Page 69 of Fuck It (Yama Yama)
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Mmm…morning,” I mumble, stretching. “How do you feel?”
“I popped a pain pill about thirty minutes ago. I’m good. I need to get a shower. I can take the bandage off today.”
I would be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn’t dying to get a look at what I’ve done to the poor guy. “I’ll grab you some clothes,” I offer while he shuffles to the bathroom. I can hear him pee and flush the toilet before the shower kicks on. “Do you need help undressing?” I call.
“Nah, I’ve got it.” He does seem to be getting around better today. Maybe the swelling has gone down.
I give him enough time to get undressed before I enter, and my eyes go right to his crotch.
Oh. My. God.
What have I done?
It’s worse than I expected. Two tiny incisions mar the skin on one side of his dick, held together by tiny steri-strips. The cuts don’t actually look too bad, pretty much what I expected, but his cock is a deep blue with purple patches from his balls to the head. It hurts me just looking at it, and I don’t even know what it’s like to own that equipment. My eyes fill, and a lump forms in my throat.
“Oh, Simon. I’m so sorry.”
When I look back up to his face, I find a frown. He walks over and wraps his arms around me. “Hey, it’ll be okay. It was an accident.”
“That has to hurt so bad.”
“It’s a little better today, especially with the pills. I thought maybe we could sit outside for a bit,” he says, changing the subject. “Do you want to grab us something for breakfast?”
“Yeah, sure…I’ll be right back.” He kisses my forehead, and I start for the door. I look back in time to see him grimace as he steps into the shower. Ouch.
I choose a table on the back patio, put a pillow on one of the chairs, and grab us both a plate of food from the massive breakfast buffet that’s being served in the dining room.
It looks like I’m one of the first to show up, but I’m not surprised. The girls probably got trashed last night and are still sleeping it off.
By the time Simon joins me, he does look a little better, not as pale as before. Loose blue sweatpants hang on his hips, and he wears a fitted gray tee. Damn, how am I going to keep my hands off of this man for over a month?
“This looks good,” he exclaims, sitting carefully in the chair with the pillow.
We dig into our breakfast and then sit back to enjoy the morning breeze. It’s peaceful and relaxing. I kind of hate that we have to go home soon.
The sliding glass door behind us opens. Henley and Kasha join us at the table. “So, how are you doing?” Henley asks Simon.
“I’m fine. More than fine.” He grins at me. “I finally got Lydia to agree to go out with me.”
“She turns your cock into a crazy straw and you want her to be your girlfriend?” Kasha scoffs. “Hold onto this one, Lydia.”
“Yeah, thanks for that.”
“Are you going to the spa with us this evening? Mom has everything arranged, but she’ll understand if Simon needs you to look after his misshapen member.”
“It is not misshapen!” Simon exclaims, then turns to me. “I’ll be fine. You should go.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” He nods, and I change the subject. “How did it go yesterday? Did you go tubing?”
Kasha and Henley look at each other and then burst out laughing. “We had fun, but you missed a show.”
Grinning at my besties, I lean across the table. “Spill it.”
“What do you want to hear about first? Sicily losing her swimsuit bottoms and flashing everyone, or Anderson kissing the hell out of her afterward?”
Bobby Jo joins us as my fork clanks onto my plate. “Anderson kissed Sicily?” I snap.
Henley and Kasha exchange a cautious look, but Bobby Jo is more than happy to fill the silence. “Kiss? It was more like a full on game of tonsil hockey! You should’ve seen them. They would’ve been going at it right there on the deck if I hadn’t yelled shark.”
Anderson is hooking up with Sicily now? Of all the women he could target next, he chooses my new roommate and Roman’s sister? Just because I’ve forgiven him doesn’t mean I trust him or want him around. Sicily has been kind to me. She’s sweet and awkward in a way I totally relate with. She doesn’t deserve what he’s sure to do to her.
All eyes are on me when I look up. Simon tilts his head a tiny bit. “Are you okay? Your ears are turning red.”
I force a smile that comes out as a grimace. “Fine. I need a little walk to stretch my legs.”