Page 2 of Quinn (The Beck Brothers 3)
Quinn took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself down. He was practically vibrating with anger. He could not believe Peter did this without even asking him first. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to spend five full days with Margot, but he had to share a room with her, too? That was insane! Did Peter want him to go crazy? Not only from Margot’s fidgeting, but also with lust. His body didn’t care that she was annoying; all it cared about was how sexy she was. He was seriously going to reconsider his friendship with Peter for this stunt.
Margot sat quietly as she absorbed the news that Peter just gave them. She could tell that Quinn was livid. His face was blank but his body was wound up tight. She did not mind going; in fact, she thought it would be a great opportunity to learn something new possibly. Her only hesitation was Quinn - he did not care for her. She knew she irritated him with her fidgeting, but she just was not the type of person to sit still. Quinn was a quirky guy, and he had many pet peeves that she apparently touched on.
Margot considered herself a complete fool because she liked him anyway. He was complex, like a puzzle she needed to figure out. It definitely did not hurt that he was extremely handsome with his medium-brown hair and chocolate eyes that were framed with long dark lashes. His lips were full and firm looking, making her wonder what they would feel like against hers. She caught herself many times just staring at him.
From what Margot could see, considering he always wore a shirt and tie, was that he had an amazing body. His shirts were fairly form fitting and showed off his broad chest and back. He would sometimes roll his sleeves up to reveal his muscled forearms. He had a delicious derrière, too. Every pair of pants he owned hugged his firm tush, making Margot want to drool. She could only imagine what he looked like underneath his clothes.
“I have never been to London, have you?” Margot asked Quinn, who was still standing in front of her desk.
Quinn opened his eyes and looked down at her. “No,” he said shortly.
“Maybe we can do some sightseeing if we have time, yes?” Margot asked hopefully. She would love to get the chance to look around London. Go see some of the sights.
Quinn gave her a sharp nod before moving back over to his drafting table. Margot had hopes of possibly getting on his good side on this trip. Maybe if he got to know her outside of work, he would come to like her better. Margot was not used to people not liking her. Usually everyone liked her bubbly attitude and openness. She normally did not care about what people thought of her, she was who she was and she would change for no one. Something about Quinn not liking her rubbed her the wrong way, though. It was her new mission in life to get him to like her, even if it was only as a friend.
“You’re going with me to my brother’s wedding,” Quinn told her as he sat down.
Margot blinked at him. “I do not want to go if you do not want me there, Quinn.”
Quinn lifted his eyes to meet hers. She could see that there was going to be no arguing with him. “You’re going,” he said with finality.
Margot pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine,” she said after a moment.
Margot was sure there was something wrong with her. Was she really going to let him tell her what to do? There was something extremely sexy about him when he was being domineering though. Oui, there was definitely something wrong with her.
“When is the wedding?” Margot asked.
“The first Saturday in March,” Quinn replied.
Margot nodded and added it to the calendar on her computer. She really did want to go. His brothers seemed really friendly and charming when she met them a few months ago. She could not remember ever being in the presence of such a handsome group of men. Every one of them was good-looking and built. They were all tall and broad, and were all blonde, except for Quinn, who had brown hair. There was no mistaking that they were brothers since the resemblance between the four of them was apparent.
Even in the short amount of time that she spent with them, she realized that Quinn was very different from his brothers. The rest of them seemed fairly outgoing, while he was quiet and reserved. His one brother, Christian, seemed a little shy. There was a difference between being mildly shy and being intentionally reticent though. Margot has worked with Quinn for close to a year now, and he never said one word about having brothers. Really, she knew nothing about him. He never talked about himself. Maybe this little trip will open him up a bit.