Page 48 of Love on Her Terms
“Again, you didn’t answer my question. Hey, Mrs. Jorgenson!” Echo yelled with a wave to an elderly woman digging in her front yard. “How are you feeling?”
The older woman waved back but didn’t say anything.
“You can talk all you want about the no sex,” Echo said matter-of-factly. “Mrs. Jorgenson never wears her hearing aid.”
“There’s nothing to tell. Levi says he wants to take it slow. That I’m the first woman he’s been interested in since his wife died. That he wants to enjoy every step.”
“Do you believe him?”
“That was halfhearted.”
“I’m frustrated is all.” And, if she was being honest with herself, worried that there was something else going on. Not a fear of being infected, but his sister’s influence. Or maybe he was worried what people would think if her disease got out and people knew about their relationship, or maybe the love that he felt over his late wife, the love she’d admired and respected so much after their first date, was getting in the way.
Mina Clements, if you really think any of those things, you need to ask him about it and break the relationship off if they’re true.
But everything else is so good, she replied to her common sense.
“Sexually frustrated with a man in your life is very different from sexually frustrated without.”
“Yeah. I’m learning that the hard way.” Echo stopped and Mina was surprised to find they were in front of her house. “Thanks for listening to me.”
“Are you kidding? I talk a big game, but I’m still terrified to try and date after my divorce and with the missing boob... I’m hoping your courage will rub off on me,” her friend said as she rubbed her hand on Mina’s shoulder like there was a genie hidden under there.
It was Mina’s turn to shrug. “I believe all the trouble will be worth it. I still want something like what my parents have. Sure, they fight sometimes and both enjoy vacations away from the other, but they support each other, giggle and kiss when they think no one’s looking and honestly love each other. It looks...nice,” she finished lamely.
“It sounds nice.” Echo sighed. “My parents are still married but not happily. Your way sounds better.”
“Have a good night.”
“You, too,” Echo said with a smile. “Get inside, put on some sexy underwear and text Levi a description. See if that helps.”
Mina laughed and called out a goodbye as she walked to her front porch.
ONCE IN HER BEDROOM, Mina sat on her bed and looked at her dresser drawer. She had sexy underwear in there, a couple of pairs of lacy, barely-there panties and matching bras that weren’t particularly comfortable but perked her breasts nearly up to her eyeballs.
She scooted back on the comforter, resting her head against mounds of pillows. Then she reached to her nightstand for her phone.
I’m looking at my dresser, contemplating a pair of red lacy panties and a matching bra. Interested?
Levi’s response took half a second.
Of course I’m interested. Tell me more.
There’s not much to tell, because there’s not much to them. But I think you need to see them for yourself to judge.
I’ve been working all day. Give me twenty minutes to shower and shave. Then I’ll be over to help you enjoy them.
Her mouth twitched as she considered what to write next.
Leave the door unlocked. I’ll come over there and meet you after your shower.
The single emoji smiley face that returned made her grin. Pleased, but understated. Which was one of the reasons she liked him so much.
I’m bringing condoms, she typed.
The notification light on her phone didn’t blink for a full two minutes. Mina knew, because she was staring at the clock on her phone and watching the numbers change. As the minute changed from five to six, she wondered if she had overstepped. The minute changed from six to seven.
You’re being dumb, Mina. The problem with texting, as opposed to talking on the phone or in person, was that you couldn’t tell if the person on the other end had gotten up to use the bathroom or shut a window or look for their glasses.
Not that Levi wore glasses.