Page 103 of Bad Reputation
“I’m trying to remember why I like you,” Lo tells Garrison, ignoring Daisy, “but it’s all clouded by an image of me stabbing you, so be lucky I’m not holding a goddamn knife right now.”
Garrison almost smiles. “You still like me?”
I caught that too. My spirits lift.
Lo enunciates, “Me stabbing you to death. Value your own life for me, so you can at least be kind of frightened.”
I focus on opening the tub of ice cream—helping out and distracting myself—and then I lean into Daisy’s ear to whisper, “I’m so embarrassed.”
Daisy hugs my side and says even softer, “They love you, you know?”
I glance to Ryke, but the second he turns towards me, I abruptly rotate back to Daisy. My brain is singing a song on a loop. It goes something like: Ryke Meadows is your big brother. He’s your brother. Older brother! He’s Ryke Meadows and you’ve got him as a brother! HE’S YOUR BROTHERRRRR!
My face flames and stomach churns.
I so clearly avoided his gaze, didn’t I? There was nothing smooth about it. I refocus on the ice cream. Tasks are good. Tasks keep me away from thinking about how awkward I am.
After I stick a spoon into the ice cream, I notice Rose handing Lily a middle portion of the cake. Lily shakes her head. “I can’t eat the shaft.”
“Lil.” Lo melds his body behind hers. “It’s cake.”
“It’s a penis.”
“No, love, this is a penis.” He takes her hand and places it on his crotch.
“Lo!” A smile accompanies her squeal.
I’m used to the overly flirtatious antics and PDA, but I’ve been roasting since I showed up to this party. Today is on a different level. I sidle back to Garrison.
“Daisy!” Ryke calls out, standing near the dick cake. Swiftly, he scoops the chocolate cake into his palm and chucks the hunk at her face. It splats against her nose and mouth and eyes, pink frosting dropping off her chin.
Her smile stretches. “This means war,” she warns.
“Come at me, Calloway.”
Daisy digs her hand into the cake and throws a hunk at Ryke. It hits him square in the cheek.
The food fight erupts, Lily and Lo joining in. Connor and Rose sip coffee by the pot, hand-in-hand, and remain out of the battle.
I back up into Garrison’s chest to avoid being pelted with a flying piece of cake. He wraps his arms over my collarbones, holding me.
Lo and Ryke are doing the most cake throwing, and one chunk finally pelts my shoulder, splattering my top with pink icing.
Garrison spins me around to face him. “You’ve got something on you,” he says, lips inching up.
“That’s because I was shielding you.”
His grin explodes. “And look at that, you did such a good job.” He places his hands on either side of my shoulders, and slowly, we do this dance maneuver. I follow his lead until I realize we’re just walking in a circle. Until his back is in the crossfire of cake.
He tells me, “Now it’s my turn to shield you.”
Warmth ascends. I block everyone else out.
He dips his finger into the icing on my shoulder and then draws on my cheek. I can feel the shape he creates. A heart.
My pulse slows down like it’s drunk. Intoxicated.
I swipe some icing with my finger and reach up to his cheek. He dips his head so that I can reach. I draw a star on his fair skin.
We’re a breath apart, his face closer to mine.
“Willow,” he whispers so softly. “Can I kiss you?”
There is no hesitation. No question.
I know in my heart I’m ready.
“Yes,” I breathe. I feel the sudden flare of anxiety that comes with doing something new, but it fades as his lips draw to mine.
I close my eyes.
He’s soft and gentle, and his palms hold the small of my back, pressing me close. Eagerness zips through my veins. Pulsing in places that have never really been lit up by someone. I lean closer, and he matches the movement, pinning me to the cabinet. Sparks ignite throughout every inch of my body.
But then I remember I have hands.
Those pesky appendages are just dangling like noodles at my sides. My heartbeat speeds up in unease. Where do I put these things?
Garrison must sense my sudden apprehension, and he breaks from my lips for a millisecond. Just long enough for his eyes to caress mine.
Quickly, he just drops his hands off me and takes my palms in his. He guides them to the back of his head, and his baseball hat tumbles to the floor.
Oh…that’s where they should go.
But he doesn’t make me feel silly for not knowing. Instead, he presses a soft hand to my cheek and returns to my lips.
Our eyes close again, and he deepens the kiss, edging my mouth open. A soft noise catches in the back of my throat. One that I don’t even know if he heard. But I cling harder to Garrison all the same. I follow his lead until he breaks away for breath. Forehead pressed to mine.