Page 6 of Bad Reputation
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Are you new here? Welcome! This is the fan page for all things Calloway Sisters & Their Men. It’s not an “official” fan page and is in no way associated with the Calloways, Meadows, Cobalts or Hales. It’s just run by a dedicated blogger (me, Olive!) who is in love with all things Calloway!
Don’t know who they are? Let me give you a crash course…
There are four Calloway Sisters, but only the youngest three sisters have gained notoriety after a huge scandal. Headlines were everywhere. Even national news channels! It leaked that Lily Calloway is a sex addict, for real. It probably would have just breezed through the media if not for the fact that they’re all heiresses. Their father owns Fizzle. So the Fizz Life or Diet Fizz you’re drinking—yeah, the Calloway Sisters are heiresses of that soda fortune.
The Calloway Sisters (and their current ages):
Poppy Calloway (30)
Rose Calloway (26)
Lily Calloway (24)
Daisy Calloway (19)
That’s right, their parents named them after flowers! How cute is that? So the biggest deal is that Rose, Lily, and Daisy all currently live together in a mansion (with their men) in Philadelphia. It’s like a real-life episode of Friends! And you’ll probably find a lot more fan pages about them, but I promise to bring the latest and best news about the Calloway sisters. So let’s get to their men…
Daisy Calloway & Ryke Meadows (25) – the adventurous couple. Daisy is a former model and Ryke is a professional rock climber, but they’re often caught riding motorcycles together!
Lily Calloway & Loren Hale (24) – the geeky couple. Lily owns Superheroes & Scones, while Loren is the CEO of Hale Co. and Halway Comics.
Rose Calloway & Connor Cobalt (26) – the genius couple. Rose owns Calloway Couture, a fashion company for the everyday working woman, and Connor is the CEO of Cobalt Inc.
Poppy Calloway & Sam Stokes (30) – the private couple. Both Poppy and Sam tend to remain out of the spotlight, but what we know is that Poppy is a stay-at-home mom and Sam works for Fizzle.
Lily & Loren: Maximoff Hale (2 months old)
Rose & Connor: Jane Eleanor Cobalt (3 months old)
Poppy & Sam: Maria Stokes (7)
That’s the basic run-down. Another important fact that you might want to know—Loren Hale and Ryke Meadows are half-brothers. They have the same dad: Jonathan Hale. There’s been some terrible allegations in the press lately about Jonathan Hale. I’m not going to repeat them here because there has been zero proof, and like I said, they’re serious allegations.
I’ll have more information as it breaks. Until then, check out the photos and gifs page!
Love you like Loren loves Lily,
xo Olive
garrison abbey
Mom: Where are you?? Your brothers are leaving tomorrow, and you need to be here before it’s too late. You already missed dinner.
“Garrison, it’s your turn.” Nathan Patrick nods to me, chewing on a toothpick with a wry smile. His combed red hair might as well be fucking brown from my vantage. Smoke from cigarettes and joints create a filmy haze in his family’s den—the door open as people drunkenly pass in and out.
I suck a joint between two fingers before standing up and flipping my cards on the poker table, my two queens losing to Nathan’s three kings.
Of ten people, three girls let out short cheers. Another two girls in only bras and panties smile but make no loud exclamation. One of them sits next to me: Rachel Barnes, a brunette with diamond earrings and Zeta Beta Zeta aspirations like her sister in college.
She’s prescribing to her family’s legacy—something I can’t stomach without another crappy joint and bottle of vodka.
After overturning my cards, I lift off my black shirt, revealing whatever muscles lacrosse has granted me and a black skull tattoo on the crease of my forearm and bicep. In small font, my favorite lyrics from the Interpol song “Rest My Chemistry” outline the inked design.
I don’t make eye contact with anyone. I remain standing and blow gray smoke up at the ceiling, my mind lulling and eyelids slowly closing. I’m almost always surrounded by people—friends and acquaintances from Dalton Academy—and even when I stand in a room with them, even when I’m physically here, I always mentally check out for a few seconds.
More if I can.
I always want to be alone, but then when I’m alone, I want to be with people. It’s a fucking curse.
Whoever built my mind needs to redo the wires and find better balance because I’m leaning all over the place. I’m tilted and sideways and so fucked up—this isn’t even half of it.
The weed is making you a paranoid shit.
I suck the joint one last time before passing it to Rachel, who hesitates before putting it between her lips. She takes one short drag and then coughs into her fist.
Nathan and two other guys give her a hard time. I don’t come to her defense—since she’s going to be in a sorority anyway. It’s not like she’s going to need to know how to smoke a joint.