Page 46 of Swallow it Down
“If you gave him reason to trust you, I bet he’d let you come and go as you please.” An amendment was added, after Joan smacked her lips, “So long as you avoid the men’s decks, for obvious reasons. Reasons we both know I don’t need to spell out.”
“Tempting fate isn’t so wise these days, is it?” Fully aware of what reason might make him trust her, Eugenia tried not to think of the potential sperm-meets-egg moment that may or may not have been taking place inside her. “Not that he’d take a chance on me getting off the boat. We both know I’m not going to be strolling the decks anytime soon, at least without a leash and a muzzle. Did he mention to you that my reward for not burning the boat down after he left was my very own walkies?”
Joan winked. “Woof.”
“Ha-ha, old lady.” Only it wasn’t funny anymore.
“I’m sure he’ll give you the nicest room, a pretty view. I’m also positive you won’t be given a balcony.”
Grin mean, Eugenia gestured to the grandeur of the captain’s suite. “You mean I can’t stay in here? But of course that’s what you mean. That’s why you’re really here, winning me over with alcohol and fresh fruit.” Taking a bite of a juicy strawberry, mouth full, Eugenia was frank about the rest. “He’s not going to like your aspirations one bit.”
Setting down her glass to get down to business, Joan met her eyes. “Will you help me convince him?”
“To keep to the schedule of fucking the Level 15 ladies?” Wow. He would hate having to continue to do his duty to them just as much as they hated, in many cases, doing their duty for the crew. “You have a mean streak, Joan.”
“Baby steps. Change of this sort can’t happen overnight just because the captain wants it to. The girls all want the same thing now. To have one man. The men will want the same. If the crew sees that he’s not faithful, the hurt will be less. Chance of another major incident will decrease.”
“What was the incident?”
“Faith tried to hang herself.”
“That’s… I’m sorry.”
“You won’t have to see it, or talk about it, or know about anything that might happen in this room. And I think we both know he’ll wash up and come right down to you.” Joan’s eyes pointed at a flat belly covered in blue cotton. “To both of you.”
Scratching her cheek as she thought through potential scenarios, Eugenia scowled. “Assuming you abscond me to Level 9, I wouldn’t even know what he did or with whom up here. Why eve
n ask me? He could be fucking someone right now, and I’d never know.”
“Because you have to be the one to make him do it. The captain wants to keep you in this room, and that… is a dangerous idea.”
Objectively, the concept was fascinating—torturing him by making him fuck the others. But subjectively… “If I really loved him, my answer would be no.”
Joan smiled. “I had expected your first objection would be germs.”
“Then you should have considered that it would be easier for me to escape from an area of the ship I know than the heavily guarded family quarters. I don’t give a shit if he fucks every last hole on this ship. I just want off the boat.”
The question hung between them, Joan all-business. “And what if I offered you that?”
“I thought you said I’d die out there.”
“You will. And that will be on you. A whole lot more people will die if there is unrest. So, even though I like you, I’ll help you commit suicide.”
Joan was a coward who hid on a whore ship and assisted in unspeakable acts against women’s personal freedoms. What the fuck did she know about survival? Vodka and goddamn strawberries….
Eugenia would seek out her future just fine. “Swear it to me. You swear to me that if I play your game—”
“I’ll get you off the boat.”
Progress was made, the knots in Eugenia’s belly loosening. “If I find out you lied, I’ll kill you. We both know I will.”
Smiling, Joan held out her hand. “It’s a deal.”
The shake was firm; it was promising. “Pleasure doing business with you, Joan.”
Chapter Fourteen
“You know this is a completely ludicrous idea!” Joan was right—the captain really was out of his gourd. Eugenia gawking at the single table set on a private deck, with candlelight and dinner waiting. “If anyone saw—”