Page 34 of Reckless Sin
It’s funny how when given the opportunity, no questions stood out.
I was free to ask Nathan anything. From his past to family, business, struggles, and all that good stuff. Yet here I was, just walking down the path towards the sea, wondering how he affected me after a year of being apart. I went from hating him to sharing a moment with him, and now here we were, a year later, back to me hating him. Ok, hate was a strong word. I disliked him… a lot.
“Karina?” His voice called out to me. I glanced over at him, realizing he passed me. His eyes showcased a bit of worry.
“I don’t know where to even start,” I admitted, matching his pace.
“We can always go backwards.”
No, that meant I’d get the answers I was afraid of receiving first. “When’s your birthday?”
“Starting simple, I see.” He smiled. “It’s in April. And before you ask, I’m twenty-eight.”
My eyes danced over his rugged features. The dark circles under his eyes, the stubble beard he must have grown throughout the year. He definitely looked older than his age.
“Why did my dad hire you? Were you in the military or something?”
He chuckled. “No, guess I was just lucky. I was working at my brother’s nightclub at the time and needed a second job, so I applied to the hotel. Your dad ended up offering me the bodyguard job since I was a bouncer.”
“You must have had a lot of training.”
“An extensive amount.” He let out a breath and shook his head. “All in my first year, but I’m a quick learner.”
“When did you learn how to ride that thing?” I looked over my shoulder, pointing down the path where his bike resided.
“I want to say I was about fifteen.” Nathan tilted his head, thinking it over. “It was around the time Cole found out he was going to be a dad. He got a job a little ways from home and since he needed a way to get there, he bought that bike.”
Nathan walked over to the railing by the water. Patting the space next to him, he smiled at me. I moved beside him as he looked out at the city and continued. “The first night he got it, I wanted to impress some girl from my high school. Ended up riding it straight into a tree.”
I laughed, although he didn’t actually answer my question. “Anyway, the details don’t matter. After that day, Cole taught me how to ride and fix the bike.”
“So, your brother’s name is Cole?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said as he nodded. “He’s the one who went missing.”
“And your other brother?” If I recalled correctly, he said he had two since the third was adopted.
“Daniel is a year younger. No kids like Cole, but he probably will one day.” I could see him smiling from the corner of my eye.
My gaze drifted out at the city from across the water. “Why didn’t you come back for me sooner?”
He took a deep breath. I glanced back at him as he stared down at the sea. “Your father meant more to me than just being my superior.” His hands held on the railing. “He was like family, and knowing I let him down made me think I was only going to do the same to you.”
It was the first time I ever heard one of my father’s bodyguards say anything about being family.
“Look, Karina,” He kept his gaze from me. “I’m sorry I waited.”
Reaching over, I slid my hand over his. “It’s ok. You’re here now.”
A soft smile formed on his lips. As he processed my words, he turned his head and looked at me.
The pounding in my chest deafened my ears and the only thing I could focus on was Nathan’s gray eyes drifting down to my lips as he leaned in closer.
“I missed you.” His hushed tone didn’t help steady the beating of my heart.
Nathan captivated me, and I was inches away from tasting his lips on mine. But I couldn’t move. I froze, stuck to the spot. He blinked twice, his eyes scanning my face. The warm touch of his hand pressed against my shoulder.
“Breathe, Karina.”
As commanded, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. A soft chuckle came from his lips as his hand rubbed against my shoulder. He closed the distance between us, and my body tensed up. His lips pressed gently against my cheek.
“You don’t have to be so nervous.” He retrieved his hand. “Anything else you want to know?”
There was just one more thing… “What brought you back?”
He sighed. “Matthews.”
“I thought you said there’s no Matthews.” My lips curled into a smirk.
“I guess I was wrong.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Anyway, he gave me some valuable information.”
Nathan made it seem like this was just business. That he wouldn’t have come if it were more than that. A knot formed in my throat, and a lump formed in my chest. “What was it?”
“Other than the future of the Vasiliev company?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I’m more than certain you’re a target.”
“I don’t need you to take care of me, Nathan.” My defenses came up quicker than intended. “I’ve been fine.”
“If anything ever happened to you, I’d blame myself.”
And there was the guilt he felt.
“Maybe you should take me back to Bunny’s.” I pushed myself away from the railing. “If the only reason you’re here is out of guilt because my dad died on your watch, then I don’t want you back in my life.”
Nathan’s hand covered mine. I glanced over at him. His eyes fixated on me. “That’s not the reason.”
“Then what is?”
“You are.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “But it’s getting late, and I should get you back before you have to explain shit to your boyfriend.”
“I’m not leaving until you explain. Why am I the reason?”
“Guess I’m trying to figure that out.” He shrugged. “I’m also trying to understand why, of all people, you chose Mr. Prince when he only wants you for an ego boost.”
Nathan wasn’t wrong, but it still hurt. “And what do you want from me?”
“Company. A friend. For you to reign and gain everything you want to achieve.”
“No ego boost?” I tilted my head, waiting for his answer.
“No, just maybe...” he bent down, his lips brushed against mine. My heart fluttered at the small gesture. “Some of these from time to time. But I have to deserve it and right now I can only try to win you back first.”
I chuckled. “You never had me in the first place.”
“I like to think I did.” He smirked.
“You didn’t,” I told him.
“Then I’ll just have to try my hardest to earn your heart from here on out.”
“What are you saying?” I asked, hoping he’d stop the negative thoughts creeping in the back of my head.
“I’m saying you can hate me all you want, but not even our time apart could keep me from...” He stopped in his tracks. “Doing my job.”
Nice save.
“And... having feelings for you.” He breathed.
At least he didn’t say he was in love with me. Still, from the strain in his voice, I could tell it wasn’t something he said often to people. “Is that the real reason you’re around? Because you have feelings for me and want to make it up to me?”
Nathan nodded in response.
“Well, you’ll have time to figure that out. I’m heading back to California in the morning.”
“I have things to take care of,” I said simply.
“Like what?” He persisted.
Like the fact that I still had a job there because of that resurfaced contract, thanks to Adam Prince. I needed to set things straight with Risque Dreams, stand my ground. I was content with my life and maybe my father had the right idea before when he said I could do photoshoots in New York. “Changing my location so I can keep doing both of the things I like and be close to my brother.”
Nathan smiled at me, not looking deeper into my answer. “Then, I’ll go with you.”