Page 42 of Sinful Temptation
Instead, he lowered his head and, taking all the time in the world, covered her mouth with his.
Questions buzzed inside Tony’s mind, demanding answers.
What was driving Talia’s fear?
How could he convince her to trust him?
It was too soon, wasn’t it?
Would she regret everything in the morning?
The second their mouths connected, though, all his questions evaporated into mist.
The first kiss was sweetly perfect, a gentle brush of lips so that they could get past the initial shock of intimacy and learn the feel of each other.
A catalyst, nothing more.
The next kiss was an explosion of all the things he’d kept too deep inside for too long and now could no longer contain.
He’d wanted her for too long. Needed her too much.
And now she was here. His.
This was no time for gentle exploration.
He just couldn’t manage it.
Yanking away her scarf—why did women always wear scarves at night?—he tunneled his fingers into her silky short curls, surprised at how close-cropped they were, and angled her head the way he needed it. There. Greed made him trigger-happy, but she drove him to it, sighing and opening for him so he could thrust his tongue deep, nipping, sucking and licking until it seemed possible—hell, likely—that he’d swallow her whole.
And then she surged up, digging her sharp little nails into his nape as she writhed against him and hooked one of her legs around his waist. Instinct made him clamp his hands on her ass (Jesus; it was firm and plump—perfectly round) and pump his hips, searching for the sweet cleft between her thighs.
“Ah, Tony,” she gasped, her face twisting as her head fell back. “Don’t stop.”
That was it, then. The spot that made her unravel.
He thrust again, harder. “There?”
The only response was her sharp cry, followed by the thrilling sound of her breath hitching and then stopping.
She nimbly hooked her other leg around him, climbing him as if she was shinnying up a coconut tree.
Mindless now, he swung her around and headed for the bed.
There were things he should be saying at a moment like this, things she needed to know.
That her smile made his heart stop, for example, and that she filled his soul.
That he’d loved her almost since he’d met her, and always would.
That being with her was his blessing for having survived the war.
Did she know that? He’d have to tell her one day, when he could talk again and his need wasn’t so urgent.
Ripping the linens back, he eased her down, laying her head on the pillow. Tears trickled from the corners of her sparkling eyes, but her lips, swollen now, were curled in a sensual smile that was sexier than he could’ve dreamed. Even that mole at the corner of her mouth was hot. He’d had other plans for her, but that mouth deserved a little more time and attention. So he settled his weight onto her pliant body, rocked his hips into the yielding cradle between her thighs and kissed her.
She cooed and murmured indistinct words, licking her way deep into his mouth, arching against him and scratching her nails up his back in one long stroke, and it still wasn’t enough.
He held her velvety face between his hands, gorging on her eager lips and tongue, marveling at all the ways they could lick and nip each other—up and down, back and forth, thrusting and retreating—and he knew it could never be enough.
But he would happily die trying to get there.
He was hugely erect, so hard with wanting her that it was a wonder his straining member could contain the rush of blood. How many muscles did the human body have? Could they all snap at the same time? His were stretched taut, strung with tension, so it seemed like a distinct possibility.
Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers while he gathered the strength and restraint to stop touching her long enough to grab a condom from the nightstand drawer.
“I need you,” he panted.
“I know.”
“Hurry,” she said.
But she didn’t make it easy for him. She’d planted one of her feet on the mattress—he caught a glimmer of that toe ring—and was using the leverage to rotate her hips against him. Her thrusts were rhythmic and insistent enough to make his vision dim with pleasure. Forget the condoms for now. Reaching up under her, he palmed her ass and held those flexing globes in his hands.