Page 218 of Bad Reputation
Technically, the Cobalt children aren’t related to me like the Meadows and Hale kids, but I consider them my nieces and nephews too.
And I want to believe I just accidentally peed myself. That’s better than having to rush out and confront the reality that this is happening. Today.
The animated Disney movie keeps playing. It’s a screening of Mulan, an oldie since the theater is doing a month of animated classics.
What else is classic: me, messing up a movie about a princess.
I guess this could be worse. This could’ve happened in the mall. In front of strangers and glaring florescent mall lights.
Lily is holding a one-year-old baby on her lap, and Xander’s expressive round eyes can’t be torn from the screen, enthralled by the catchy songs and bright colors. Glancing over her shoulder, Lily tries to peer at her oldest son in the dark—just as Garrison switches on his phone’s flashlight.
“Garrison.” Okay, maybe I am really embarrassed.
His phone illuminates his face first, and I can see the concern morph into a great urgency and worry when he notices the floor.
“Everything okay?” Lily’s voice causes a wave of whispers. Mostly from the other adults in the theater.
I take everything back—this is super embarrassing. I did not want my water to break in front of Lo, Lily, Rose, and Connor Cobalt.
I intake a breath and try to remember this is just human nature. Who cares, right? This is all part of the birthing process. Partly though, I think I’m gripping onto the mortifying feelings, just so I don’t panic. I’m okay. This is happening. You know, birth. It’s coming. I’m about to birth a baby.
I wish I could fast-forward to the part where we hold her. Where we know she’s healthy and okay and nothing awful has happened.
And what if I poop during birth?
What if I shit myself?
Those fears are dumb, I know that, but I’d rather just sit in embarrassment than confront my laundry list of fears. I welcome my burning face when I mentally magnify the fact that my water broke and Connor Cobalt and his unflappable (slightly unnerving) face is a few seats down from mine.
What if my bodily fluids drip over there and touches his pristine loafers? I roast inside-out and sink in my seat a little, but my very round belly makes sinking difficult.
Collecting myself, I whisper to Garrison. “My water—”
“I got it.” He’s already clutching my hand. Already leaning forward to whisper to Lily, “We’re going to the hospital.”
Garrison calms me, and I take a deeper breath. He’s ready. I might be scared, but he’s prepared for this sudden swerve in our day.
In the dark, I can’t make out Lily’s expression, but I hear her gasp—and I try to picture her smiling. I hope she’s smiling. “It’s time?” Excitement radiates from her voice.
“Yeah, we’re doing this thing.”
My lips lift and heart mushrooms when I hear him say we. He’s helping me stand. I place a hand on my round belly, a comfy cotton dress molding my frame. Daisy was sure I’d go into labor while I was wearing overalls, my staple item (even before pregnancy).
I rarely wear dresses.
Does that mean today is off? I wish Daisy were here to offer a reassuring theory.
It’s fine. Everything will be fine. This’ll go smoothly. Everything will be fine. I try to reassure myself while I move. Murmuring continues throughout the rows, and the little kids struggle to keep their voices down.
“What’s going on?” Tom asks loudly.
“Is baby Vada coming?” Jane asks.
“Who? Where? What?!” Eliot tries to spring out of his seat, but Connor tugs his son down and refocuses his attention onto the movie.
I slip along the row, glad I just have to make it past Moffy and Jane before I’m at the aisle. Gripping the railing, I inch in slow, careful movements down the theater stairs towards the neon red exit sign. Pain cramps my insides in brutal waves. Contractions. I blow out a breath like I practiced with Garrison.
“Rose and Connor are staying with the kids. Lily is going to meet us at the hospital after Poppy gets here.” Lo’s voice is louder behind me, and I just now see him talking with Garrison. They’re keeping my slow pace.
Lily is pregnant with Baby #4.
She also just gave birth to Xander back in December. Christmas Day. Mention of Lily reminds me that I am not stuck in an elevator right now. And I still can’t believe she went into labor in an elevator. Mind blown.
But I don’t bring it up to Lo. He’s still not over the overwhelming worry that pummeled him that day.
Garrison slips his hand back in mine. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” I blow out another breath and cast a glance backwards at the movie screen. Mulan. I want my daughter to know she can be a princess and a superhero. She can wear pink or blue or any color in the rainbow or under the sun.