Page 79 of No One But You
“I did, and then I unlocked it in case the girls got up during the night.” She looked at me like she’d done something wrong. Or like I should be upset with her.
I took hold of her thighs as I searched her face, looking for the reason why she looked so unsure of herself. I slid her down my body before
rolling her onto her back. Her legs wrapping tightly around my waist like she was holding me hostage.
“What’s the look for?”
“The look?”
“You looked at me like you thought I was about to jump down your throat.”
“I know I shouldn’t have unlocked it because they could’ve just walked in here,” she bit her lip again, this time with uncertainty. “It’s just, I’ve never slept with the door locked with Pippa in the house and—”
“Quincy, stop. Stop explaining. You don’t need to.”
“I don’t?” She looked at me puzzled.
“Not about this, definitely not about this.” I breathed her in as I ran my nose from the crook of her neck to her temple. “Never ever explain the decisions you make as a mother.”
She tucked her face into my neck as her nails dug into my waist. “What if they’d walked in?”
“You’re covered. I’m covered. If they’d walked in they would’ve seen us sharing a bed like Richard and Jenna do.” I kissed her forehead as I pushed myself off her. “Back in a sec.”
She grabbed the top of my boxers quickly, “Where’re you going?”
“I’m locking the door so they can’t walk in on something they can’t unsee.”
She released her grasp. Her long sigh making her body sink into the sheets like she was relaxing again. “Good idea.”
“I’m full of those.” I winked over my shoulder as I turned the lock. “So, this present of yours…”
“Technically it’s yours since it’s for you.” I watched as she crawled to the end of the bed her boobs pretty much falling out of the top of her skin pink, silk nightie. The closer she got to the edge of the bed the higher the black lace trimming rode up her body revealing the lace up strapping of her knickers.
“I like those.” Very. Fucking. Much.
She looked over her shoulder her golden hair falling over the other as her back arched lifting her bum over her petite shoulder line. The black lace was a rich contrast with her creamy skin.
How was I meant to hold it together looking at her like that? I swear I was already starting to get lightheaded as the blood rushed down south.
She looked back at me with a coy smile on her lips. Her eyes taking me in from head to toe. Her tongue sweeping across her lips as her gaze held over my goods. She was definitely undressing me. Without a shadow of a doubt.
“I don’t think they come in your size.” She smirked, “Definitely not enough room for all that.”
Her eyes zoned back onto my crotch where her finger was pointing. Her cheeks flushing as the words left her lips. I never thought I’d see the day that she was bashful in front of me. Quincy wasn’t someone who easily embarrassed, she may be reserved but she wasn’t shy, and seeing her blush because of me…for me, was disarming. It made the feeling to be more, stronger and recalescent. I wanted to be everything to her, just as she was to me. I wanted to own her and possess her.
Basically, it made me a little bit caveman, a little bit crazy, and a whole lot hot…for her.
Her eyes rounded as I stripped off my underwear. “Apparently there’s no room in those eith—Jesus fuck, it’s huge today!”
“Today?” I’d have taken it as a compliment if she hadn’t sounded so surprised.
“I mean in general you know you’re…” She sat up on her feet, her eyes barely leaving my nether regions and her hands gesturing like she was weighing my bollocks in front of her. “Generous…but…”
Her eyes met mine as she practically drooled her way up my body. I’m pretty sure that the only reason her mouth wasn’t hanging open was because she’d drool all over herself.
“But?” I wrapped my arm around her waist and dragged her to the very edge of the bed. “What?”
She shook her head as her breathing accelerated, her hands pawing at my chest. Her wavy hair undulating with the back and forth motion.