Page 6 of Campus God (Campus)
Of course it would have to be him.
Had I known that tonight would turn out to be such a clusterfuck, I would have stayed home, ordered pizza, and curled up with a good movie. Maybe read a book. Instead, I’m here. Dealing with the two guys who top my shit list. It’s like a cosmic joke.
When his attention drops to my breasts, my nipples tighten under the intensity of his scrutiny. Heat fills my cheeks as embarrassment slams into me full force. I could try to convince myself it’s from the cold liquid that has soaked the front, but deep down I know it’s a lie. It’s the heat of his stare that has my body reacting this way.
I steel myself for a nasty comment. Instead, his jaw tightens as the muscles tic in his cheek. When he releases his hold on my shoulders, a little sigh of relief escapes from me. It’s short lived as his fingers lock around my wrist before he drags me through the congested kitchen and into the dining room. The music continues to thump around us as the lights remain low.
“Hey! Let go of me!” My feet stumble to keep pace with him as I try to jerk my arm free. “What are you doing?”
“Taking you upstairs.”
Ummm…excuse me?
Hell, no.
I don’t want to go anywhere with this guy.
When I yank my arm for a second time, attempting to break his hold, his grip turns punishing and I wince. The press of people part for him like the Red Sea as they try to scurry out of his way. I can’t say I blame them. Given half a chance, I’d scramble out of Crosby’s way as well. Thirty seconds later, I’m dragged up the staircase. Each step has my heart rioting more painfully against my ribcage until the organ feels like it’ll explode from my chest.
“Crosby,” I grunt, continuing to struggle as we reach the second-floor landing and move steadily down the hallway. He stalks past two closed doors before grabbing the handle of the third and throwing it open. I’ve been here enough times with Sasha to know this is Easton’s room. He drags me across the threshold before slamming the door shut behind us. Only then am I released. I stumble backward, trying to put enough distance between us. But how much is enough?
I have no idea.
This is the first time we’ve been alone together.
Warily, I rub my wrist and glare, just to make sure he understands I’m not a willing participant in whatever he thinks is going to happen here. I take my gaze off him long enough to glance at my wrist. It feels like the flesh has been scalded by his touch. It’s almost a surprise when I don’t find burn marks.
Crosby and I might exchange barbs whenever we’re around one another, but he’s never laid his hands on me.
Not like this.
The thought sends a fresh wave of shock flooding through me as goosebumps spring up, skittering across my skin.
Eyebrows lowered, my upper lip curls. “What’s your problem?”
“I don’t have one,” he says calmly as his fingers settle at the hem of his navy T-shirt before slowly dragging it up his body and over his head.
Even with the dim lighting in the room, my eyes widen as a bare chest rippling with well-honed muscles comes into view.
Holy cow.
I might have spent a lot of time hanging out at Andrew’s apartment when we were together, but I never caught a glimpse of Crosby without his shirt on. A mental fog descends as my mouth turns cottony at the sight of it. For a long stretch of silent moments, the only sounds that can be heard are the muted music from the party raging downstairs and my heartbeat as it pounds viciously in my ears.
“See something you like?” His voice sounds as if it’s been scraped from the bottom of the ocean. It slips beneath my skin and does strange things to my insides before twisting them up into a painful knot.
I don’t have to glance at his face to realize there will be a mocking smirk curving his lips. That notion is enough to puncture the sexual haze clouding my better judgment. Heat floods my face as I drop my gaze to my hands.
The last thing I need is for this guy to suspect just how much he’s able to affect me. That would be a mistake. One he would never let me live down.
I clear my throat. “I’m leaving.” I take a tentative step toward the door, knowing that I’ll have to sidle around him since he’s blocking it.
What’s he going to do?
Keep me trapped inside?
A burst of fear-spiked excitement explodes inside me.
His lips twitch as he shifts his stance, shadowing my movement and blocking any avenue for escape. “You’re not going anywhere until you take off that shirt.”