Page 72 of The Real
I touched my forehead to his, my eyes wide and searching.
“What are you doing?” He chuckled as I climbed on top of him and peered at him closely.
I was sure I looked like a cartoon character as I pressed in. “I’m looking for your third eyelid, you lizard!”
He laughed and with the swipe of his arm, pinned me beneath him. It was then that I noticed his only flaw was a faint bruise on his chin.
“What happened?” I asked as I lifted to press my lips against it.
“Max caught me with an elbow on the court,” he said pulling away from my lips, “and don’t change the subject.”
“Fine. I can’t get away with shit when you’re around,” I grumbled while my cheeks flamed.
“I was forced to watch you for too long before I got to touch you. I’ve gotten good at it. And don’t get too comfortable with your I don’ts, either. I do seem to recall shower sex being a definite no.”
“Dick persuasion will not work on me, sir. That was a fluke.”
His beautiful lips twitched. “A . . . fluke.”
“Your job is to woo, not sway opinions,” I reminded.
“Well, after all the effort you just put in to dress up for me, I will woo, madam.”
Still slightly embarrassed, I shook my head and stared at the ceiling.
He trailed his lips from my neck to my ear. “I love that you did all of this for me. I loved watching you doll yourself up for my benefit. I got hard when you blew on your nails. Abbie, you are beautiful without all that effort, but it makes me feel so good that you do it for me.”
Pulling me to sit, he plucked one of the freshly cut roses from the small glass vase beside the bed and handed it to me. I knew the arrangements of pale pink stems placed strategically throughout the cabin weren’t a coincidence. Cameron had sent a few dozen roses in the same shade to my house in the last few weeks. I constantly filled my nose with their sweet scent.
“Thank you,” I said before I pressed the flower to my nose and inhaled. “I meant to ask you, of all the flowers you left at my table, why did you decide to send roses?”
He rubbed one of the delicate petals between his fingers. “It was the only flower you picked up first, instead of an afterthought, before you left the coffee shop. I knew then they were your favorite.”
“I didn’t even know they were my favorite.” I sighed as he traced my neck with his lips. “You really are the king of woo.”
“King of woo?” he repeated in question, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Yeah,” I said softly, “you earned it. So, what’s on the docket today?”
“Well, first I’m going to ruin all your hard work,” he said, reaching for the buttons on my shirt and freeing them before he slowly pushed the fabric away so it slid off of my shoulders. Eyes intent on mine, my nipple peaked under the careful trace of his finger.
“King of woo,” he said softly, his tickled grin showcasing the divots at the corners of his mouth. “I like it.”
I said his name on a prayer when he took the stiff peak in his mouth.
Wordless, he gently pushed me beneath him and sank between my thighs. I locked my legs around him while he lined himself up at my entrance and held his weight above me. His sculpted chest on display, my greedy fingers explored.
Pushing in slightly, he watched my reaction to him as the buzz between us increased.
“Damn,” he grunted as I tightened around him. His lips parted as he thrust in further.
“I knew it.”
“Knew what?” I rasped out as he pressed me into the mattress, making sure I felt every inch of him.
“Maybe I didn’t know, but I had a feeling,” he whispered before his mouth took mine and he buried himself. No further explanation needed.
I was doing it. I was running in the woods, and it wasn’t because I was being pursued by a mass murderer, which was a definite bonus. Cameron had dressed me that morning in one of his thick sweaters that hung down past my knees. I also had my leggings, coat, scarf, gloves, and snow boots on. I looked ridiculous, but I was warm, and getting warmer as we ran through the woods.