Page 25 of Reckless Sin

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Page 25 of Reckless Sin



I thought the ride to the hotel was long, but the elevator was longer.

Silence filled the small, enclosed space Karina and I stood in as we headed up to the top floor; the Vasiliev Suite. I kept my gaze on her as she stood with her hands at her sides. Although preoccupied with thoughts, I was sure she’d say something, but nothing came from her lips.

Breaking the ice could work, but it would lead to telling Karina how much of a torturous vixen she was or how I was still in pain because of my stupid reasons. There must have been a better way to relieve such aches and torture without resorting to desperate measures, again.

I shook the thoughts from my head. I needed to focus, but how could I with her standing there in silence?

“What’s got you all quiet?” I finally asked, placing my hands behind my back.

Karina took a deep breath. “I just want to get to my dad, make sure he’s ok.”

Of course, that was my top priority—or it should have been, and yet, here I was thinking about her and my fucking desires again.

Nodding, I looked away from her as I tried to keep focus. We made it to the very top without another word.

The doors opened, revealing a large living room with leather seats. It was a secret apartment just above the hotel. Two glasses sat upon the coffee table: both half empty. Someone else was there. I grabbed Karina’s hand before she could leave the elevator and stepped out first. Pulling her along with me, I made sure she hid behind in case of anything.

“Mr. Vasiliev,” I called out.

Silence responded. No movements, not a noise, nothing. Something was wrong. I glanced back at Karina. Her hand gripped my arm.

“Mr. Vasiliev!” I called out again.

Nerves crept under my skin as an uneasy feeling washed over me. All the possibilities of what could have happened to him flooded through my head at once, but one stood out above them all.

A squeaking sound came from the bedroom, followed by footsteps. One of the room doors swung open, revealing Mr. Vasiliev tying his tie. An enormous sigh of relief came from my lips. Thank fuck.

“Yes, Mr. James?”

“Dad.” Karina’s hand slipped from my arm. She rushed over, embracing her father.

He hugged her in return, placing a small kiss on her head. “I’m glad to see you two are safe, though I had no doubts.” His attention flickered back to me.

“Just doing what you asked of me.” I nodded simply.

“Mr. James hasn’t given you a hard time, has he?” There was a smirk upon Mr. Vasiliev’s lips. The man was usually serious, but every once in a while, he’d crack a little friendly demeanor.

To answer his question, from Karina’s standpoint, probably. From mine, definitely not. She was the one who gave me a hard time, in more ways than one.

“No, not at all,” I answered for her.

“He slept with me last night.” She told him, smiling.

Fuck. “Beside her.” I add with a nod, crossing my arms in front of me.

“He kept me preoccupied.” She smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. “By making conversation and joking around.”

“And he kept me warm.” She added, a hand on her hip.

“I may have cuddled up beside her last night.” I said, scratching the back of my head.

Mr. Vasiliev looked down at Karina, who took a step back from him. He then glanced back at me. “I see. Well, it’s wonderful that you committed to your assignment.” He said.

I wouldn’t say that...

At the sound of a ding, I turned, watching as the elevator doors opened. Mr. Prince stepped out, his hands in his pockets as he gazed up, noticing Karina and me. “Ah, wonderful. I’m glad to see you are safe, Miss Karina.”

I shifted my attention to Karina, who nodded. Moving towards the couch, she took a seat, and I followed her lead, sitting right beside her before Mr. Prince could.

“Now that we are all here. I’d like to talk about last night’s event.” Mr. Vasiliev motioned for Mr. Prince to take a seat, to which he complied on the lone chair beside the couch.

“As you are aware, the Vasiliev mansion was under attack last night.”

“Correction, you were under attack.” I interrupted. Everyone in the room shot a glance at me before they looked back at Mr. Vasiliev.

“I say the mansion, because either of us could have been hurt in the process, hence the bruising on your cheek,” Mr. Vasiliev continued.

The bruising was my own damn fault. Instead of dodging the punch, I leaned into it because I got distracted by the other guy trying to get to Karina. “Why’s Mr. Prince here if he wasn’t there?”

Mr. Vasiliev looked from me to Karina. “I was hoping to ask what you thought about a union with Mr. Prince.”

“Wait, what?” Karina and I spoke in unison.

Mr. Vasiliev cleared his throat. “This way you will be secure and well protected.”

I raised an eyebrow. The last time Mr. Prince brought up matter Mr. Vasiliev was not on board with it. He wouldn’t agree to such things just because of one mishap. “With all due respect, she’s perfectly safe in my care.”

Mr. Vasiliev gave me a nod; one I wasn’t sure of how to read. His face said everything would be all right, for me not to worry and to continue what I had been doing, but his words were the opposite.

“I understand, but with the union, you will no longer be needed.”

“I don’t need Adam’s protection or security. I’m perfectly capable on my own.” Karina crossed her arms with a huff, holding back her anger.

“I never said you weren’t capable, Karina. This is about the family and the future of the Vasiliev name.” He kept his eyes on us, but in the corner of my eyes, I could see Mr. Prince with a smirk over his lips.

I nodded, understanding the situation. I stood from the couch, pulling Karina up from the couch. “As much as I am not on board with the idea, you have your reasons.”

“Thank you, Mr. James. Please take Karina back to the mansion and gather her things. She will stay with Mr. Prince at his home. I expect you to drop her off there at a quarter to six.”

“What?” Karina wanted to protest, but I squeezed her hand.

“Anything else you’d like from me before I hand away the assignment you gave me?”

“Make sure you are back at the mansion at precisely six-fifteen.”

I nodded, slipping my hand from Karina’s. I stepped closer to Mr. Vasiliev and shook his hand, though he instantly pulled me into a small hug.

“It has been a pleasure working with you.” I kept my face stoic as he whispered to me, trying to keep from letting anyone in the room from realizing what was going on. “And I hope you continue to carry on with your assignment, even if I am gone before you return. Keep my family safe.”

He pulled away from me and I swallowed hard as he looked at Karina with a smile. “Trust me, Karina, everything will be alright. I love you.”

“I love you too, Papa.” Glancing at Karina, I could see the skeptical look in her eyes, but I’d address that later.

Right now was a time for goodbyes... in case of anything.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, leaving in a hurry.

I had yet to explain why we were leaving, but she also didn’t bother to ask. I was on edge thanks to her father, mostly Mr. Prince. Either way, the moment we reached the mansion, I stormed in. My hand took hers, pulling her close to me. We headed up the stairs; the railing was torn off from the previous night and blood-stained walls followed us on the way.

“What’s going on?” she finally asked, wanting to make conversation. I wasn’t in the mood.

My assignment was clear; take Karina to safety and get back in time to keep the boss out of harm’s way.

Reaching the top of the steps, I pulled her along with me into the first room on the right; her room. Allowing her to step in first, I followed behind her and closed the door.

One wrong move and who knew what would happen.

She turned to me, so many questions in her beautiful eyes. But there was no time to go into detail and explain what her father had said to me. The clock was ticking.

Quickly, I grabbed the first bag I could find and placed it on the bed. “Let’s get your things together.”

“Nathan, you can’t seriously make me go. You do understand what will happen if you leave me with Adam. He’ll make me his.”

I was more than aware. I didn’t need her to tell me. The moment he got her alone, he’d have his hands all over her. He’d taint her sweet lips, imprint her skin with marks of possession, and take what he assumed was his to own.

Karina’s body and heart were hers, to give willingly to anyone she chose. And I kept that choice from her by keeping myself at a distance.

“Nathan,” she finally said, making her way to me.

My nails dug into the palm of my hands. I took a deep breath in an attempt to relax. “I can’t explain. You just have to follow my every move and every word, alright?”

Karina nodded and walked over to her dresser. She dug through, tossing clothes my way. I stuffed them into the bag. As she turned to walk away, I caught her, holding my hand out to her as she drew closer. She took it instantly. I grabbed the bag and led her out of the room, heading back down the stairs.

Wrapping around the corner, I opened the door to my room. It was empty. The walls were painted green and the only thing that resided in the area other than a bed was the dresser. I pulled her gently inside and pushed the door closed. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a weapon I never thought I had to use; a 9 mm pistol. Making sure the safety was on, I stuffed it in the back of my pants.

“Go inside the closet, take out the leather jacket, and put it on.”

Karina followed my instructions, grabbing the jacket. She put it on and stood beside me. Crossing her arms, she stood her ground. “Nathan, I don’t know what’s going on, but you can’t take me there.”

“I’m not taking you to Mr. Prince’s, Karina, but actions have repercussions and regardless of that, I have to keep you safe.” I snatched her arm and tugged her from the room. “So that’s what I’m going to do, whether you agree with it.”

I dragged her out of the mansion and pulled her along until we reached my motorcycle. I climbed on first and looked at her. “Get on the bike.”

“Will you tell me what’s going on first?”

“I’m taking you to the bus station. From there, I want you to get as far away from here as possible. Preferably Bunny’s, so I can come for you after this is all done.” I grabbed the helmet and handed it to her. “If I don’t get you away from here, you’ll die. And if I don’t hurry and get back to your dad, he’ll die.”

Karina didn’t need to hear anything else. She hopped on and took the helmet from my hand. Once she was settled, I drove off.

I hope you continue to carry on with your assignment even if I am gone before you return.

My assignment wouldn’t ever be over, and I’d be damned if I let that moment be the last I got to spend with Mr. Vasiliev. I twisted the throttle; the bike speeding up as Karina’s arms wrap tighter around me.

God, I just hoped this wasn’t the last time I’d be with her either... but if it was, it’d be for the best. I could always assign someone else to her in the event anything happened. The idea didn’t ease my thoughts or the ache in my chest, but I needed to keep Mr. Vasiliev from dying. Only then would I figure out the rest.

We reached the bus station and Karina climbed down from the bike. Taking the helmet off, she handed it to me. I placed it on my lap, looking at her. As she started to remove the jacket, I stopped her. Taking her hand, I pulled her close before I leaned up, pressing my lips to hers.

“Keep it. You can give it back to me when we see each other again.” I smiled at her. “Hopefully, I’ll grab you later tonight if all this is done by then.” I added, making sure that she knew I wanted to see her again. I didn’t want this to be a goodbye for good.

Karina nodded, taking one good look at me before she leaned in, giving me one last kiss. Savoring the taste of her lips, I pulled from her.

“Be careful and come back for me,” she whispered.

I nodded. “I will. Now go.”

Karina turned, rushed up the stairs, and disappeared into the building. I took a deep breath, placing the helmet over my head.

I promise I’ll be back for you Princess; you have my word.

I drove as fast as I could. Swerving past cars, pedestrians crossing the street, and even animals. I took the back roads Cole once drove me down in his car when he used to race against other drivers, some that weren’t even really back roads, just patches of dirt that led back to streets. Reaching the hotel in minutes, I took the elevator up, but the place was empty. I left as fast as I could and made it to the mansion in minutes.

There, I noticed Mr. Prince’s black Bentley. Hopping off the bike, I tossed the helmet and rushed inside the house.

“Mr. Vasiliev?” I called out, cautiously. I made my way up the stairs, my hand on the pistol grip sticking out from the back of my pants.

A shot echoed just as I reached the top step. I raced down the hall and into the office. My eyes widened as I stared at the man lying on the ground, bleeding out. Beside him, Mr. Prince knelt, seemingly covering the wound with his hand. “The guy escaped through the window.”

Fuck the guy. Mr. Vasiliev needed a damn hospital. I rushed over to Mr. Vasiliev and bent down. He bled out through the wound in his chest. My stomach rolled with fear. I pressed my shaking hands against him to stop the bleeding.

“I’m going to get you to a hospital, Mr. Vasiliev.”

“Mr. James… it’s all right, son.”

Son... no, I wasn’t his son. Never would be, but I helped him up slowly, wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and pulled him to his feet.

“He’s going to die if you keep pushing his limits,” Mr. Prince called out from behind me.

“He’ll die either way. At least this way he gets a fighting chance. Go get Mr. Vasiliev’s car. We’re taking him to the fucking hospital.”

Mr. Prince didn’t seem to fight me like he usually did. Instead, I heard a pair of keys being grabbed and soon enough; he was racing past us down the stairs and out the door.

“Where’s Karina?” Mr. Vasiliev asked as we walked down the hall.

“She’s safe. I promised her I’d get her once this was over.”

Mr. Vasiliev coughed up some blood. “Good, about Mr. Prince—”

“If you keep talking, you’re going to make things worse.” I kept him steady while we made it to the stairs. “Don’t worry about him. You should already know I don’t trust him and I’m sure he’s the cause of this regardless of who pulled the trigger.”

Mr. Vasiliev nodded beside me.

It took a while, but I got him into the car and to the hospital, without Mr. Prince. They admitted him on the spot and after a few hours, Mr. Vasiliev was brought to a private room.

Incessant beeps echoed from the crack of the door, marking the heartbeat of the man inside the room. The soles of my shoe tapped against the floor, mimicking the sounds as I sat restlessly waiting for answers.

I may not have been his son, but Mr. Vasiliev was more like a father to me than my own. And now, he was either slowly dying or recovering. I hoped for the latter, but being in the hospital, in front of the same room my grandfather passed away in three years ago, only filled my head with the worst probable outcome. I lost him and then Cole. Mr. Vasiliev couldn’t be another.

I kept my head buried in my hands, waiting for the man to wake up or a call for a nurse. From what I could tell, he was still unconscious. He did lose a lot of blood.

How the hell could I have been so stupid to leave and take my sweet ass time to come back?

Distractions weren’t a good thing, and I was glad Karina was officially gone from the equation. I could finally do my job.

I was supposed to keep him out of harm’s way, whether he gave me the title or not. I failed him, just like I failed my brother.

“Mr. James.”

I poked my head up from my hands, staring at the nurse who was making her rounds. “Yes?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Vasiliev.”

“Isn’t that against the rules? I’m not family.”

“He has you listed as an emergency contact with access to his files.”

Odd, but I wasn’t going to question it. “Is he doing all right?”

“The bullet wound wasn’t fatal, luckily. What is fatal is the poison coursing through his blood.”


“Yes. There’s a high dosage of arsenic in his blood. We also ran some tests and found it in his hair follicles and fingernails.”

“I don’t understand.”

“He’s been exposed to above-average levels for months and I don’t think he will make it through the night. I was hoping to ask if he’s had any of the following symptoms: muscle cramps, blood in the urine, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, or excessive sweating?”

He did, every once in a while. I always thought he was just feeling a little under the weather, especially when he would brush it to the side. “You already said he might not make it. Why ask these questions?”

“It may not be as severe as it seems.”

The beeps from inside the room suddenly became erratic. Fast-paced. The nurse rushed into the room. I could hear her faintly calling for the doctors. Each beep overpowered the footsteps running in. My vision clouded as I stepped back and before I knew it...

There were no more breaks between the beeps. Just a long flat piercing sound penetrating my ears. The monitor had flatlined.

And Mr. Vasiliev... was gone.

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