Page 104 of Love on Her Terms
“You’re kidding.” This was Seamus’s final payback for Liam refusing to run the quarries. The bastard knew all Liam wanted was the cameras. “Can’t you just mail the letters?”
“They have to be delivered. By you.”
Liam swore. “And if I refuse?”
Ian held up his hands. “I can’t authorize Mrs. Needles to release the cameras.”
Liam pushed away from the desk, pacing the small office. Bugger Seamus. He didn’t need more cameras. He had plenty.
But the cameras were his childhood’s forbidden fruit. The golden apple just out of reach.
“When do I have to bring these letters to my uncle’s relatives?”
Ian smiled. “You have six months.”
Six months. He crossed the pond a couple times a year to meet with his producers in New York. Maybe Savannah was close enough to swing over for a day.
Ian pushed the file across his desk. “Take a look at the information. I certainly wouldn’t mind visiting the family.”
Liam flipped open the file. In front was a printout of an article with the title Fitzgerald Family Expands B and B to Include Carleton House. Four smiling women stood, arm in arm.
Family. He swallowed back his longing. “This is the only way?”
Ian nodded. “Yes.”
He looked at the Fitzgeralds. “Bollocks. I’ll do it.”
“Good.” Ian pushed a piece of paper toward Liam. “We’ll make it nice and tidy. Then Mrs. Needles can release the cameras and anything else you want.”
“I just want his cameras.” Liam dashed his signature on the line.
He didn’t want to stay in Kilkee any longer than required. “I’ll go up there now.”
“I’ll notify Mrs. Needles.” Ian loaded Liam down with a box of papers and folders. “The Fitzgeralds’ copies are in this envelope. I’ve had copies made for you, too. There’s also a copy of Seamus’s will.”
Ian held the door and walked Liam to his car. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Sure.” Not if he could help it. He wanted to be free of this place. And he definitely didn’t want to head to the manor. But he turned the car up the cliff road.
The house overlooking Kilkee Bay hadn’t changed. The blue-gray stone manor had dark, tiny inset windows framed with tan limestone. The faded red door wasn’t inviting. The roof was a sorrowful gray slate. Seamus had boasted all the stone had come from FitzGerald quarries.
Liam’s chest tightened as he parked in the drive. The loneliness of his childhood weighed down his shoulders.
The house could have been quaint or even elegant. It was neither. It was his worst horror. A place where he’d grieved his parents and no one had cared.
The flagstone drive, also from the quarries, muffled the strike of his shoes. He stopped in the courtyard, glaring at the house.
The door pulled open with a dull pop.
“Come in, come in.” Mrs. Needles waved him inside. “I’m sorry for your loss, Master Liam.”
“It’s just Liam.” No one had called him Master Liam since boarding school. “Thank you for your sympathy, but you worked for my godfather. You know we weren’t close.”
“Oh, how proud he was whenever one of your books came out.” She eased off his leather jacket and hung it on the tree before he could protest. “Mr. FitzGerald bragged on how he’d taught you everything you knew about photography.”
“He followed my career?” Liam blurted out.
“Oh, he did. Loved to boast about you down at the pub.” She patted his arm. “He wasn’t as keen on the documentaries, but he watched them all the same.”
This didn’t make any sense. When he hadn’t stayed in Kilkee, he and Seamus rarely talked.
“Seamus did love photography,” Liam said. The only thing he’d loved. And his godfather had made him slave long hours in the darkroom.
“He was proud of you. Come on back to the kitchen.” She tugged on his elbow. “I’ve just brewed a pot of tea.”
“I hadn’t planned on staying. I’m only here for the cameras.”
She ignored his reluctance, leading him down the dim, narrow hall. The lemon polish on the shining wood didn’t mask the musty smell of the old house.