Page 205 of Bad Reputation
“I want to respect him because he’s Willow’s dad,” I say, drying my hands on a paper towel. “But I can’t stand him, no offense.”
Lo almost laughs. “None taken. I get how he is, man. I grew up with him.”
I can’t even imagine how he survived that verbal sledgehammer every day. But I don’t say it out loud, because I know he’d say the same about me and my brothers.
He leans against the sink. “You know, way back when Lily’s sex addiction leaked, he tried to push us into a marriage to save our reputations and those around us.”
My brows pinch. “He tried to push you into one?”
“Yeah.” Lo flashes a bitter smile. “The guilt-trip is heavy, almost enough to make you do things you’d never think you’d do.” He stares off and shakes his head, going into a longer explanation about that time in the past.
It makes me feel…not alone.
Like I’m dealing with a cankerous sore that they’ve all tried to disinfect and rid.
“As much as I love him,” Lo says, “he shouldn’t have the power to guilt anyone into anything. Not into a marriage and not out of one.”
I nod slowly and toss the crumpled towel in the trash. “You think he’ll ever lay off me?”
“With my dad, just give it time, and we’ll see.”
the calloway sisters & their men – fan page
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If you haven’t heard of the big news and seen all the adorable pictures circulating GBA News and Celebrity Crush, then you’re missing out on history. Our gorgeous Calloway sisters and their sexy AF men were in London for Garrison & Willow’s engagement! And a little birdie around the inter-webs has revealed that Garrison surprised his girlfriend—how cute is that? With everyone except Willow back in Philly, here’s a helpful rundown on their whereabouts!
The Stokes
Poppy Calloway (34) & Sam Stokes (34)
Daughter: Maria (12)
Update: Boo, the Stokes are very MIA these days. They didn’t even show up to London for Willow’s big day. It would’ve been so cool to have a glimpse of preteen Maria!
The Cobalts
Rose Calloway (31) & Connor Cobalt (32)
Daughters: Jane (5)
Sons: Charlie & Beckett (3-year-old twins), Eliot (1), and Tom (11-months-old)
Update: Rumors are floating everywhere about Rose being pregnant again! Whether it’s true or not, the Cobalt Empire deserves a confetti-blast congrats for all the lion cubs they’re raising. #FamilyGoals. Have you seen a tighter-knit family? Besides pregnancy possibilities, both Rose and Connor are thriving in their companies. Cobalt Inc.’s stock has risen 31%, and Calloway Couture’s boutique was packed last week (pics in the slideshow!)
The Hales
Lily Calloway (29) & Loren Hale (30)
Son: Maximoff (5)
Daughter: Luna (1)
Update: The cutest of the cute! Lily and Lo are back in Philly with their tiny superheroes, and Maximoff loves to dress like his Uncle Ryke. He was seen in a cool leather jacket and trying to climb onto Ryke’s Ducati. No news about more Hale babies, but fingers crossed!
The Meadows
Daisy Calloway (25) & Ryke Meadows (31)
Daughter: Sullivan (3)
Update: Also back in lovely Philadelphia, Daisy and Ryke are busy, wild bees with summer approaching since Camp Calloway is a tremendous hit! It’s sold out for this year and the next. No new photos of Sulli, except some blurry pics after swim lessons with her cousin Maximoff (see below!)
The Unofficial Calloway Sister
Willow Hale (23) & Her Fiancé – Garrison Abbey (23)
Update: Sweet, sweet love! After their epic proposal, Garrison has flown back to Philly, leaving Willow behind as she finishes college in London. No one is sure about when the wedding is happening. Some sources are speculating early this year, others think a lot longer. Until there’s clearer info, let us know your favorite Willow & Garrison ship name: #Gillow, #Garlow, or #Wilson. Don’t forget to vote in the poll!
Love you like Loren loves Lily,
xo Olive
garrison abbey
The proposal was last week, and now that I’m in Philly, I’m back to doing this thing where I try not to mope while the girl I love is an ocean away. By now, I’d say I’m proficient in the art of being okay with long-distance relationships. Productivity is key or whatever.
That’s why I’m at Superheroes & Scones today.
It’s weird being back and not being an employee or babysitting Moffy here. I enter the breakroom and ask the store manager where Lily is. Seeing the new face wearing the “manager” nametag reminds me of Maya.
Last I heard, Maya Ahn is still in Portland working for Image Comics.
It was a big deal when she first landed the job. Lily and Willow were really proud.
There was a whole goodbye party when she left the store, and I learned enough Korean to tell her that she’ll always know more than me and she’s really cool.
She smiled and said shit back in Korean that she knew I wouldn’t understand. We laughed, and I hate that I’m remembering all of this—Jesus, I swear every time I walk into Superheroes & Scones, I’m thrown back into these bittersweet, feel-good memories.