen, can you ask Richard to go to my room?”
“That’s not making it less awkward or weird.” Her hands instantly went to her hips. “No fighting today, okay?”
“You’re a bit too late for that.” I grabbed the bottle by the cap rim and took the glass. “Jenna isn’t feeling well. Quincy’s just seeing to her, but Richard should know. Just, please…” I started walking out of the kitchen with her following behind me.
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. That’s why you need to get him.” I carried on walking past the lounge toward the bedroom. I figured it’d be less obvious if someone else spoke to him. I was also still fuming and stewing over the phone situation. It sounded bad that I was still thinking about it when Jenna wasn’t exactly doing great, but I couldn’t help it. I was worried about Molly’s safety. She was my priority.