Page 42 of Conveniently Wed to the Prince
Her father smiled, nodded and then moved forward to greet Stefan. ‘Welcome to our home.’
‘Thank you.’
He followed Thomas and Holly into a spacious kitchen. Though clean and sunlit it had an air of disuse, no smell of cooking lingered, and the surfaces were almost too pristine.
Holly glanced around and a small frown creased her forehead. ‘Would you like a drink?’ she offered. ‘Tea?’
‘That would be great.’
He noted that once she put the kettle on she went around and did a quiet check of all the cupboards. Her lips pressed together and her frown deepened.
Thomas Romano seemed oblivious to his daughter’s actions, and instead focused on Stefan. ‘So what do you think of Il Boschetto di Sole? I hope the staff were all helpful.’
‘It is a truly beautiful place.’ A place he knew his mother had loved...a place he would bring her ashes.
‘Yes.’ The older man sighed and then smiled. ‘I understand from Holly that you wish to divide the estate between you?’
Holly approached the table, placed a tray with a teapot, delicate china cups and a plate of biscuits down. ‘That is what Stefan wishes to discuss, Papa, but that need not be done today if you’re tired.’
‘I have already given the matter some thought.’ Thomas turned his gaze to Stefan. ‘I have looked at yields, at the economic and practical feasibility of where to draw the lines so that from a monetary viewpoint the split is as fair as can be. But there are other matters to consider. This place is a community, and I care about all the people who work here. Any split has to take their livelihoods into consideration.’
‘Of course.’ Stefan nodded. ‘I understand that there are further considerations. I am sure there are places here that are meaningful to the Romanos.’ He turned to Holly. ‘I believe the chapel is important to you and I understand that—perhaps that should be included in your half? In return, I would like the Bianchi villa to be included in mine.’
The villa where his mother would have stayed.
Holly glanced at her father and Stefan pushed down a sensation of frustration. He did understand the idea of respect, but Holly was part of this too. Technically this was her decision to make.
‘I have already included that in my proposal.’ Thomas sipped his tea. ‘I have also suggested giving you Forester’s Glade. It’s a place that your mother loved—Eloise said she found peace there, even when the decisions she had to make were hard.’
He grimaced suddenly and Holly leaned forward, her face twisted with worry.
‘I am fine, Holly.’
‘No, you aren’t. Have you been taking your medication?’
‘Of course. I told you. I am fine.’
‘I’ll stay here tonight.’
‘No.’ Now Thomas’s voice was authoritative. ‘I do not want ill-founded rumours of my ill-health to circulate and I know how important it is that you and Stefan present as an engaged couple should.’ He reached up and took Holly’s hand. ‘Truly. Holly, I am fine. But if it will make you feel better I will ask Jessica Alderney to come and stay.’
Holly twisted a tendril of hair around her finger. ‘That would make me feel better. And I’ll check in tomorrow.’
‘Good. I will look forward to it. I have missed you; I am
happy that soon you will be back here.’ Thomas nodded to Stefan. ‘Stefan, it was good to meet you. Please feel free to visit Il Boschetto di Sole any time. I look forward to your views on my proposal.’
‘I am sure we can all come to an agreement.’ Rising, he held out a hand, shook the older man’s hand and turned to Holly. ‘You ready?’
‘Yes.’ Not that she sounded sure, and her blue eyes were worried as they rested on her father.
‘Go!’ Thomas smiled as he made shooing motions with his hands. ‘I will talk to you tomorrow.’
Holly moved over to kiss his cheek and then followed Stefan from the room.
As they headed to the car she stopped, turned to him. ‘Would you like to go to Forester’s Glade?’