Page 86 of California Caress
Of course, the thought of Charles and Angelique feebly attempting to work a claim didn’t help to diminish the smile lacing her lips. The two would never survive! She could no more imagine Angelique working by her husband’s side than she could picture Charles wearing a pair of unfashionable denims and a flannel, flinging a pick, or up to his knees in mud as he panned a river, while Angelique whined from the bank about chipping a nail or tearing her skirt.
Hope sucked in a ragged breath when Drake’s thumb slipped over her jaw, under her chin. He pulled her laughing gaze back to his. “What are you smiling at?” he repeated.
“I was just wondering,” she shrugged, an impish twinkle sparkling in her large brown eyes. Her spirit hadn’t felt this light in years! “Do you think California will survive after those two are done with it?”
Drake grinned. “Not a chance. The governor will probably be forced to secede the state from the sheer humiliation of having them there.”
Hope giggled, instinctively turning her cheek into Drake's palm. It was roughly calloused, exactly the way she had remembered it in her dreams. “Maybe they’ll be lucky and the Indians will revolt again. Or Mexico will—”
Without warning, and before she could finish the thought, Hope found herself scooped into Drake’s embrace and being kissed soundly. The hat was knocked from his head, leaving only the sky blue bandanna to cover his nakedness; a nakedness that managed to press and warm every available inch of her front.
“Put me down, you fool!” she cried, swatting his bare shoulders and pushing from his embrace. Try though she might, Hope couldn’t stop her hungry gaze from roving up and down his exposed body. She cleared her throat trying to clear away the breathless passion that clouded her thoughts. “You said you had a job to offer me. What is it? I—I think I might be interested after all.”
“Oh really?” he said as his fingers slipped free the buttons lining her back. “And what changed your mind?” Hope grinned shyly as she untied his bandanna. She started to look down, then, realizing what was there, decided against it. Reluctantly, she met his gaze. “I—I think I love you, too.”
The smile that split his face couldn’t have been wider. “I’ve been waiting a lifetime to hear you say that, sunshine,” Drake groaned as he slipped the minty silk down her arms, then captured her to his chest. His heart drummed rhythmically beneath her palms, his flesh warm and firm against her hand.
“Now, tell me about this job,” Hope insisted, using up the last shred of her self-control. Shifting slightly, she helped him in lifting the white cotton chemise over her head. In less than a minute the cool breeze was caressing her naked flesh. “What does it pay? What are the hours? Is travel included? I’m afraid I don’t travel well, although I must say I do a hell of a lot better than Bentley. Bentley!” Her eyes widened as she pushed away from him. “Oh, my God, I’ve got to get to Norfolk and let her know I won’t be—what are you laughing at? Drake?”
Drake tried to wipe away his grin with a hand. It wouldn’t go. “There’s—um—there’s something else I guess I should tell you, sunshine. But I don’t think you’re going to be too happy to hear it.”
“I’m listening.” Her brown eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her toe tapped the ground with impatience. “Well? What is it?”
For the first time in his life, Drake Frazier actually looked sheepish. “You don’t have to go to Norfolk, Hope. Bentley’s already on her way to Boston. She—um—she left last week.”
“Last week?!” Hope shook her head emphatically and the chestnut waves tossed at her waist. “She couldn’t have. I just got a letter from her today saying—wait a minute. How did you know about Bentley? I only met her three weeks ago. You couldn’t possibly have—”
“Yes, I could have. She’s—oh boy, this is tougher than I thought it would be—” His cheeks flooded with color and Drake grinned rakishly, hoping to soften the blow. “Bentley Stillwell’s my great-aunt, sunshine. Frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t see the resemblance. Everybody always comments on how much we look alike.”
“Stillwell? Your what?” she asked flatly. She hadn’t heard him right. She couldn’t have heard him right!
“My great-aunt. My grandmother’s sister. My mother’s aunt. My great-uncle’s wife. My—”
“Why you rotten, no-good, son-of-a—” Hope’s jaw tightened as she planted her hands against his chest and pushed for all she was worth.
“Arrrgh!” Drake stumbled backwards and his bare foot caught on a forked tree branch. He tumbled over the bank, landing in the icy river with a splash. He came up wiping the water from his face, gasping for air and shivering. Droplets of water spattered the air like tiny crystals as he shook his head.
He squinted against the sun and looked at Hope on the bank. The arrogant smile was still in place, although the sensuous lips were now etched blue. “Guess this means you don’t want to hear about the taxes I paid on your land, huh?” he asked with that endearing, lopsided grin.
“Why, you—!” Hope kicked the ground in frustration, then spotted his nice, dry, clothes. With a sly grin, she scooped them all up and delivered the pile to Drake in the river.
His undershorts were caught by the current and immediately started to float away. Drake swore hotly and dove after them. Her anger quickly thawed and she started to laugh when he stubbed his toe on a buried rock, which caused him to curse even louder—and with such imagination!
“Think this is funny, do you, wench?” he growled, tossing his soaking wet clothes to dry land before wading to the bank. “Well, let’s see how you like it, shall we?”
Like a panther, he crawled out of the water and stalked threateningly toward her, a menacing grin turning his lips. His wet body glistened magnificently in the flickering sunli
Instinctively, Hope backed up a step, then another. Soon she was running. He caught her easily—as if she’d ever harbored a doubt that he wouldn’t.
“No, Drake, don’t!” she pleaded, pummeling his chest and trying to scoot away.
With one arm under her knees, and the other around her waist, he lifted her high in the air. His cold, water-slick skin pressed against her side, and he laughed when she clung to his neck, trembling.
“No, Drake, don’t!” he mimicked, as he reached the bank and tossed her into the twisting river.
The water was ice cold, but Hope wasn’t given a chance to notice. In an instant he had joined her, and caught her to him before she could break the surface.