Page 17 of To Kiss A King
“And he said he knew of a job in Chicago, and I’d likely find what I was looking for there.”
“He told you my name?”
This was tricky. “He laughed when he told me the name of the company. Now I assume he knew exactly what he was doing.”
Declan stepped closer, looming over where I sat.
“Now that you’re here, what makes you assume I’d want a brat like you?”
Holding his gaze, I spoke the truth. “I remember everything.”
His eyes seemed to darken. “I do, too, little bird. But I don’t take submissives without knowing if we are completely compatible.”
“Here is a job and not with you. Out there,” I pointed out the window, “I can learn not to be a brat.”
“My submissives don’t work.”
“I want a job.” I needed the job in order to be in a position to hear things.
“There she is. The brat who desperately wants me to punish her. The question remains of compatibility.” Our gazes locked. “On your knees.”
This was the moment. I could walk away. But I didn’t. Despite the glass that surrounded the conference room, I did as he asked. Then I watched in fascination as the glass turned murky to completely opaque.
He bent down and cupped my chin in a move I thought he had been about to do in that basement he’d held me in. He lifted my face, so we were only an inch apart.
“What would you do to be mine?” he asked.
It wasn’t a lie when I said, “Anything.”
“Kiss my cock,” he said with a smirk.
Had he heard Mr. Fisk ask me that during my interview? He stood there as I went for his fly. I almost laughed, thinking about how I’d tossed my drink in Mr. Fisk’s face for suggesting I get on my knees for the same thing. Yet here I was, doing it for Declan without a moment’s hesitation.
He was hard, long, and thick. The veins in his shaft pulsed in my hand as I wrapped my mouth around the fat head of his cock. I sucked him down as far as I could go before he quickly pulled me away.
He lifted me to my feet, bent me over the conference table, and covered my back with his enormous body. “You can say stop at anytime.”
My answer was to press my lips tightly together. He chuckled and pushed up my shirt. My undies were snapped and pushed out of the way. Then he pushed inside me. I’d been wet the moment he’d walked into the room. He had no trouble sinking deep. I wanted to cry out but didn’t tempt fate. I didn’t think the door to the conference room locked. Anyone could walk in.
Twisted as it sounded, I was turned on more by the idea of getting caught as his cock slammed into me.
Yes, I liked it rough. Yes, I wanted to be told what to do. The awakening was very real.
The climax hit me hard, and he covered my mouth with his hand when a moan I couldn’t hold in escaped.
He pulled out, and I felt deliciously used. But I wasn’t just here to explore out the depth of my sexuality. I had a job to do for Connor King.
Declan Royal had won the battle of wills, but I’d win the war. I was banking on it as he helped me up.
“Consider you have the job,” he said.
“Which one?” It was my turn to smirk.
“Brat,” he said before uttering, “Both. I have to warn you, I expect nothing short of absolute submission.”
“In the bedroom?”
“Everywhere but here. Hudson will be your supervisor, but I’m your king. Do we understand each other?”
“Yes, my king,” I said and winked.
I might submit to him, but at the same time, I felt powerful. The way he’d fucked me, I was sure Connor was right. Declan Royal wanted me, too.
“That’s a good girl. You keep looking at my mouth. You want me to kiss you?” I nodded. “Kissing is a useless endeavor. But you’ve earned it.”
He stepped forward and dipped his head. I lifted on my toes. When our mouths met, it was like fireworks. I pressed farther into him, wanting to be closer as I slanted my head to angle our kiss to get a little more as my tongue slid over his.
“Mr. Royal.”
I jumped back and looked at the door. A pretty woman of average height looked between us in the way that said the woman either wanted him or wanted more of him.
“Kelsey, leave us.”
She bowed her head and ducked out.
“Is she yours?” I asked.
“Jealously is not a good look on a submissive. You are mine to play with. I’m not yours to command.”
What had I gotten myself into? I didn’t want to share.
He was good at reading me. “Be a good girl and I won’t have needs to be met elsewhere.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips, which surprised me. He’d said kissing was useless. “Hudson will be back with the offer letter. I will see you at home later.”