Page 16 of Redemption
Chapter Fifteen
He getson his elbows and gazes down at me, his bright eyes casting a spell I can’t break, not that I wantto.
“Come away with me,” he says softly.
“Me? Away?” I’m so drunk on him I can’t even string a coherent sentence together. It could be from the shock of suddenly ending a complete and utter sex deprivation, or from how earth-shattering sex has just been. Most probably a combination ofboth.
He leans forward to touch my lips with his. A chaste kiss that is somehow more erotic than all the deeper ones. He speaks over my mouth, the words forming on both our lips atonce.
“I know a place in the country. It is quiet and remote. We would be alone. All day and all night.”
All day and all night! God, there is nothing I want more. I crave this man like he is some kind of drug. His cool demeanor draws me in instead of doing the opposite. It’s his eyes. The heat in them, and the need that sizzles my insides.
“We could leave anytime you like. Tomorrow? Tonight?”
Now it’s my turn to laugh, but weakly. Escaping into the night with him sounds like the craziest best idea in the world. He stares atme.
“I can’t just leave town at the drop of ahat.”
For a few seconds I can’t remember why not either.
Yes, of course. My job. My responsibilities. The people who depend on me. Although, to be perfectly honest, at this moment, with his steady heartbeat matching my own, everyone else can go to hell … except I’m bound to my little munchkin. I can’t just disappear on her to run off with some guy who knows how to hypnotize with his eyes and hiscock.
“It won’t be for long,” he cajoles. He kisses the tip of my nose, my chin, my forehead, all the while, the full length of his powerful, well-built body is pressing intomine.
I moan, running my hands down his back, fingers reaching to caress the curve of his firm buttocks.
“How about this weekend? I promise you will not regret saying yes.” He presses his hips into mine. Jesus! He’s hard again.
“I have to work this weekend.”
I can’t stop running my hands over him. I feel the electricity living in his skin snap at my fingertips. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this for all these years. I don’t regret focusing on Janna, but hell, I need thistoo.
He grinds his erection into me and I groan and wriggle invitingly. When he does that I find it impossible to think.
He moves to my neck, sucking lightly, not deterred in the slightest by all of my perfectly legitimate excuses. I want to go, but how can I leave Janna so suddenly?
“Think about it before you say no,” he murmurs, mouth just below my ear, hot breath setting me aflame.
“I really … really … ah … don’t want to … ah … say no, but … I’ve never … ah … left Janna for a whole … oh God … weekend.”
He sucks my nipple. “What was it you said again?”
“I … oh … yes … no. No, I can’t leave Janna,” I croak.
He lifts his gorgeous head, searing me with his eyes. “Is there no one else who can take care of her for the weekend?”
“I’ve never left her alone before.”
“Can your flatmate not take care of her? What’s hername?”
“Cindy,” I supply.
“I’m happy to pay her if she’ll agree to do it. Ask her to name her price.”
My eyes widen. “She won’t want money.”
He stares at me, his eyes blazing with frustration. “Won’t you at least try to find someone to take care of her? Your parents perhaps?”
“Okay, I’ll try,” I whisper, not wanting to break the spell of this closeness by disappointing him, even though I know I can’t go. I want to stay wrapped in this cocoon of his skin and heat for the rest of my life. To think I didn’t even know this man lastweek.
Now I think I might be falling forhim.
* * *