Page 1 of Reckless Sin
Bodyguards were not babysitters.
They were for personal protection, keeping others safe from physical threats like assault, or assassinations; and from time to time, we’d watch over our clients.
Okay, so maybe that sounded a little like a babysitter, which explained why I was watching over my boss’s brat for the night, but at least it was easier than the usual fistfights and bullet dodging.
Women were easy to tame.
Distracted by my full-on black tux and rolled-up sleeves, not to mention adding a few sweet words into a conversation, the brat would be in my palms before the night was over.
I stepped inside the only nightclub still open after three in the morning. The bass banged through the speakers, mimicking the pulsing migraine forming against my skull. A sigh escaped my lips. This was not the night I had planned. I wanted to be home, relaxing, but she had come to town last minute. And to make matters worse, her father put me in charge of her, against my own damn will. All because the boss trusted me to get her home safe. Of course, I had to find her first.
After all, how hard would it be to find a lingerie model in a sea of drunken bodies?
Surprisingly, not that hard. I just had to get past all the zombies that were hypnotized by the music. I kept my arms at my sides, pushing through the people stuck together by the overcrowded venue.
Did all of them have to feel sticky?
The answer was yes. From spilled alcohol and their sweat, not to mention the saliva; drunk people always felt sticky. And I knew that first-hand thanks to my previous job of being a bouncer.
I sprung from the heavy waves of people reaching the end of the dance floor. My gaze focused on the woman just a few bodies away from me, Karina. If it wasn’t for that ankle bracelet shimmering with a diamond K, which her father forced me to pick up for her birthday last year in December, or that tight black dress exposing her slender legs and hugging her thighs and curving up to her hips, I wouldn’t have ever guessed her to be my assignment.
Her chest jiggled, instantly catching my attention as she moved to the rhythm of the music on top of a damn table. I wasn’t the only one who noticed her. There were several men in front of me, blocking the space between us. Luckily, I was used to ripping crowds of drunk and horny men apart. My hand gripped the first shoulder, pulling a man back, and I did the same with several others who groaned and bitched about my movements.
I didn’t give a damn. They could take it up with me later. My priority was in front of me.
My gaze drifted up to those damn legs. I wanted nothing more than to—
Get it together Nate! She’s your boss’s daughter, for fuck’s sake.
I shook my head to keep her body from hypnotizing me, like every other man there.
Turning my attention elsewhere, my eyes shifted upward to the hem of her black dress hiking up her thighs and between her—
No. Her face was a safe bet. Definitely a safe bet. I couldn’t let her body keep me from the mission.
Though my attention still dropped to her dress, inching higher up as if she didn’t even notice. How much did she have to drink?
The question no longer mattered to me.
Her foot slipped, sending her stumbling over the edge of the table. Unlike the other drunk idiots who reached for her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, throwing her over my shoulder.
She squirmed in my grasp. I couldn’t tell if she was laughing or trying to fight me off. Either way, I wasn’t planning on putting her down. Shoving my way through the crowd, I headed to the exit. Her feet kicked at my ribs, but I refused to let her go, not with the people shoving against me. I pushed back, making room for us as we reached the crowded doors.
The floral breeze of Summer’s morning rushed through my body as I breathed it in. My sights fell on the black SUV still parked out front, waiting for us. I held her tighter as she continued to wiggle, ignoring her cries even as I opened the door and dropped her inside.
“Do you know who I am?” she slurred, attempting to leave as I climbed in beside hers. A burning rage flickered in those emerald green eyes of hers and I felt a sudden burn as her palm met my cheek.
At least she had a decent hit.
I chuckled. With one hand, I gave her a gentle push. She slumped back against the seat. “Listen, Princess, I’m just here to get you home safely.”
“You mean safely into bed so you can fuck me.”
Sassy. I liked that.
“If I wanted to have sex with you,” my eyes trailed over her body without any effort, “your clothes would be off by now.”
Her eyes widened as a red tint flushed over her cheeks. She looked away, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re sick.”
“Actually, I’m Nathan, and you, Ms. Vasiliev, are going home,” I said, closing the door. The driver looked in my direction and I gave him a nod, informing him he could drive off.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here.”
She was right about one thing; she wasn’t going anywhere. At least not alone.
“Look, your dad asked me to take you home.” That was a lie. He asked me to watch over her, but taking her back was the best thing for her... and me.
“My dad? Oh, I see you’re one of his bodyguards. Well, Jason—”
“It’s Nathan, Princess.”
“Whatever.” Karina waved her hand. Her eyes drooped as her body leaned to the side, against the window. “You can go fuck yourself.”
“Maybe later, but for now, I’m going to take you home.”
No remarks. “Princess.”
Nothing. Fuck.
I pulled on her shoulder, bringing her head closer to me. “Karina?”
Her eyes flickered open for a moment, but her eyelids continued to fight her will to keep them that way.
“You’re kind of cute.” She giggled softly.
Without warning, she leaned up. A small spark tickled at my lips as hers pressed against mine. I pulled away instantly, just as the driver gasped.
“Did my dad really ask you to take me home?” she asked.
“He asked me to watch over you.”
She hummed softly. “Then you’re sleeping with me.”
“No. I’m taking you home.” Probably drag her up to the room and put her in bed, but that was about it.
“But you have to watch after me. You’ll be able to do that better if you sleep next to me. You can catch me before I fall off the bed.” Her eyes stared directly into mine, lit up with lust.
She had a valid point. I could also keep her in bed so she wouldn’t wander out to another damn club. I sighed. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just get you home.”
Keeping my gaze towards the window, I watched the streetlights pass in a blur, ignoring her hand creeping around my neck. Suddenly, I couldn’t feel it anymore, so I turned to her, shaking her once to make sure she didn’t pass out.
She curled her body against mine and my arm instinctively wrapped around her shoulder, letting her use me as a pillow. I kept note of her steady breathing and pulse. I lowered my chin, resting it on top of her head, breathing her in. She smelled like a garden of fresh peonies mixed with a splash of alcohol, a scent I never thought I’d actually find comforting… or maybe it was just the fact that her arms somehow snuck their way around me.
The car finally stopped, and I looked out of the window, seeing the two-story stone mansion. Part of me didn’t want to wake her, but I shook her, anyway. “Ms. Vasiliev… we’re here.”
I opened the door and stepped out of the SUV. Turning to her, I gave her a soft smile, holding my hand out to her. She took it and with a gentle tug; I pulled her out and helped her to her feet while placing an arm around her waist. Karina pressed her body close to mine as I led her up the stairs and into the house. I tried not to put my hands on her or shove her away, even as the other bodyguards eyed us on the way into her room. Not bothering with the light, I led her straight to the bed.
With one hand, I gave her a gentle push. She stumbled back, falling onto the bed made for one. “You’re sleeping with me, right?” She asked.
My gaze fell over her, propped up on her knees in the middle of the bed. We weren’t both going to fit in that thing unless she rolled on her side and stayed glued to the wall. Still, I let out a deep breath and shrugged. “Do I have a choice?”
She grinned, shaking her head.
Of course, I didn’t. Slipping off my shoes, I sat down on the bed. The silk sheets were smooth and soft against my hands as I shifted to lie beside her. Glancing over to her, I noticed she was still on her knees, only now she had pulled her dress over her head and tossed it across the room before she laid beside me. Fucking hell.
She inched her way closer to me, molding her body against my side. “Jason?”
“It’s Nathan, Princess.” I turned my head in her direction, stiffening as her fingers trailed along my arm. Her face inched closer and her breath lingered against my mouth, but she was quiet and soon enough, her soft lips brushed against mine.
She’s drunk.
Unfortunately, my mouth didn’t process the facts, not when her lips claimed mine, or when her tongue forced its way in, exploring. Instead, I followed her lead, lost and drunk on the taste of the red wine. My fingertips trailed along the goosebumps breaking out on her skin up to her delicate hips.
She’s drunk.
My mind screamed, reminding me of the reality of the situation.
I pulled back, tearing myself from her. My fevered heart banged against my chest, eager to feel hers against mine. She was tempting, but I couldn’t fall into her web; not with her being drunk and definitely not with her being my boss’s daughter.
Light peered through the window, flashing over the confused look on her face, but before I could open my mouth to explain, she huffed and turned body from me. I breathed in and exhaled slowly. Shifting to face the ceiling, I traced the hexagon patterns with my gaze. It was better this way.
I didn’t need distractions in my line of work. It was smart to keep a safe distance. Luckily for me, in a few hours, Karina would go back to her life.
And I’d be able to go back to mine, minus the blue balls.