Page 16 of The King
I shivered at the feel of his tongue moving along my ear, at that gentle yet rough scrape that had my toes curling and my breathing coming faster. But I didn’t touch him, knowing it would just escalate things, that I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I was already having such a hard time keeping my hands off of him.
But as if he realized we couldn’t start anything here or right now, he huffed out almost irritably, gave me the sweetest, most gentle kiss on my temple, and backed away.
I licked my lips and smoothed my sweaty palms down my skirts, knowing that my entire life had changed so drastically and in just a short amount of time. If things were this intense and earth-shattering and I’d just met Banner, I could only imagine how things would go once we really got to know each other.
“He’ll come around.” It seemed a little out of place to mention Adryan at a time like this, although he was the catalyst to the situation we were currently in. I didn’t know if I was trying to convince myself or my new mate.
Banner gave me a smile that said he didn’t believe me.
“Lass, I just met him and already I can tell he’ll be an issue until his last breath.” His voice was gentle and low. “But it matters not. He can be the biggest pain in my arse and it would no’ matter because I’ll never let ye go.”
Banner held his hand out to me and gave me a lopsided smile that did funny things to my belly, tightening it, spreading tingles throughout my body once more. “Let’s go deal with yer psychotic brother because I am desperate tae get tae know my fair wee mate.”
I melted at his words but found myself rooted to the spot, just staring at him.
“Come with me, darlin’.” His voice was deep yet so very soft. “Let me show ye my home. Let me show ye all that yer entitled tae as my mate.”
My heart galloped in my chest, and I let his words process in me, let them sink in deep and find a home in the softest place in my soul.
Everything was happening so fast that I was physically dizzy.
“Let me show ye yer home, as well.” He lifted his hand and cupped my cheek so gently that I felt the stinging pressure behind my eyes.
I’d known affection, known a family bond. And although my brother might never be able to experience the emotion of love, his heart too cold and black, his personality too closed off, I still knew he cared about me.
But this, what I felt or could feel with Banner, was something on an entirely different level.
It was real and genuine and could become something monumental. I wanted to see how far we could take it, how much it would grow. So I lifted my hand and placed it over his, which was still cupping my face.
I gave him a small smile, loving the way his eyes flashed blue at that.
“Okay, Banner. Show me. Show me everything.”
Chapter Nine
When I’d agreed to go to the Highlands with Banner, it hadn’t been an irrational decision. Yes, it had been a spur of the moment, but when I’d told him yes it was because I truly wanted this.
I’d wanted an adventure of a lifetime. Wasn’t this it?
When I’d told Adryan my plans, his controlling side had once again made itself known. But I was going to do this, and there was nothing he could say or do to stop me. And although he’d conceded to my wishes, I knew Adryan followed us. I felt him at times. He was good at that, being stealthy, a tracker. He knew how to stay hidden, even from the Otherworld, even from Lycans, who could scent their enemies miles away.
We’d been traveling for the last several days, and I knew they were going at a snail’s pace for me. I had no doubt they would have made much better time if Banner didn’t insist on stopping every few hours to rest. But Cian and Odhran didn’t complain. They did whatever Banner wanted, and apparently my big and burly protective mate knew that traveling was wearing me down, even if I refused to complain.
My bottom was numb, my thighs sore from straddling a horse for hours at a time all night, but I wouldn’t have changed anything.
We’d just stopped at the end of the evening, right before the sun rose, and Banner helped me off his steed. I winced as my thigh muscles screamed temporarily. Banner was right beside me, his hand wrapped around my waist.
“Ahhh, sweet lass.” He pulled me close, and I let him, loving the feel of his body, his heat, and the smell of him drowning out everything else. “I’m sorry. The trip is a brutish one. We should be home by tomorrow before dawn.”