Page 125 of Private Lives
‘So you were with Carla?’ said Larry, not missing a trick. ‘I didn’t know you were even talking these days.’
‘We’ve always tried to keep up the tradition of going out on Jonas’s birthday, however awkward it is, because Jonas loves it. But this time we actually had a lovely day. Went to the New Forest. Carla and I weren’t even at each other’s throats for once.’
‘And what did her banker fellow think of that?’
‘He didn’t know. She’s divorcing him.’
Larry guffawed, slapping the table.
‘And now she’s sniffing back after you, is she?’
‘Don’t be daft. That ship has sailed.’
His father looked at him probingly.
‘So, I’m enjoying the firm,’ Matthew said, to divert the subject.
‘So I believe,’ replied Larry.
‘You have spies reporting back to you, eh?’
Larry chuckled.
‘Something like that. Are you bringing work in yet?’
‘I’m acting for Rob Beaumont in his divorce,’ said Matthew casually.
Larry looked suitably impressed. ‘Really? That’s a good one. Very high-profile. And how’s it going?’
Matt hesitated. He realised that he had spent twenty years pretending that his father’s approval didn’t matter to him, when really it mattered very much indeed. The last thing he wanted to admit was that the Rob Beaumont divorce wasn’t going well, but he knew he would welcome his father’s take on things.
‘Actually, the poor sod is screwed.’
Larry laughed. ‘Surely not, when he’s got the best family lawyer in the country on his side?’
His father’s words did little to reassure him.
‘Kim – Rob’s wife – is having an affair with an American and wants to move out there to be with him, taking the child with her.’
‘This is Rob’s child?’
Matt nodded. ‘The courts will order the child lives with Kim, I’m sure of it. Rob can refuse consent to take the kid out there, but you know she’ll get round that.’
‘The law can be a b
itch,’ said Larry. ‘So who’s the boyfriend?’
‘Fabio Martelli, some uber-rich Miami businessman.’
Matt watched as his father sipped his tonic, mulling the problem over.
‘So what’s your advice been so far?’ he asked.
‘I’ve been realistic with him,’ said Matthew. ‘Kim will eventually get the residence order to have her son with her, but if Rob withholds consent, we could keep Oliver in the country for another eighteen months.’
Larry nodded with approval. ‘By which time Kim’s affair might be over?’
‘It’s what I figured.’