Page 3 of Half of Paradise
“My check from the company will pay the taxes.”
“It’s good of you to offer the money, but you know I didn’t approve of you taking that job.”
“Yes, sir.”
“There are all manner of men on those oil crews. You should always seek your own level in associating with people.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Those men are from a different background than you.”
“What difference does it make?” Avery said, and then wished he hadn’t.
“When you associate with people of a lower social class as an equal, they bring you down to their level. You don’t bring them up to yours.”
“All right, Papa.”
“I let you take the job because you were old enough to make decisions for yourself, but I never approved of it.”
“I’m not on the job any longer.”
“I know that, but you must always seek out your equals.”
“All right. I’m not going to work on any more crews.”
“I wanted to go to sea when I was a young boy, and my father wouldn’t allow me to. At the time I thought he was wrong, but as I got older I realized that he had done the right thing.”
“Let’s finish dinner, Papa.”
“Why did you take that job to begin with?”
“I thought I might like working on the water.”
“Try to understand, son. I’m not attempting to keep you at home. You can get a job in town or go to the college if you like. But you should do something suited to your background.”
“I’ll help with the farm this summer.”
“Would you like to go to the college? I had hoped you would.”
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“Maybe next year.”
“There’s something else I’d like to talk with you about. When you unpacked your clothes I thought I saw a bottle. Are you still drinking?”
“Not too much. Just once in a while.”
“You’re older now and you make your own decisions, but I don’t like to see you drinking,” Mr. Broussard said. “It killed your grandfather.”
“I’m all right.”
“Maybe it’s in your blood. They say the odd generation gets it. Henri started drinking early, too.”
“A friend of mine left the bottle with me.”
“I hope I haven’t raised you wrong. I brought you up the same way I was brought up. That’s the only way I knew.”
Avery began to wish he hadn’t come home.