Page 37 of Reckless Sin
Karina couldn’t blame me for not being able to believe she wouldn’t have a boyfriend and still fool around. I hardly met this new version of her. Sure, I worked for her family for years and we got acquainted with each other last year, but not entirely. And as sexually attracted as I was, I still really wanted to get to know her better because I already liked the other parts.
Still, Karina made me sit at the front of the plane while she sat in the back. She was pissed, and I didn’t blame her.
I fucked up again… but she couldn’t keep me away from her forever.
We reached Boston by early morning. Sitting beside her in a moving taxi, I glanced at the driver, the same guy who Karina saw me knock out in the basement a year ago. He was quiet, but he smiled at me. A silent thank you for sending him someone to keep his family safe after I let him go that same night.
I looked over at Karina. She glued her gaze to the window, watching the trees pass by in a blur. She rested her chin against her hand, elbow against the armrest. What was going through that head of hers?
“Will you stop staring at me?” she asked.
“She finally speaks!” I widened my eyes, acting surprised.
“Yes, what do you want?” Anger laced in her voice, though I wasn’t exactly sure if it was because of me or the lack of sleep she received on the overnight ride from California to Boston.
“Are you still mad at me?”
She looked at me, a little confused because of the lack of sleep, before realization dawned on her. I should have kept my mouth shut. “I forgot all about it until now. Thanks for reminding me.”
You’re most certainly welcome.
Turning her head back around, Karina focused on the window once more. Her arms crossed over her chest as she held her head high.
I lowered mine in shame, rubbing my palm against my pants. My eyes glanced up at her, hoping she’d look at me again. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Snapping her attention back to me, she narrowed her eyes. “A little too late, isn’t it?”
I gave a small smile, avoiding eye contact. “Better late than never, right?” Taking a deep breath, I continued, “Look... you can’t blame me for not knowing. You got to ask me personal questions before. I didn’t get to ask you any.”
“No one said you couldn’t, Nathan.” Her voice was laced with annoyance. “I’m not you. I don’t keep things hidden. If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask me and I’ll tell you. But you didn’t bother. You were too busy; always trying to protect the family instead of getting to know me.”
Ok, she has a point. I had been busy. I still was, in a way, but not as much. She was now my primary focus. I wanted to set things right. Not just to work alongside her, but to possibly one day take a shot at something that scared me.
I swallowed the fears that crept into my throat. “Then let me get to know you.”
“Why? It seems like you don’t really need to know anything. You have all the information you need.” She spat venom my way, but I could still counter her attack.
“But not the ones I want.” I pouted and looked up at her, hoping maybe a puppy dog face would help me out.
For a moment, it seemed like it was working. Her face softened, though she soon looked away. “I’d rather go home.”
Home. The same place her father died in. Was that what she was thinking about before she spoke up?
Karina wasn’t around like I was. This was her first time returning since his death. I promised myself I wouldn’t step foot inside unless deemed necessary. The sounds of gunshots and the splashes of blood haunted the halls. It’d been a month since I last stepped foot inside that mansion.
My eyes drifted down to my hands, clutching to my pants. “We’re staying somewhere else.”
“My place,” I told her. “After your dad passed, it was hard staying there.”
“I’d still like to go there.”
I looked up at her and gave her a soft smile. “We can do that one day.”
“Your place, then?” Her hand rested against mine.
I nodded. “I can cook you dinner tonight.”
“You can cook?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“I know how to do a lot of things.” I winked at her, trying to shake the slightly depressed mood I was in.
“So, then we’re going to get to know each other over dinner?”
“Yeah. We can make a game out of it, if you’d like, instead of it being like a date. It takes the pressure off.”
Karina shook her head. “Sure. A game date night.”
The taxi halted as we reached my place, a two-story brick house with a garage. I paid the fee and tipped him. Reaching into my pocket, I handed Karina the keys. “Go make yourself comfortable.”
Without hesitation, she took them and headed inside. Following behind her, I walked farther in, reaching the living room. She ran up the stairs just as I suspected, and I heard the shower turn on. I took a deep breath, walking over to the couch before sitting.
My house was small. A door frame and bar with two stools separated the living room and kitchen. By the staircase, there was a half bathroom for when I had people over. Two bedrooms resided upstairs, a guest room across from mine, and a bathroom next to both. Part of me still felt like I should have just bought a one-bedroom or an apartment, but regardless of how many rooms I had, I still ended up sleeping on the couch.
Soon enough, the water shut off and her footsteps pattered as she came down the steps. Looking over, I took in the sight of her. Water droplets dripped from the ends of her hair and over the towel hugged tightly around her curves. It was a little too short to cover those slender legs of hers.
“It’s just a towel Nathan, you’ve seen me naked already,” she said as she circled the couch.
“I know, just enjoying the view.” I smirked once she moved in front of me.
“Well, enjoy it a little less.” Her eyes flickered down my body. “How are you that easy?”
Little things turned me on, especially when it came to her. What else could I say? “Your clothes are in the closet, second room to the right of the bathroom.”
“How did you get my clothes?” She asked.
“I took some from your dad’s place and brought them just in case you came back with me.”
She raised an eyebrow at me, but didn’t question. “I have to get ready for my date.”
I looked over at her with a smirk. “That isn’t until six.”
“Oh, did I forget to mention? I’m having a lunch date.”
“Who’s the lucky guy?” I tilted my head to the side in question.
“Adam Prince.”
My jaw nearly dropped. She couldn’t seriously be going on a date with him. Sure, she claimed he was her boyfriend, but I thought she said it to piss me off. “Wait what?”
“Yeah. I mean, he is my boyfriend, right?”
“I don’t know, Karina, is he?” I prayed he wasn’t.
“No, but thanks for finally asking.” She walked away from me and started back up the stairs.
“So then, why are you going out with him for lunch?” I called out to her.
“I’m getting to know you. Why not get to know him as well?” With that, I heard the door close.
Karina wasn’t my girlfriend and even if we had a relationship, she had every right to hang out with whoever the hell she wanted. Even if that someone was Mr. Prince. Still, that didn’t ease the anger running through my veins.
I stormed up the steps. “You can’t be serious.”
“Nathan, it’s just lunch.” She called out from behind the door.
“Then cancel.” My stomach turned with the idea of her eating with that man.
“I can’t do that. I already promised.”
“You have to,” I said, reaching for the doorknob.
“And why’s that?”
“Because Karina…” I struggled to get the words out. “He killed your father.”
She was silent, and all I could do was picture her reaction. “What did you just say?”
I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
The lock soon clicked, and the door opened. Sad eyes stared back at me. “How long have you known?”
Glancing away, I reached for her hands, taking them in mine. “About a month ago.”
“You couldn’t have told me sooner?” She slipped from my grasp. “Like yesterday or the night before when we were in New York. Hell, even at the club the same night!”
“It didn’t cross my mind to tell you because I was going to handle it without involving you.” My hands clenched into fists as I tried to keep my composure. If I knew she would have agreed to something so… so stupid, I would have said something sooner.
“You can’t go out to lunch with him,” I nearly choked. “He might hurt you too.”
Karina must have noticed the distress in my eyes because she reached over. I leaned in, feeling the warmth of her hand pressed against my cheek.
“It’s Adam. He won’t hurt me. Not when he wants me. I’ll be fine on my date.” She slid her hand off my face, giving me a soft smile.
Karina took a step back into the room and closed the door. I leaned against the wall and sighed. If that’s what she wanted, who was I to stop her?
Her bodyguard, kind of, sort of friend; maybe more.
“You should get some sleep before our dinner later.”
I scoffed, pushing myself off from the wall, and headed back downstairs.
As if I could get any rest, thanks to her.