Page 36 of Private Lives
‘So is this injunction locked down or not? ’Cos from where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re just sitting on your keisters over there.’
Sitting in the barrister’s chambers, Anna looked at the computer screen wishing that Skype conference calling hadn’t been invented. Not only could she hear Jim Parker calling from five thousand miles away in LA, but now she could see him. And Jim Parker really didn’t look happy. She glanced over at Sam and Nigel Keyes, their QC. They didn’t look over the moon either.
‘As you know, Mr Parker, we arranged the temporary injunction last week, so we’re here in court today to get everything finalised by close of play. We can’t go any quicker than we are already going.’
‘Sure, yeah,’ snapped Parker. ‘Meanwhile this hooker and her shyster PR guy are talking to the papers.’
Anna clenched her fists. Up until now she had been dealing with Sam’s straight-talking manager Eli Cohen. Eli was old-school, he understood the process and trusted Donovan Pierce to deliver. Jim Parker, Sam’s agent, on the other hand, seemed to think lawyers were slightly below criminals in terms of trustworthiness.
‘The temporary injunction does gag them, Mr Parker,’ said Anna. ‘But obviously we’ll all be happier when it’s formalised.’
‘And you can guarantee me this will kill the story dead?’
Anna exhaled, trying to keep her cool. She suspected that this was just Hollywood power play – Parker was flexing his muscle in front of his client, showing Sam that he was prepared to fight his corner, even if these Limeys weren’t.
‘There are no guarantees,’ said Anna patiently. ‘Last week’s application was an ex parte injunction, which means Blake and Katie weren’t in court. Today they’ll be there with their lawyers. But still, today should be just a formality.’
‘Don’t give me a formality,’ sneered Parker, his voice crackling through the speaker. ‘There’s always ways to fuck with people. It’s what I do for a living.’
‘With respect, Mr Parker, this is the British judicial system . . .’
‘Cut the crap,’ said Parker. ‘I want a result. I want it by the end of the day. You call me as soon as you get that gagging order in your hands, okay? And Sam?’
‘Yes, Jim?’
‘You let me know if there’s anything you need. I’m always at the end of the line for you, you hear?’
‘Thanks, Jim.’
The screen went blank and Anna let out a silent sigh. Nigel Keyes QC raised a bushy grey eyebrow.
‘Well, I think Mr Parker’s position is clear,’ he said, rising. ‘Let’s go and appease our American friends then, shall we?’
‘Could you just give us a moment?’ Anna said, glancing at Sam.
‘Of course,’ Nigel replied. ‘I’ll be outside.’
When he had closed the door, Anna turned to Sam.
‘Sorry about that,’ he said. ‘Jim can be a little abrasive at times. I think he’s just worried about getting this nailed down.’
Sam’s skin still had a deep glow, having returned from Capri a few days earlier. But the actor looked far from relaxed.
‘It’s only natural to be anxious at times like this,’ said Anna. ‘But what I said was true, it really is only a formality. I have done lots of injunctions like this; if a judge is prepared to grant a temporary gagging order, there’s no reason for him to change his mind about the permanent one.’
Sam nodded, but he didn’t look reassured.
‘Well, there’s nothing else we can do now,’ he said, standing. ‘I’ll push off so long as you call me the second it’s done.’
‘Of course.’
She felt for him, but she was confident that his worries were unfounded. The important thing was that he understood how close he had come to disaster. Experience told her that some clients never learned their lesson, but she suspected that this episode had put Sam Charles off parties and tequila for life.
‘Did you tell Jessica?’ she asked suddenly. She still didn’t approve of his unfaithfulness, of course, but she felt invested in his future. She wanted him to do the right thing.
‘No, I bloody didn’t,’ he said, looking at her incredulously.
‘But what about the chat we had in Capri? About you being happy?’