Page 19 of Naughty New Year
When I wake up, I’m sure my night was a dream. There’s no way that could have actually happened, but as my eyes come into focus, it’s real. Liam and Adam are still fast asleep, my pussy is aching and my face is sticky with come.
I tiptoe through the suite to keep from waking them. While Jeff is nowhere to be seen, his shirt is still lying in the middle of the floor, so he must have made his escape shirtless.
Grabbing the tank top Liam wore when I first arrived, I wear that, wrapping the remnants of my maxi dress around my waist as a makeshift skirt before taking one last glimpse of the sexy men that gave me the best night of my life. Quietly closing the door behind me, I make my way back to my cabin, falling on my bed in a flutter of laughter, amazed by how crazy my night was.
That was much more than coming out of my shell. I came every place I could imagine, more ways than I knew possible. Seriously, I lost count of my orgasms, which has never happened to me.
There’s barely enough time for a nap before the ship docks in Miami. I subtly look for Liam and Adam, although I can’t be sure if I truly want to see them again.
It was such a wild and unbelievable night, maybe it’s best to just leave it at what it is. Besides, what will they think if they see me? Maybe things will be different fully clothed in public. The doubt makes me release a deep breath when I make it to my taxi without running into them.
When I finally get back to LA after a full day in transit, I’m drained, but nothing could stop me from meeting up with Beth to share my wild experience while it’s still fresh in my mind. Luckily, my best friend is more than eager to listen, although she can’t move much in her state, so I agree to go to her townhouse.
My apartment is anything but welcoming, with the restaurant below busy with customers, a reminder of what a bad decision I made selecting the unit. As much as I wanted to believe the previous night was a change in my luck, returning to the city leaves me coated in all the bad news I’d wished to escape.
Even the small things annoy me, like the pile of dirty clothes I’ve left stacked on a chair in the corner of my bedroom. This place is far from a fantasy and my thoughts continue to drift back to that amazing night, looking for any excuse to abandon my mundane reality.
Gathering a few essentials, along with the keychain I bought for Beth, I make my way to her house, reminding myself not to jump right into my story, despite the desperation to relive the juicy details.
I’m always impressed by Beth’s front garden, filled with colorful roses and tulips to greet you as you walk the stone pathway to her front door. Not a time goes by when I don’t envy her family’s wealth, wishing I could have a place as nice as hers.
It feels strange when she doesn’t greet me at the front door like the usual routine. Now, with her injury, she’s instructed me to use her hidden key instead. Glancing over my shoulder, I check to
make sure no one is watching before kneeling into the garden, retrieving the spare key she stores behind a large rock.
“Honey, I’m home!”
What I admire most about Beth’s townhouse isn’t the cost or the fact that she lives in a premiere area. Instead, it’s what she’s done to it, making it a home, unlike the crappy place I’ve got.
There’s always a smell of comfort in the air, whether it’s from candles burning, or the delicious aroma of cooking, which flood my airways the closer I get to her kitchen.
“How did you make anything when you’re on bed rest?” I scold my best friend as she beams from a barstool.
“Oh, relax. You were supposed to be appreciative.” Her small bottom lip pokes out, feigning a pout.
Draping my arms around her, I feel home for the first time since the plane landed at LAX. Beth is my family, and without her, everything feels very bland. It is sweet that she’s taken the time to make a meal for us, especially considering all I need to tell her.
“You’re the best friend a girl could ask for,” I say, squeezing her tightly before releasing her.
“This has been the longest week ever without you,” Beth groans as I struggle to carry a head of lettuce, tomatoes, a cucumber, and green onions for a salad.
“Well, I’m here now, so tell me what I missed.” I watch as she sits up on her stool, excited to finally catch up.
During my time on the cruise I dominated every conversation we had, but I knew she had a lot going on. Beth was selfless in that way, always happy to allow me the time and attention I needed, even when she had things on her mind as well.
“Oh gosh, where do I start?” Rolling her eyes, Beth sighs while reaching across the kitchen island to grab the head of lettuce, slowly peeling the wilted pieces away as she continues.
“Is your ankle any better?” A pang of guilt shoots through me, because I haven’t given much thought to her injury recently. My thoughts have been restricted to the last 24 hours of the cruise, without exception.
“I went to the doctor today. It’s not as bad as it looks. Apparently, I heal miraculously.” Holding her head high, Beth beams with fake pride.
“I’m glad to hear that. I can’t believe you made all this.” Glancing around the kitchen, I catch the quick smile cross her face.
“Marta made it,” she admits with a giggle, referring to the housekeeper from her parents’ home.
“Marta’s here?” Twirling around, in hopes of finding the woman who has become a member of my extended family, Beth interrupts me.
“No, my mom has just been a helicopter parent. She acts like I’m a child in need of a babysitter. We got into a huge blowout because I didn’t want Marta here. It’s not like I’m helpless.”