Page 10 of Over The Edge
I didn’t realize he was watching me until I heard him chuckle. “If you can behave today,” I looked up at him, his eyes seemed to sear me. “You can come to my house tonight for a reward.”
I would. I would be the model employee. It was something I was determined to be. The ache between my legs wouldn’t let me fuck up again.
Chapter 10
The interlude this morning didn’t seem to satisfy me enough. It had happened on a whim and was over so quickly that even though I had come it still left me burning for more of her. Fortunately, when I went to check on her, Missy was showing she was taking my demand that she behave seriously. She was working diligently when I came out of my office for lunch. She didn’t even look up, and there were no poor attempts at flirting.
That was good. Maybe we could move past that bratty, spoiled little girl.
I went to Trevor’s office to borrow him for lunch, “Have you had a chance to do the brainstorming session with your team?” I was curious as to what his team would come up with.
He locked his computer and stood. “Not yet. I have one scheduled for Wednesday. I will let you know what we come up with.” He walked with me down the hallway to the cafe, his expression confused. “I hate to ask this,” he started before he seemed to question himself. Then he decided to forge ahead, “Did you find out why Missy Hamilton came to the house on Friday?”
That question pulled me up short. Especially considering what I had done to her just this morning. I looked at him trying to figure out what he knew. What looked back at me was genuine curiosity, there were no accusations there. I decided it was probably the best idea that I not share that aspect with him, “I don’t know. But it was easy to tell that she was inebriated to the point of being incoherent.” I started us walking again. “I don’t think it had anything to do with either of us. B
ut I made sure she was aware that it wasn’t acceptable.”
He nodded, though he looked as if he were lost in thought. “She was always a partier from what I remember of her from school. From what I understand it only got worse.” He shrugged at me. “I guess that would explain Friday.”
“Well, I would expect it to not happen again. She has too much to lose to live like that now,” I muttered.
He made a noise. “I know you’re doing a friend a favor by hiring her. I can only hope it works out for the best. I can’t imagine she’s good with responsibility.”
“Not everyone is like you, Trevor.” I patted his shoulder. “Some people have to learn things the hard way. I imagine that we will see Missy grow into a responsible woman while she works here.” I was intending to make sure that happened but probably not in the most responsible way.
Lunch went by too quickly, but it was as if time decided to just inch by in increments that I didn’t have the patience for. A string of business meetings that treated me to a view of my assistant but the inability to touch her. She played the good part, taking notes and staying focused on what was being said throughout each meeting.
It was good. I couldn’t focus on any of it.
It didn’t have anything to do with the way she was dressed, which was much more appropriate for an office atmosphere. But it didn’t hide the memory I had of her bent over my desk, the sight of her red ass turned up in the air. The sound of her cries and the begging for more.
There was no time for another private meeting between her and me; I was damning myself for giving in. That brief moment I had with her tightness was something I couldn’t let go of, and I was looking forward to another chance to fuck her. The chance to spread her out and take my time with her. I wanted to hear all the little noises I could get her to make.
How loud could I get her to be?
My thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of my phone. I hit the intercom and I heard the object of my lust speak professionally back to me. “Ross Hamilton is on line two for you, sir.”
It gave me a rush and I couldn’t help the smirk that crossed my face as I answered his call. “Ross. Are you calling to check on your daughter again?”
“After Saturday,” he grunted. “It seems necessary. Like I’m her parole officer instead of her father.” Well that was because he was looking at this the wrong way. He spent her entire life letting her do what she wanted and have her way. No wonder she was the problem. “I wanted to make sure you had everything handled.”
“I handled her.” If only he knew. I closed my eyes and remembered the squeal she made when I first thrust into her. “I made sure she knew what was appropriate and inappropriate.” It felt like I had illustrated that to her perfectly; I doubted that she would misunderstand me again.
I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. “I have no idea what I’m going to do with that girl.”
“Did she go out again over the weekend?” I asked out of curiosity. I wondered if she had been with another man that night she came to my door. There were so many questions as to what she did before she ended up in my office bent over my desk.
Of course, I couldn’t ask him those details.
“No.” He sounded like he was ready to brag about her now. “Actually, she didn’t. Which surprised me, to be honest. She didn’t try to sneak out or have any of her little friends over. So, I think she realized the mistake she made.”
That was good. I felt relieved knowing that she had been smart enough to not go out and seek out more trouble. Maybe she did deserve something good when she came over tonight. “I’m going to make sure she works late tonight,” I informed him. “Just to make sure that the punishment sticks, and we don’t have to worry about talks like this anymore.”
“I trust you to do what you think is best.” He sounded confident in me.
“I imagine the longer she works here, Ross,” I smirked at the thought, “the more she will blossom. I’ll make sure she does a lot of growing up here.”