Page 45 of When the Dark Wins
Black Light: Valentine Roulette (Black Light Series Book 3)
Black Light: Roulette Redux (Black Light Series Book 7)
When the Dark Wins
My Name is Jane
My Name is Jane
Zoe Blake
Text copyright © 2018 Zoe Blake
All Rights Reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Chapter 1
Shards of glass clinging to blood-clotted hair. The rancid smell of gasoline as it drips down onto your clothes. A sickly metallic taste on your tongue. The intolerable itching of irritated flesh as the splinters embed themselves and the sticky ooze dries on your face. And the darkness… the deep, horrible, unrelenting darkness. Those are the things you remember right after an accident. The sights, the tastes, the smells. You also remember the silence. The desperate, soul-breaking silence. Your radio is uncharacteristically quiet. The white noise of other cars rushing past and the occasional horn is gone. At first, you think this is good. Better for you to hear the sirens. Let you know the moment help is near.
That is until… you don’t hear the sirens… and you wait… and wait… and wait… in the dark silence as the stench of gasoline grows stronger.
I won’t die here.
I won’t die here.
I won’t die.
I refuse to die.
Chapter 2
I can’t tell if my eyes are open.
That was my first lucid thought.
I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or closed. It wasn’t just the darkness. I couldn’t feel myself blink. I tried lifting my hands to feel my way around whatever room I was in, but my arms felt weighted down. As if they were trying to move but couldn’t. My heart beat faster. I could feel the panic rising. A fist in my chest painfully squeezed my heart. I needed to stay calm and focus. The last thing I remembered was the accident.
Jesus fuck. The accident.
All that crushed metal and the acrid smell of smoke. I remember the fire, then nothing.
I must have blacked out before they pulled me free. I must be in a hospital.
I must… I must… I must be….
Jesus fuck. I must calm the fuck down and think.
I couldn’t move my body. Nothing seemed to work. Did that mean I was paralyzed?
No. No. I might not be able to move but I could still feel. I could feel the clothes against my skin. The press of fabric against my back. The hard floor beneath my feet.