Page 38 of Love at The Bluebird
Our eyes lock in the mirror, and she smiles shyly at me, heat flushing her cheeks. That dimple I’m starting to love pops out, and I decide to kiss her cheek exactly where it is. I sit down on the closed lid of the toilet and drink my coffee, enjoying my view as I watch her get ready.
“Are you really going to sit there and watch me get ready for work?” she asks.
“Yeah.” I shrug one shoulder, not really having a response. I just want to be around her all the time. She shakes her head with a slight smile on her face.
“Suit yourself,” she mumbles before continuing to put on her makeup.
We sit there in comfortable silence while I watch her get ready, and I see she’s struggling not to laugh as she continues avoiding me to concentrate on her makeup. I could stare at her all day and all night long; she’s that fucking gorgeous. I take a sip of my coffee and decide to break the silence.
“I realized this weekend that I haven’t taken you out on a formal date yet.”
“You’ve taken me out to breakfast, and we’ve had dinner. Those to me are all dates, so you have nothing to apologize for.”
“I don’t consider those ‘real’ dates. I want to take you out to a nice dinner.”
She rolls her eyes at me, and if she weren’t holding that mascara wand close to her eye, I would spank her ass for her sassiness.
“I don’t need to be taken out to nice dinners. I’m good with any kind of alone time I can get with you.” She turns to smile at me seductively before she goes back to concentrating on what she’s doing. My gaze rakes down her body and my cock starts twitching at the thought of bending her over that counter, pulling up that sundress of hers that she’s now wearing, and fucking her from behind. I must have groaned out loud, because she stops applying her makeup and looks over at me in concern.
“You okay?” she asks, turning to look at me briefly.
“Never better.” I wink and silently will my dick to calm the fuck down.
Think of moth balls and grandmas, Gavin.
“Back to the topic of dinner.” I clear my throat and gulp down the pain in my groin. “Do you have to work tonight? Because if not, I’m taking you out.”
She thinks for a moment before responding. “I think I’m free tonight.”
“Excellent. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
She smiles and gives me that adorable, sexy smirk again, and I seriously contemplate the idea of leaving now so I can go home and jerk off to the memories of what I just did to her.
She continues glancing at me in between putting her makeup away before finally closing her drawer and turning to me, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know, you got out of bed kind of quickly this morning. I really wanted to make you come by sucking you off, but I guess you weren’t interested.”
I spit my coffee out all over her wall and start coughing. She hands me a towel and pounds on my back, laughing the whole time.
“Arms up, Gavin. It will help you breathe.” She walks in front of me and holds my arms up, my line of vision directly in front of her marvelous breasts.
Once the coughing subsides, she lets go of my arms, and I quickly snake them around her waist and bring her down on top of me. “Don’t ever say that to me while I’m drinking hot beverages, and I’m always interested in you sucking me off.” I lift my head and kiss her, loving the fact that my girl looks sweet and innocent on the outside but has a dirty mouth in the bedroom. I can’t wait for her to become one hundred percent comfortable with me to find out just how dirty she can get.
“How about a raincheck for tonight then?” she moans out as I grind her hips against my cock so she can feel exactly what she does to me. I plunge my tongue through her parted lips, needing to get my fill of her one more time before I stop this so she can go to work.
“It’s a date,” I tell her as I break our kiss and stare into her eyes, trying to regain some sense of my sanity back. She plants one more soft kiss on my lips before standing up and leaving my lap. I watch her ass as she walks out of the bathroom before I breathe in deep and exhale out a shaky breath. I look up at the ceiling and pray for endurance that I don’t come in her mouth after two licks from that wicked tongue of hers tonight.
Please, Lord, let this girl be the one, I add silently to my prayers. As fucking crazy as it sounds, I’m falling hard and fast for Alyson Dawson, and I know there’s no turning back.