Page 99 of Bad Reputation
And he doesn’t even know why Garrison is here yet. Spilling this news might actually make it worse, but there’s no going back.
I push up my black-rimmed glasses and take a steady breath. “I thought it’d be a good idea if Garrison was here too.” I regret speaking the obvious detail. It causes an intense reaction.
Lo abruptly stands from the chair, and Lily clutches his leg like she’s trying to keep him from confronting Garrison or maybe even chasing him out of the house.
“Is he part of your news?” Lo asks hesitantly.
Daisy suddenly wraps an arm around Ryke’s waist, both seated on the couch. It’s hard not to notice Lily and Daisy physically restraining their men.
Well, this is already going terribly.
“Yeah…” I grab onto the strap of my overalls, the motion a nervous tic.
Garrison slides closer to me, and his fingers thread through mine. My pulse accelerates, but I also breathe easier.
“Are you pregnant?” Lo asks me.
“What?” I choke.
“Yeah, what?” Garrison snaps, his face darkening. He motions to the entire room. “If anyone’s knocking up anyone, it’s one of you, and honestly, what the hell are you wearing?” He grimaces at Ryke.
“Underwear,” Ryke says like it’s just another day of being nearly naked in the living room.
“I see that, thanks,” Garrison says dryly.
Do not look again, Willow. Do. Not. Look.
Since I’ve walked in, I’ve tried hard not to glance at Daisy’s fiancé. (Yes, they’re finally engaged!)
Me avoiding Ryke isn’t just because he barely has a shred of fabric on, though that’s a good reason. Mainly it’s because his single piece of fabric happens to be a tight pair of boxer-briefs that, from a quick glimpse, look like they’re five sizes too small.
Words might also be on the cotton.
I’m not about to do a double-take and stare hard enough to check.
Ryke is intimidating.
I thought since I’ve grown closer to Daisy, it’d lessen that intimidation, but it somehow amplified it. He’s the fiancé to my best friend and the brother of my half-brother. Ryke and I don’t have a personal relationship like I have with Lo or Daisy or even Lily who’s my boss at Superheroes & Scones.
But I do live with him. He’s around and helpful and not close to the aggressive jackass that the media likes to paint him as.
Still, Ryke Meadows is and will always be certified intimidating.
If I’m being honest with myself, most of the people in this room carry a hefty amount of intimidation with them. It makes this declaration that much harder.
I swallow a lump in my throat. “So, um…this didn’t really go how we thought it would.”
“Why are you saying we like he’s a part of this?” Lo points an accusatory finger at Garrison.
“It’s not what you’re thinking,” I stumble over my words. This is going so, so badly. “I’m a…” The word is stuck in the back of my throat. How do I do this? Help!
Garrison squeezes my hand, and thankfully, he finishes for me, “Virgin.”
Lily peers over the couch at Garrison. “You’re a virgin?”
Garrison groans. “No, she’s a virgin. Good God, it’s like tuning into five different radio stations at once when I come here. Don’t you all ever get tired of each other?”
“I’m mostly tired of you,” Lo refutes in his serrated tone. Even I flinch.
Garrison’s lips downturn a fraction, and I can tell that missile struck him. “Whatever,” he mutters.
I squeeze his hand this time.
Regret flashes in Lo’s gaze for a quick second before he looks to me. “Your news can’t be that you’re a virgin and your friend isn’t one, so what is it? Because I keep thinking you’re leaving—”
“I’m not leaving,” I say, confidently. “I don’t have plans to move back to Maine. I promise I’d tell you if I was even thinking about it.”
He nods slowly. “Is it…about something else with your parents?”
I shake my head quickly. There’s no change on the parents front. My mom is standoffish whenever I call, and I haven’t spoken to my dad since I moved to Philly.
“Then what?” Lo asks.
“We’re together,” I spit out and then lift up my hand that’s interlaced with Garrison’s. My heart wants to fly out of my ribcage. Breathe, Willow.
I realize I’m dating the same boy that vandalized their house. He was a part of a friend group that caused serious harm. I just hope they’ll give Garrison a chance, so they can see what I see in him.
Lo’s face is all scrunched up. Like he can’t parse out what I just said. “What do you mean together?” he asks.
Connor gives a textbook definition of a boyfriend and girlfriend, and I make a mistake by looking at Ryke. His expression is ten times worse than Lo’s.
Jaw set. Eyes flamed. Muscles in his biceps are ripped. He’s a professional free-solo climber, ascending mountains with his bare hands. He could probably knock Garrison out with one blow.