Page 27 of Reckless Sin
They say when someone important to us leaves this earth, a part of ourselves dies with them.
I didn’t believe that was true until the night I heard Mr. Vasiliev’s last heartbeat. The incessant beeps haunted me through the nights, as did the floors that creaked under ghostly footsteps. I was alone, and I had to be to not lose another. Yet, for someone who constantly pushed people away, I wasn’t fine with being alone. I glanced back down at my phone as I stepped inside of the abandoned mansion I watched from afar for months.
Unknown: I know who killed Mr. Vasiliev. Meet me in the office in one hour. - Matthews.
There was a chance my life was on the line, but if it meant finding out who killed Mr. Vasiliev and taking his ass down, so be it. I stood outside the office, a place that had never been off-limits before. It was a room full of memories, ones I didn’t need to be distracted from. Still, I pushed the door open with a finger.
My eyes immediately fell on Mr. Vasiliev’s chair; empty…
No old man hunched over, scribbling on sheets. No greetings. No hand motions beckoning me closer. And more importantly, no Mr. Vasiliev.
I diverted my attention to the desk, covered in discarded papers. The drawers were pulled from their place and tossed to the floor.
Moving closer, my fingers slid over the oak desk. He practically lived at, collecting dust from lack of use. Still, I walked behind the desk, spotting a ring of keys on the floor.
I bent down, picking them up. Each belonged to a lock on Mr. Vasiliev’s file cabinet, the one he kept in his office. I scanned the various papers around me; My contract, partnerships with various vendors, his first arrangements with Mr. Delacroix, and a deal with Mr. Prince.
“Nice to see you decided to show up.”
I knew that voice. It was the same one that always lingered in the back of my mind. I froze at the sound. Two years may have passed, but I could never forget his playful tone even if I tried.
I stood up slowly as my eyes trailed over the man. Black sneakers, dark blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt. Nothing stood out except for the tattoo on his upper arm his fingers rubbed against.
Inside of two tilted hexagons, there was a moon with an arrow going through the figure. Club Gravity’s logo.
Tears swelled in my eyes, making it too blurry to see his face. But Cole was there. He had to have been. My feet moved faster than my thoughts and within seconds, my arms wrapped around his body.
He was real.
“Don’t be such a baby, Nathan.”
Cole tried to make jokes over his own emotions, but I could hear the strain in his voice. He was trying to be an adult and not get emotional, but the tighter the grip on my shoulder became, the more I knew he missed me—the entire family.
I rubbed my eyes against his shirt. I didn’t want to let go, afraid that if I did, he might disappear or that I’d wake up from a dream. Cole pulled away first, but he kept his hand against my shoulder. I stared back into the same pair of gray eyes as my own.
Shaking my head, I wiped the rest of my tears with my arm. “Why—how are you here?”
“Because you’re an idiot.” Cole wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “And I had come here to talk some sense into you.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but he hit me across the head instead. Yup, this definitely wasn’t a dream.
“You’re supposed to be taking care of Karina.” He told me.
“How do you know about Karina?” The question dropped from my lips as I rubbed my head.
“Ever heard of Matthews?”
Matthews… “You mean you’re the one who helped Karina,” I paused, soon realizing the obvious. “And you were there that night of the shooting?”
“I got Mr. Vasiliev to safety.” He shrugged. “I’m surprised you didn’t catch on sooner, James.”
Right… because much like I had done, Cole used his middle name… Matthews.
“That’s besides the point. I am keeping Karina safe.”
“Bullshit, I’m the one doing that.” He scoffed. “Do you know how hard it is to fend off people trying to get to her and her brother on my own without getting caught by either of them?” He shook his head. “Mr. Vasiliev entrusted you to take care of his family and business.”
“Yeah and I failed. He’s dead.” I shrugged his arm off my shoulder. “Next thing you know, I’ll get the two of them killed as well.”
“Nathan, you can’t keep blaming yourself.” Cole let out a deep breath. “Mr. Vasiliev knew he was dying.”
“Then why didn’t he tell anyone? Why couldn’t he tell me?” I asked him, my voice raising.
“Because if he did, you’d do something stupid.” He raised his voice right back at me. “Mr. Vasiliev wasn’t an idiot. If you knew who poisoned him, you’d be out for revenge.”
“You say that now, but trust me… it’s easier to seek revenge than forgiveness.”
He made it seem like he understood that more than I could. Still, I shook my head. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Exactly, you’re not. So, I need you to stop moping around because it isn’t helping anyone and get back to what you promised.” Cole narrowed his eyes at me. “Take care of Mr. Vasiliev’s family and his business.”
“Haven’t you heard? Mr. Prince is overseeing things.”
“Fuck Mr. Prince. You, of all people, should know he’s the reason for all this. There’s even proof.”
Cole pulled out a stack of folded papers from his back pocket and slammed it against my palm. “Look it over, there’s even a letter for you and a legal document stating the future of the Vasiliev company.”
“And what am I supposed to do with these?”
“Read them. You’ll figure it out.” He took a step back, turning from me.
“Wait,” I called out before he could walk away. He glanced back, waiting for me to continue. “How’s Karina?”
“She misses you and probably wants to hit you for leaving her. But she’s okay otherwise.” He shrugged. “Mr. Vasiliev raised a strong woman.”
A smile tugged at my lips. “I’m glad.”
“You owe her the biggest apology.” Cole shook his head with a chuckle.
“At least I haven’t been gone for two years.” I shrugged back at with a smirk.
“That’s a low blow.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m just waiting for the right time. What’s your excuse?”
“I’ve been waiting for someone to remind me of my place in the world.”
“And where’s that?”
“Beside the Queen and protecting her at all costs.”
“Is this a chess thing again?” He rolled his eyes.
I grinned, “Wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t.”
“Am I going on without you or are we taking my car?” he asked with a smile.
“I’ll catch up later.” I rolled the papers up. “Gonna look through these first.”
“All right.” Cole rubbed his palms together and looked at me, cocking his head to the side. “Do me a favor?”
“Don’t let anyone know you saw me. I want to be the one to tell them.”
I nodded. “It’s your business to tell.”
He smiled at me before turning. “I got your number, so I’ll call or text you from time to time.”
“Yeah, you better.” I told him, chuckling a little. “Life’s been a mess without you.”
“You’re alive. That’s all that counts.” He raised his hands, folding them against the back of his head. “I promise I’ll be around more.”
“You better.”
“Oh, and one last thing,” He called out, still heading towards the door. “Adam Prince killed Mr. Vasiliev.”
I blinked twice, Cole’s words circulating in my head as he left. My blood boiled in my veins, craving for release. Mr. Prince… of course it was him.
I glanced down at the paper in front of me, written in Mr. Vasiliev’s handwriting.
If you’re reading this, it means the poison finally got hold of me. Thank you for all that you have done. When I first brought you on as a bodyguard, I asked you to protect the Vasiliev name and keep my family safe. I never entrusted you with my life. You took responsibility on your own. I hope you will continue to carry on your assignment. Take care of my family and yours when I am gone.
And remember, “Be the chess player, not the chess piece.”
A small smile came to my lips as I read his words. He was right. I had to be a chess player, meaning I had to use what I had to my advantage. Everything I needed to get back in the game was in my hands; the motive, evidence. Hell, I even had a way to get Mr. Prince to talk.
I just needed to make my move.
I flipped to the next, a document of doctor records, information about the poison, and when it started. The following were all about the future of the company and legal papers containing information about who would take over.
In the untimely event of my death, I give the company over to my daughter Karina Vasiliev, to step in until either of my sons are ready to take over.
Karina… Of course. Neither of his sons were ready. Balthazar was too young and the other… didn’t even know his own parents. And that left Karina to be my opponent’s target.
I just had to get to her before anyone else did. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, though before I could press the call button on Karina’s name, a message popped up on my screen:
Mr. Prince: A prince always gets his princess.
Ok, so he was one step closer, but this wasn’t over. He had yet to take the queen. There was still a chance to protect her and take him down.
And I would, with just one blow.