Page 54 of Devil's Contract
Moments pass as we each catch our breath. As the reality of what’s just happened sinks in, I start to wiggle, sure he’s going to put my feet back down to the ground. Instead, Dex maneuvers me back into his arms and starts walking toward the wing that houses our bedrooms. I lay my head on his shoulder, eager to avoid looking in his eyes for fear of the victorious gloating I’ll see there.
The suite is dark, but he navigates through the sitting room with ease. Never one to let a door stop him, Dex crashes into my bedroom, finally dropping me onto the end of my bed with a small bounce.
I’m suddenly desperate for him to leave. I need alone time to figure out what the hell just happened, and more importantly, what it means to our complicated future. Still, when he walks away without a word, it hurts more than I want to admit.
As confusing as that emotion is, I’m unnerved when he soon returns with a warm, wet cloth and proceeds to tenderly wipe away the messy cum dripping from my pussy. After cleaning me up, he silently works at divesting me of my disheveled clothing, one article at a time.
“You don’t have to do this. I can undress myself,” I finally object.
Undeterred, he finishes his task by removing my bra before reaching down to remove his only remaining clothing, his socks.
Too stunned by his gentle care to protest, I watch as he pulls back the covers at the head of the bed to make room for me to sleep. Hoping to speed him along so I can be alone, I push up to sit at the end of the bed but before I can stand, I’m back in his arms, being carried to the opening in the sheets. The coolness of the linen feels good against the still smoldering heat Dex lit all over my body.
I quickly roll to my side, facing away from him in hopes he’ll just slink out, leaving me to analyze what happened. Instead, I feel the bed behind me sinking under his weight just before he presses his naked body against my back, spooning me in a tight embrace.
“What are you doing?” I snap, trying to wiggle free from his bearhug grip.
I’m hyper-aware of every place our bodies are touching. His hard muscles surround me as he flings his top leg over mine, pulling me even closer. His right arm is under my neck, serving as a pillow.
It’s too intimate.
“Dex, you can’t sleep here,” I protest, still trying to pry myself from his hold.
“The hell I can’t. Now, go to sleep, princess, before I decide we need to go another round.”
It feels like I’ve been teleported into an episode of The Twilight Zone when I feel his lips on my shoulder, leaving small tender kisses all the way up to my neck. I shudder under the soft caress, more confused than ever.
I have no idea how long I lie there, silent and still, before I hear Dex’s soft, even breaths of slumber. How the hell could he go to sleep? My mind is too busy remembering—worrying—to relax.
I know one thing. As phenomenal as the sex was, this can never happen again.
A dark thought takes hold as it dawns on me that this was probably just one big negotiation ploy on his part. Tear down my defenses and make me have feelings for him until I meet all his demands. Then he’ll throw me to the curb, just like I did to him years before.
As much as that idea hurts, the alternative scares me even more.
What if we really are stuck together like magnets?
It’s a long time before I finally succumb to my exhaustion, following him into slumber.
Chapter Nineteen
There’s something about standing naked in front of floor-to-ceiling windows with my dick out for all of New York to see. Success surges through me as I look down from the penthouse to the people walking below.
I earned this place. I worked hard. Yes, the business was handed to me by my father, but Katja stripped it all away, forcing me to rebuild—even stronger. In a sick way, I should thank her for pushing me to become the man I am today. She’s made me stand on my own two feet without my history to back me up. I lost my kingdom when she evicted me, but I built an empire because of it.
I press my palm against the cool glass and take a moment to acknowledge all the shit I’ve been through… and actually feel proud of myself. Proud for never giving up. Proud for bringing The Whitney back from near ruin. Proud of what I’ve done for my father’s legacy.
And, if I’m honest, I’ve got more than a little pride at all the sounds I was able to wring out of Katja last night.
I glance over my shoulder at the infuriating and intoxicating woman in the bed. The fluffy white comforter hides her from my view and it’s as if she’s an angel wrapped in clouds. Although the woman I fucked last night was far from an angel, and I have a feeling I’ve barely touched just how dirty this girl can get. I’ve finally found someone who can make me want more than just a one-time fuck—which surprises me more than anything else. Our bodies just meshed so damn perfectly. It’s like her cunt was molded for my dick.
Katja groans and rolls away from the window. “Close the curtains,” she mumbles. “It’s too early.”
“I like the view,” I reply, leaving the curtains open as I move back to the bed and slide under the covers, reclaiming both her body and my big spoon position. She stiffens when our skin connects, but as I wrap my arms around her and kiss her shoulder, she softens and relaxes into our connection.