Page 29 of Reckless Sin
I was there for business.
I had to remind myself as I stepped in. Cherry Pops greeted me with the rhythmic beating of the drums amplified by the speakers above. Lights illuminated the stage, captivating the men who were there for a show.
I, unfortunately for the dancers, wasn’t. I needed to stay focused on the task at hand and not on the half-naked woman on stage. She turned her back to the crowd as she slipped a jacket off her and bent over, showing off her—
Focus Nathan.
I pried my attention away from the naked woman. I had to find Karina. Mr. Vasiliev was dead, and Mr. Prince was parading around, acting on his behalf. Karina needed to be protected from the murderer no matter what the cost.
Hardly taking in my surroundings, my eyes fell on a familiar dancer, Bunny. It was nice to see she was still doing well. Though she didn’t look too happy as she pulled a pair of hands off her body. I marched in her direction. I grabbed her hand, pulling her off the man and behind me.
“What the fuck? I paid for her.” The man in the chair narrowed his eyes at me. He stood, trying to look intimidating. Unfortunately, it wasn’t easy to intimidate me.
I’d encountered men bigger and taller than the guy in front of me. From the looks of it, this man wasn’t even that strong. He was just tall and lacked muscles in his arms. He wanted his money’s worth, but respecting the dancers was more than just paying them a fee.
“She’s not a prostitute for you to put your dirty hands on. She’s a lady and a dancer. If she says not to touch her, don’t touch her.” I let go of Bunny’s hand and placed mine on the man’s shoulder. I gripped tight, dragging the male to the front door.
“This is bullshit. I fucking paid! I get to touch her, you piece of—” I tossed him out the door before he could even finish.
I rolled my eyes, slamming the heavy door shut in the man’s face. I took a deep breath. Sometimes I wondered why people couldn’t just keep their hands to themselves. It wasn’t that hard.
As I turned around, the sudden movements of a bouncy chest caught my attention. I shifted my eyes to up to Bunny’s face. Her long brown hair draped over her shoulders in waves. She stepped closer. Her arms wrapped around my neck. Her glitter gold eyeshadow made those brown eyes that looked up at me pop out.
“I didn’t know we hired extra security.” She was irresistible to the rest of the crowd, but not me. I gave her a kind smile, pulling her arms gently from my neck. She furrowed her eyebrows.
I leaned over and placed a small kiss on her cheek. “Aren’t you usually on stage?”
“I have to let the other girls have fun. Thank you for taking care of him, but we both know you aren’t security, Mr. James.”
I shrugged. “Well, your security isn’t doing shit at the moment. You should tell the owner about that.”
Bunny sighed. “What do you want in return?”
I smirked. At least she knew I was planning to make a bargain. “A chance to talk with you or your friends.”
“An interrogation?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Sort of. I’m looking for someone important.”
She smiled, knowing who I meant without me having to say. “What makes you think she’s here?”
“Simple. You two are like a pack of Twix; you always come in pairs.”
She tilted her head. “You know there are more things that come in pairs, right?”
I rolled my eyes; she had a point. “Fine, you’re like a zebra cake pack.”
“Boobs, balls, or even peas come in pairs.” She laughed.
I chuckled, smiling. “So, where is she?”
Bunny’s eyes glanced around the room before her eyes shifted back to me. “You disappeared. In her words: If he tried to show up in my life again, it would be out of guilt.”
I sighed. It seemed as though Karina forgot how close I was to Mr. Vasiliev. I wasn’t just his bodyguard. The man was like a father to me. I was still grieving too, but the fact remained that I had a wish to grant.
Even though I wasn’t a genie or some other magical being that could give the dead what they wanted, I felt the need to do what Mr. Vasiliev planned even before his death. And that meant keep his family safe and protect the Vasiliev name.
I just had to do it without making another reckless mistake.
Originally, I failed at my assignment. But it wasn’t over. There was still time to fix everything.
Bunny didn’t need to know all of that, though.
“I had issues to deal with. All that should matter is that I’m back to keep her safe.”
Bunny sighed. “I can get you in a private room.”
I nodded. “As long as I can get some information about her.”
“You’re such a simple guy.” Bunny grabbed me by the arm and pulled me. I followed her through the crowd of men and dancers.
“We’re pretty much naked and you give us no attention.” Bunny pouted. I looked at her and chuckled.
“I promise I’ll come by one day, with some friends.”
She combed her fingers through her brown hair. My eyes lowered, catching a glimpse of her chest. She had done that on purpose. I chuckled as I looked away from her. “Where’s your other friend, Vi? I noticed she wasn’t around. Private room?”
Bunny shook her head. “She’s having personal issues, and she’s also still single.” She smirked, pushing me playfully.
I laughed. “She hates me, and you know damn well I don’t need a girlfriend.”
And if I wanted one, I had my eyes set on Karina, even if she was still unattainable.
“You need someone.”
“What about you?” I turned the subject back to her. “I’m sure both of your friends tried hooking you up with someone this past year.”
“Brokenhearted men aren’t my thing. I can’t fix them. And then there was one who was more interested in getting his face bashed in than to smash this pussy.”
I laughed. She opened the curtain to one of the VIP rooms. “I promise I won’t send you Candy. She’s not one of our dancers tonight.”
“Thank fuck.” I uttered under my breath, remembering the last time they forced me into a room with Candy, the glitter girl. “So, will this person give me answers?”
“She’ll give you more than that.” Bunny held her hand out, waiting for a tip. “Just don’t give my girl a hard time. She’s been through a lot.”
I reached into my pocket and grabbed a fifty. I placed it in her hand as I leaned in and pressed my lips to her cheek. “Keep out of trouble.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She mumbled, closing the curtain behind her.
I took a deep breath, staring at the couch. All this to keep a dying man’s wish. At least I knew one thing:
I’d see Karina soon enough.