Page 3 of Pregnant & Lush: Sam
The hard part was getting the girl I had come to know as Vanessa to agree. I pulled an end run around her and went above her head to her boss, who happened to be her mother. All it took was the show of interest on my part to get her on my side. I never claimed to be the ambassador of moral aptitude. I’m one of those by any means necessary types.
I don’t know what passed between her and her daughter, but the day before the party I got the answer I was hoping for. I had someone drop off the uniform in the size her mom had given me. It was good that I got her on my side, and the fact that she was obviously looking to get her daughter married off worked in my favor.
I didn’t bat a lash when she told me a size eight for the skirt and a medium for the top. But my heart had gone into overdrive. Those ugly ass frocks she favored had to be a sixteen at least. I still don’t know how the fuck she pulled that off. As an aside, she once told me she didn’t want someone to like her for her looks. I had to tell her she’d gone way too far in the opposite direction. But back to our illustrious meeting and coming together.
The night of the party I almost gave myself away because I couldn’t stop checking the door every five minutes. When my sister called me on it I told her I was nervous because I was the one responsible for the cake and what if something went wrong? She bought it and left me alone to sweat. This whole thing could blow up in my face. I’d already played on the mother to get as much info as I could, so if I dropped shit now she’d be pissed.
It shouldn’t matter that much, but that damn bakery was right around the corner from my office and they made the best damn carrot muffins. The shits went for five bucks a pop but they were worth every penny. If I fucked this up I’d have to find a new place for my fix and that’s easier said than done.
When she finally arrived I realized I’d been holding my breath. My eyes went straight to her ass as she turned to set up the cake on the table specifically there for it. And what a fine ass it was. She took too long to turn around so that I could see the rest of her, fiddling with the display while I had flop sweat from suspension.
I walked over and stood behind her for a good minute to check out her ass before alerting her to my presence. “Hello Vanessa, glad you made it. The cake looks amazing.” Yeah, the cake. I forgot all about the cake as soon as she turned around and I got my first look at her tits in the top that just barely narrowly escaped being too tight.
Her cleavage was mouth watering to say the least, and the high firm tilt of her tits had me already undressing her in the nearest empty room available. I didn’t even try to hide the fact that I was taking her all in, pink cheeks and all. “Was it hard to find the place?” Hard, maybe I should steer clear of those kind of words.
“No, no trouble at all.” When did I start finding shyness so hot? Usually that shit would grate on my last damn nerve, but for some reason coming from her it made my dick all the more harder. She avoided my eyes and looked down at the floor, just a few inches up she’d get an eyeful of dick. I wasn’t shy about that shit.
My boy was full hard and at the ready. The only thought on my mind as she talked cake, was how long it was going to take me to get her flat on her back with her legs in the air. I knew enough from checking her out secretly these last few weeks to know that I had to take things nice and slow.
My annoying ass sister and my nosy mother came over to gush over the pink and white confection she’d made and I finally did take the time to admire her handiwork. It really was good, very intricate. Fuck I care? I wanted in between her thighs as soon as fucking possible. I’ll praise her cakes to the sky just as soon as I break one off and get this damn monkey off my back.
All that first evening I kept her in my sights. The one draw back to setting her up like this was the attention she got from the other dicks in the room. I kept going to her and making small talk, bringing her juice or water and little plates of appetizers just so the assholes got the hint and stayed the fuck away.