Page 52 of The Assignment
“It was.”
“Despite your weird behavior about Troy,” she added.
“Yeah, uh, about that...”
Curiosity gleamed in her eyes. “Did something happen after I left?”
“He…” I whispered. “Sort of…came home with me.”
Her jaw dropped. I quickly summarized the weekend as best I could. I needed someone to talk to about what was happening with Troy, or I was going to explode. She was pretty much my closest friend here. It wasn’t like I wanted to run and tell Jasmine.
“Damn. I had no idea how exciting your night became after I left you. Here I was thinking you’d gone home bummed because he was on a date with that girl.”
I shook my head. “I didn’t see it coming either.”
She sighed. “He is so hot, Aspyn. Seriously, don’t even think about it. Just enjoy it.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do. But I feel myself getting wrapped up in him anyway. It sucks. I know he’s not right for me in the long run, and he’s leaving on top of that. But it is what it is.”
She grinned. “We don’t always get to choose what makes us lose our mind.”
I blew a breath up into my hair. “That’s for damn sure.”
“All that matters is that you’re having fun. Life is too short not to have amazing hate-sex with hot men.” Her eyes traveled beyond my shoulder. She raised her chin and whispered, “Speak of the devil.”
I turned around to find Troy approaching from the other end of the hall. He looked so handsome in a burgundy Polo shirt and dark jeans.
He stopped in front of us with a huge smile on his face. “Hey, ladies.”
I cleared my throat. “Here to take your grandfather out?”
“Yep.” His eyes fell to my chest, and somehow I knew he was undressing me with his eyes.
My nipples stiffened as I began to perspire.
“You good?” he asked.
My cheeks burned. “Yep.”
He stared through me as he continued down the hall. “It was nice seeing you, Shala,” he called.
“You too.” Shala turned to me. “Okay, if that little interaction didn’t scream we’re having sex, I don’t know what does.”
I walked away, needing a minute to decompress. I had to head outside to take a few of our residents on a shopping trip in a few minutes, but I decided to pop my head into Mr. Serrano’s room before I left. You know, to check on Mr. Serrano.
Troy was sitting across from his granddad.
He smiled and acted all casual. “Well, hey there, Aspyn. Nice to see you.”
“Hi, Troy. I thought I’d come say hello before I have to head out.”
“Isn’t that sweet of you...” He smirked.
“Too bad you can’t come with us today, Aspyn,” Mr. Serrano said. “I miss your company.”
I walked over and placed my hand on his arm. “Aw, Mr. Serrano, I miss you, too. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could continue to go out with you guys.”
The old man had a plate of peeled oranges next to his chair on a TV tray.
Troy grabbed an orange wedge and placed it between his lips, sucking on it slowly with his tongue. The way he devoured it as he looked at me was more than suggestive. He was showing me exactly what he’d be doing to me right now if he could. Thankfully, Mr. Serrano didn’t seem to notice.
But the muscles between my legs tightened. I needed to get out of here and fast.
Heading toward the door, I said, “Well, you guys have a nice time.”
Looking over at Troy one last time, I felt my cheeks heat at the way he was still staring at me.
As I walked down the hall, my phone vibrated.
Troy: Boy, I’ve never seen you leave a room faster.
Aspyn: You knew what you were doing with that orange.
Troy: Did it remind you of something?
Aspyn: How would you like it if I’d walked in there eating a banana?
Troy: Do you even have to ask? I’d take anything I could get right now, even if it’s torture. I can’t wait till Friday.
I decided to tease him.
Aspyn: Who said we’re getting together Friday? I never confirmed that.
Troy: Don’t do me like that, Aspyn. I’ve been looking forward to it.
Aspyn: I’m kidding. I’m looking forward to it, too.
Troy: Your ass looks amazing in those Betty Boop scrubs, by the way.
Aspyn: Was she laughing, too?
Troy: She was. Nonno fucking caught me adjusting myself after you walked out of the room. He asked me why I was messing with my balls. I made up a story about jock itch.
Aspyn: LOL
Troy: Seriously. You look beautiful.
Damn him.
• • •
That night at dinner, Kiki studied me carefully. “Are you okay, Auntie Aspyn?”
I’d been staring into space. “Sure. Why do you ask?”
“Hang on.” She ran to her room and returned with something in her hand. “I opened my lunch box at school today, and this was in it.” She held out the TV remote.