Page 221 of Bad Reputation
“So are you,” he says effortlessly, like it’s also just a fact, and he looks at me like I’m setting his world ablaze. Even though, I’m pretty sure I look more like a hot mess. I’ll take the compliment. Pocket it and remember it for later times.
In these quiet moments with our newborn, we keep casting furtive, loving gazes at each other, then to our baby. For some reason, I start giggling like I’m seventeen and lovestruck. Garrison’s smile explodes across his face.
I didn’t think anything could top our wedding day. But I’m so in love with him. He’s my best friend, my husband, the father of my child—he’s my whole present and my whole future.
After some time bathed in pure happiness, another knock sounds on the door, and the nurse peeks inside. “Ready for visitors?”
Garrison looks to me.
I nod. “Yeah,” I say, excited that Lo and Lily will be able to meet Vada. The nurse shuts the door, leaving quickly.
“You think she’ll be into video games?” Garrison muses.
“Most likely. I’m sure she’ll try to play them at least.” I like imagining their father-daughter time spent playing Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Party together.
Garrison nods, thoughtful about this.
Another knock.
“Come in,” I call out.
This time when the door opens, my jaw slowly drops. Tears brim again. “Daisy?”
She pops into the room like a sprightly fairy that rolled out of bed. Blonde hair uncombed, no makeup, and sweats. Yet, she still looks gorgeous. And so, so excited.
“You came?” My voice cracks. I’m crying. She’s one of the people that I really wanted to meet Vada. Probably more than anyone else. My best friend. But I never thought she’d leave Winona to drive to the hospital. I didn’t want to picture a scenario where she would in case of the crushed disappointment.
But this—it feels like so much.
“Of course I did,” she says like there was never a possibility where she wouldn’t. She beelines to the hospital bed and clasps my hand in hers. “This is one of the most important days of your life. You thought I would miss this?”
I feel silly thinking it now.
I wipe at my eyes. “Thank you,” I say, knowing how much it took for Daisy to leave her newborn. Even if it’s a short time she’ll be here to visit, this was big for her.
She wraps her arms around me in a warm hug. “I heard about the theater and the traffic. You’re amazing. You did amazing.”
“She is the most amazing,” Garrison agrees, giving me a strong look.
I sniff and wipe snot from my nose before it goes spilling. “Okay, I really need to stop crying.” I laugh at myself, and Daisy laughs with me, not at me. And the brightness between us lifts me a million feet high.
Daisy plucks some tissues from a box and hands them over. Then she spins towards Vada in Garrison’s arms. “And how is the teeny-tiny Taurus girl doing?” She steps closer. “Oh, Willow, she’s adorable.” Her eyes brighten and glass. “She’s really freaking cute.”
“Definitely more alien than old man.”
I laugh. Daisy has a theory that all newborn babies either look like little aliens from outer space or little wrinkly old men.
“I thought so too,” I say softly, watching as Garrison places Vada in Daisy’s arms. My best friend rocks Vada calmly side to side, but she’s already so content and pleased.
“Taurus?” Garrison eyes Daisy. “You already looked up her zodiac?”
“Yep. Babies born on May 11th are said to be both brilliant and talented.”
Skepticism cinches Garrison’s face. “You’re telling me that astrology shit didn’t say anything bad?”
I’m sure Daisy is purposefully leaving out the negative. Vada was just born.
Daisy is busy whispering something to Vada about her bestie waiting for her—and I know she means Winona. Our daughters will grow up together, and I couldn’t be happier to know Vada could possibly have an easy time making a friend. A life-long friend. One from birth.
When Daisy places our baby back in Garrison’s arms, she says, “Of course there’s some gloom to balance out the bright parts, but I’m saving that for a different day.”
“Nah,” Garrison shakes his head. “We should hear it all. How can you even appreciate the good without the bad?”
I smile, love swelling my whole body. From head to toe, I’m floating.
“Alrighty.” Daisy nods and smiles over at Vada. “Little Taurus, you will be brilliant, talented, and slightly unstable. Yet, you will be loved by many and you in turn will love deeply.”
I’m not sure if those are the exact words from whatever astrology site Daisy consulted, or if she embellished it. I don’t care either way.
“Slightly unstable.” Garrison is grinning.
I am too.
“Brilliant and talented,” I remind him.
He holds her more protectively against his chest. “Not gonna lie, Willow, it sounds like us.”
I look at our baby. Our tiny creation. “Welcome to the family, Vada Lauren Abbey.”